Will you go out with me?

The blades of the "OX" standing fan beside me blurred into one as it speedily rotated, supplying a rush of fresh air over me. Cooling my body and drying off my sweat. It had been a long service, after shouting, walking around and praying. I was exhausted, needed to rest, to have someone rub my feet and make me laugh. Someone to share my thought with and the only person I could think of was Heaven.

My eyes wandered around the crowd in search for her and saw her amidst two other girls chatting and smiling. I watched her like she had the stars in her hands and soft petals at her feet. Right there, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and never let go.

I wanted to call her but couldn't find my voice. So with my eyes pinned on her, I waited patiently for her eyes to find me and when our eyes lock. Her lips formed the perfect smile and she waved softly.