The pleasure ride

Raindrops bounced off the ground. The spokes of the wheel blurred, each stranded together all at once. The sound of loose mud beneath the tires created a noise akin to metallic music. The speed brought the cold rain into my face; my eyelids flickered till I decided to shut them. My green polo gave up on keeping my body dry a while ago.

Not caring if the water soaks through to chill my skin. I was lost in thought, thinking about what will happen when I get to Aunt Uka's house. Will she welcome me with open arms? Or will she be gravely mad at me? That is what most women would do, you can't blame her. She brought me to Lagos to help my life and how did I pay her back? I broke her husband's head with a wine bottle. What happened to Uncle Philip? What about the girl he was having sexual intercourse with? How did she escape? Did Aunt Uka meet her naked and tied to her master bed? I tried picturing her reaction but failed. One thing is certain though, she is a no-nonsense woman.