"I am a sinner!"

The office walls were covered with grey and ivory wallpapers and motivational photography with silver frames. It had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium. A bookshelf was in the other corner, with yet another stack of papers under a paperweight that was shaped to look like a tuft of grass. A few pens were lying on the papers, but some had fallen onto the top of the bookshelf.

I was seated behind the grey mahogany desk studying the word of the Most High when suddenly, my thoughts shifted from the word to Heaven and how things ended between us the last time we had sex. Before that day I was celibate, never really thought of sex or a woman in that way. That night in the company of Heaven unlocked the want for intercourse, her refusal afterwards only intensified my desire and want for it.

Still lost in thought, there was a soft knock on the door. Wondering who it was, I said in an undertone.