Just Married

The big bright sun peeked out of the clear sky from time to time. A pleasant breeze rustled the native compound and its surrounding bushes, cooling the guests as they danced to sweet Afro melodies from the Legend Osadebe. The men moved gallantly to the beats while the women vibrated their buttocks, stumping their feet on the ground raising dust.

I sat on a specially cane-weaved chair under a canopy, hidden from the burning sun. Balloons and streamers fluttered around the railing and bannisters, a festive mixture of pink, light blue, and white. The smell of fresh-cut flowers mixed with the sweet aroma of joilef rice filled the air.

To the left of me were rows of cars glittering in the sun. A stretched Limousine stood alone, decked out in ribbons and twisted coils of streamers, ready to whisk the groom and bride away. 'Just Married' was painted across the dark rear window.