16. Angry doctor

Ling Fei looked at Lei Zi with a look of indifference, and suddenly, kicked him, and threw Lei Zi to the ground.

Lei Zi scared his head again and again.

"Ling Shao's life, Ling Shao's life."

Ling Fei faintly said:

"I have to admit my mistakes and stand up when beaten. In the future, keep your eyes clear. Don't be harassed."

"Ah, hey! If you have Ling Shao, you will remember it."


Ling Fei stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and walked outside.

The man in the burly suit frowned slightly and followed.

At the door, the burly man in the suit couldn't help humming.

Obviously, it's upset that Ling Fei just borrowed Chu's house to show prestige.

Ling Fei gave him a look and said:

"Speak out if you are upset, and get angry in your heart."

The burly man in a burly suit sneered, saying:

"Less pretend to me, they are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you. I have seen more of you like you. I have seen more, more!"

A strange arc appeared at the corner of Ling Fei's mouth. With a glance at his eyes, the burly man in the suit suddenly felt himself falling into the boundless hell!

Here, the corpse traverses the wild, and the blood flows into the river!

He was on a pile of bones, and his body was tied to a stake. In front of him, Ling Fei's figure was divided into five, and everyone had a long knife in his hand.

Everyone stabbed him on his body, and the painful pain caused him to collapse.

At this time, all of a sudden, everything had returned to its original state. The burly man in a suit, immediately half-knelt on the ground, gasped heavily.

All his suits were soaked with sweat. The part that was cut by Ling Fei in the fantasy just now seems to be faintly hurting.

"You ... what did you do to me? Hypnosis?"

The corner of Ling Fei's mouth raised a scorn of scorn.

"Hypnosis? I haven't played that kind of childish trick for a long time. This is illusion, for killing!"

The man in a suit bodyguard was shocked.

This kind of thing called illusion is really terrible! Beat the spirit of others and kill invisible!

At this moment, he no longer dares to underestimate Ling Fei.

"Mr. Ling, I'm sorry, but I was abrupt."


Ling Fei nodded and motioned to forgive him.

The man in a suit bodyguard immediately came to a Jeep Wrangler and opened the door.

"Ling Shao, please."

Ling Fei got on the car, and he quickly got on the car and started the car, heading for Chu's house.


At this time, the Chu Family Manor also drove in a Wuling God Car.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a car like Wuling to have the opportunity to enter the gate of the Chu family manor.

However, the license plate number of this car is five and six!

Wuling Hongguang went directly to the villa door in the manor house, and an old man with a crane-like appearance came down, with a ruddy complexion and a light footstep, and looked extremely tough.

With two boxes in his hands, he walked into the villa with a smile, and before he entered the door, he began to shout with a throat:

"Lao Chu, I'll send you what you want!"

After hearing the news, Chu Lao soon came out to greet him.

"Lao Dong, you're fast enough! I just called and you sent it!"

"I heard that you found a divine doctor, and I'm afraid you'll be fooled, so I have to run over the first time to help you test."

Chu Lao smiled and said:

"Dong Dong, don't be convinced, this doctor I'm looking for is really more likely than yours!"

"If you say this, then my surname Dong will not be convinced!"

The two were talking, and a horn came out of the door. Chu Lao pointed at the door and laughed:

"Dong Dong, aren't you convinced? People are here now. Let's pick them up."

"Okay! My old Dong wants to see today, what kind of god-man is the one who can coax your old Chu around."

Two people came to the door of the villa, and Ling Fei just got off the car.

Chu Lao immediately embraced his fists with both hands.

"Ling Xiaoyou."


Ling Fei nodded, put his hands in his pockets, and went in with a look of indifference.

The old Dong opened his eyes wide and pointed at Ling Fei toward the old road of Chu:

"Lao Chu, don't tell me, this is the god doctor you are looking for!"

Chu Laohe laughed:

"Old man, you cannot look at each other, and you cannot weigh seawater. Although Ling Xiaoyou is young, he has a lot of skills!"

"Fart! I think his eight achievements are a liar!"

The old Dong was furious immediately. Chu Lao quickly stopped:

"Hey! Old man, don't be rude."

"Well, Lao Chu, I know that you feel that I can't cure your illness and feel angry. But you don't need to humiliate me like that? Take a little boy and say he is a divine doctor, what am I? I know Dong Chun was three years old and I was a doctor when I was ten years old. For more than fifty years, am I a waste? "

"Lao Dong, you have misunderstood what I meant. I didn't say you couldn't do it. I asked Ling Xiaoyou for a visit."

"Hehe, isn't that right?"

The old Dong's unhappy face made Ling Fei frown slightly.

In the world of self-cultivation, young geniuses grab a lot. Some people are indeed young enough to reach levels that others cannot.

Ling Fei has even seen many old men who are one or two hundred years old. It is not unusual to see a young man who is one or two years old as a teacher.

However, this old director may be a little too serious about himself. Isn't this the so-called leaning on the old and selling the old?

The man in a suit bodyguard whispered in Ling Fei's ear:

"Mr. Ling, his name is Dong Chun, a well-known doctor in Jiangbei. For many generations of ancestors, they have been Chinese medicine practitioners, and they have a high authority throughout China. Even the gentleman of Yanjing has sought him for treatment. "

Ling Fei nodded slightly.

No wonder this old man is so arrogant, he does have a trace of capital worthy of arrogance.

However, unfortunately, this capital is not worth mentioning in his eyes!

"Chu Lao, can we start?"

"Oh, of course."

Chu old greeted Ling Fei into the villa and shouted at the bodyguard male:

"Wu Xiao, you are waiting outside. If Mr. Ling needs it, you will be a special driver for him."

"Yes, sir."

When Ling Fei came to the villa, the old Dong also followed him. He looked at Ling Fei with a look of indifference and couldn't help but taunt:

"Boy, it looks quite like it, but you look like this, it's okay to deceive others. You want to cheat my old Dong's eyes, you are not thinking! I ask you, Chinese medicine's look and ask, how much have you learned? Daquan, how many more will you memorize? How many examples have you had to cure and save people? Do you have the Chinese Medicine Association and the Chinese Medicine Practitioner Certificate issued above? "

"I don't know what you said. I don't have a medical certificate."

"Ha? I heard that right? You don't know the most basic things, so how dare you treat people? It's ridiculous!"

"But I can cure Chu's illness."

Straight line of old Dong Qi.

"I am! You are a dead liar!"