Sweet temptation

When I thought I have heard enough for one night, Heaven came up with another. I was in shock and speechless for a moment, different ideas floored me. This is a temptation, the work of the Devil, so I choked out, "No, Heaven, I don't think so. That's really a bad idea."

Showing her usual stubborn streak, Heaven cast aside my protest. "Why? I'm only talking about sleeping, okay? I just want to feel warm and have your skin close to mine. The night is really cold…"

"Sweet… Jesus! I'm your pastor…" I said in exasperation, "I care for you, I want you, and I wish we could lie together but I can't. That's like stepping into the fire with both eyes wide open. And no man in his right senses will do that."

"How? What kind of temptation would that be? It's not like we are going to do anything. I'm not going to be naked self. So where will the temptation come from? Unless you are telling me you don't have self-control"