5. Pay of debt

Ling Fei slightly frowned, it seems that it can not hide.

"Well, since you have to ask me to say a few words, then I will talk about my own views. If there is anything that is not heard, don't be angry."

The old man laughed and said:

"Not angry, you said."

Ling Fei glanced at him and said:

"No matter what you practice, exercise, and pay attention to the beginning and end. Although your Tai Chi is tangible and colorful, it lacks a spirituality, indicating that you are half-way, and you have not laid the foundation when you are young."

The old man glimpsed, slightly a little dazed expression, apparently being said by Ling Fei.

Ling Fei continued:

"Secondly, your attack, a little bit of killing, shows that you have been a soldier, and may even be in a low position. Otherwise, the body of the body will not be honed by the gentle Tai Chi. Drop it."

The old man is sitting cross-legged on Ling Fei's side.

"Little friends, you continue to say."

His name has become a small friend, and it is conceivable that his heart has been convinced by Ling Fei.

Ling Fei continued:

"Finally, your moves, some places, are not satisfactory. It doesn't seem to reach the perfect angle that the move should reach. I think this should not be that you are not training enough, but that you have injuries, and the physical reasons lead you to not be able to do your best. Go!"

Ling Fei finished at three o'clock, the old man is already stunned.

For a long time, he only said:

"I Chu Haotian has lived for most of my life, and it is the first time I have met a strange person like you. It is almost unheard of being so young, but with such a sinister vision!"

"The words are heavy, I just feel it, I don't think so."

"No, you can say it, it is enough to prove that your ability is not shallow. Little friends, do not know what your name is, if it is convenient, can you make a friend?"

Ling Fei looked down for a moment.

Since being betrayed, he has always believed that such things as friends are not needed.

However, I am now reborn, and if I still put my own state of mind in the past, is it not trapped in the cause and effect of the previous world?

Thinking of this, he faintly said:

"My name is Ling Fei."

After all, he actually found his own state of mind, some improvement!

Ling Fei's past life was a refinement of the gods. At that level, in addition to sentiment, it is difficult to improve the mind.

Now, as soon as he is promoted, his body has absorbed the power of many great emperors and gained some improvement.

Lingfei has a look inside, and the infuriating gas has been made into a mist by the gasification. It seems that it will build the foundation soon.

"Lingfei, flying in the air, proud of the world, good name."

Chu Haotian sighed with emotion, but did not find the change of Ling Fei.

"Right, Ling Xiaoyou, I don't know, I have that lucky, have two tricks with you?"

Ling Fei is a little speechless. Although Chu Haotian is a good kung fu, but he can deal with ordinary people, he can make a move with him. He can kill Chu Haotian, how can he fight?

So he decisively refused:

"If you have a trick, you will be injured, you can't play your full strength, and you won't be happy. When you are hurt, let's talk."

Chu Haotian sighed and said:

"Is it easy to talk about it? I have been with me for most of my life. When I hit the stick, I was only a teenager, and the shells hurt my waist. In this life, it seems that I have to bring the wound into the coffin. "

"It turned out to be a veteran, disrespectful."

Ling Fei's heart is still very respectful to these veterans who have made great contributions to China.

Chu Haotian waved his hand and smiled:

"Oh, old, now is the age of your young people."

Ling Fei bowed his head and pondered for two seconds, saying:

"If I don't mind, I can show you."

Chu Haotian stunned, his heart violently jumped.

"Ling Xiaoyou, are you still going to see a doctor?"

Ling Fei nodded and said:

"Slightly know one or two."

After all, he reached out and pressed it on Chu Haotian's waist. Chu Haotian felt a warm current, and his long-term waist injury actually felt much better.

He couldn't help but be deeply shocked again.

And then, Ling Fei's words made him a pair of old eyes, and could not help but cast a layer of water mist.

"Fortunately, there is cure."

Chu Haotian grabbed Ling Fei's hand and said:

"Ling Xiaoyou, you... are you talking about it?"

"Well! But I need some herbs. The Polygonum in the millennium, and the blood of Ganoderma lucidum for more than 500 years. If you have these two things, then with acupuncture, you can heal."

Chu Haotian's breathing has become somewhat difficult because of his excitement.

"Ling... Ling Xiaoyou, I can't think of Chu Haotian's half foot into the coffin, but I can meet you! It's a good fortune for three generations! This way, I am responsible for finding things. When I get there, I still have to ask you, I must help me."

Ling Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although the bloody ganoderma and the millennium Polygonum multiflorum in the five centuries are in the realm of comprehension, on earth, it is a rare thing. It is not enough to get it, but by financial means.

Unexpectedly, this Chu Haotian is actually not an ordinary person.

"A small matter. You are also the wound left for China. I should help."

"Good! Good! If there are some people like Ling Xiaoyou who can have more people in China, why not? Yes, Ling Xiaoyou, leave your phone number to me. When it is time, I will contact you."


Ling Fei told Chu Haotian his own number, Chu Haotian repeatedly thanked, and then handed Ling Fei a black card, saying thank you.

Ling Fei did not care too much, and there is not a trillion-year-old grandfather inside, there is a fart? Just put it in your pocket.

The two talked for more than half an hour, Chu Haotian's driver came to pick him up, and Ling Fei, also prepared to find a bench, spent a long night.

However, he had just lie down for a long time, a burst of fragrant winds, interrupted his good dreams.

Open your eyes, the eyes are a pair of red, tearful scorpions.

Ling Fei is a bit strange.

"How come you are here?"

"I can't come over?"

Mu Qingcheng bit his lip, a thin figure, slightly pitiful.

Ling Fei couldn't help but have some headaches.

He is not a thin-hearted person. He feels that some of his past lives are owed to the city. Now she sees her crying, and she feels that she is too unfair!

He did it and pulled Mucheng into his arms.

Mu's little hand was cold, he was a little distressed, and warmed her body with infuriating.

"Can you not be so stupid? In the evening, I will add a dress."

"I am stupid, what about?"

"It's obviously your big bastard bullying me, why are you still so embarrassing?"

"I clearly have no parents, even I have lost myself, but you still have to bully me?"

"I know that you are already your wife, but you still have to blame outside?"


When admiring the city, Mu Qingcheng directly picked up Xiaofenquan and kept pounding Lingfei's chest.

"You are a big bad guy! Big satyr! Dead without conscience! Flow... oh..."

The words of Mu Qingcheng were blocked because Ling Fei blocked her mouth with her own mouth.

She is also honest, her body seems to be a little soft, lying in Lingfei's arms, and can't move.