Chapter 4

Something slammed against me.

"geez watch where the hell you're going!" I yelled looking up, then I froze.

Before I stood was a beautiful brunette. She was taller than me but not too much. She wore a black skirt and a sophisticated looking grey blazer. Her eyes were emerald green.

They were memorising.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you," she said sweetly.

I came back to my senses and bent down to grab up her fallen books. I stood and handed them to her.

She smiled thanks and then walked off towards the front doors of the school. I was transfixed to my spot, till Vince started to burst out laughing.

"Damn Em, you got it bad!" said Daniel.

I scowled at him. He just continued to laugh.

I faked laughing and walked over to him. Then punched him in the gut. "Haha, that should shut you up. Dumbass."

"Man Em didn't have to hit me, I was just messing with you," he said rubbing his shoulder as we walked towards the doors.

"well next time you'll learn to shut your mouth," I said glaring at him.

We walked into the school, people were standing around in groups chattering away. Girls were screaming and running off to their friends, jumping on them like they haven't seen each other in forever. Teachers were trying their best to keep the crowd in motion, but they failed miserably.

Daniel, Vince and I walked in a door with a sign that read "office" over it. Inside were many secretary desks sat behind a counter.

"can I help you," said a secretary with dirty blonde hair, popping her gum. Her tone was rather rude.

"Yeah we are new here, my names Emery Carpathia, these are my brothers Vince and Daniel Carpathia," I said confidently. I wasn't intimidated by people.

"Oh ok well hold on," she said and got up and walked to another room off to the side.

A few minutes later she came back with three files in her hand. "ok well here's your schedules. If you will come back with me I will call a student mentor to the office for each one of you and they can show you around," she said and gestured for us to follow her.

She led us back into a small waiting area and left us.

I sat in between my brothers. Thinking about the girl that had run into me. No one had ever stunned me that way before, she was beautiful.

But wait, she looked really preppy. I could tell she was straight, And what would she want with me anyway? I was a goth. Not to mention a fighter, and a half vampire.

It wouldn't be very safe to bring a human into my life.

A few minutes later the secretary was back, three people standing behind her, and one of them happened to be the girl.

I thought sarcastically

I looked at her, she had long slender legs. Her body was very beautiful I had to say. Her lips were full, her skin was a pretty tanned olive colour. She looked like she was Italian or Greek. I couldn't stop staring.

"Okay well Vince you're in junior and so is Emery so I have two Juniors to show you two around, and Daniel, a senior for you. I put you with them because they have almost the exact same classes, so they are always around to help. They will escort you to all your classes and show you where to go for lunch," said the secretary. "Okay so Vince, this is Jimmy, he will show you where to go. And umm Daniel this is Michael, he will show you around. And you Emery, this is Trinetta, she will do the same."


I was still gawking like an idiot at the girl, she probably thought I was possessed by the weirded outlook she was giving me. Her eyes penetrated me, they were such an intense green colour. They compelled me. My brothers stood and began talking to their mentors. I stood and looked at Trinetta, who was smiling lightly, her pretty full pink lips set into cute little dimples.

"umm, it's nice to meet you, Emery! My names trenette, but you can call me Trinny!" she said in that sweet voice she had spoken to me with earlier. She held out her hand for me to shake. I stared for a second and then I put my hand into her tiny pink manicured hand.

An electric shock ran through me, my arms quivered and a cold chill ran up my spine. My hand was out of hers the second it made contact.

'what was that?'

I looked up at her, she had a confused look on her face, with a slight bit of shock.

'had she felt it too, or was she just weirded out again?'

"uhh." I stuttered.

"we should probably get going. First class starts in a few minutes," she said checking a clock on the wall behind her.

I nodded, still a little shocked, and followed her figure out of the office, my brothers already ahead of us with their mentors.

My thoughts raged inside my head.

'who was this girl and how was she compelling me like no other human?'

'I never had this feeling before.'

As I walked audibly behind her, I felt something growing inside me.

Something I had never felt before in my life. A feeling, I couldn't explain.

My heart was pounding in me. A very un-vampire thing. I only got adrenaline rushes when I either hunt or fight. But never, had I felt it, from touching a human. Just touching.

I felt the irresistible need to touch her again.

My very flesh burned for it. My body ached for it, my stomach growled at me. My arm twitched and raised a few inches on its own. I walked a little faster and was right beside her.

I was inches away and I could smell her perfume. It was intoxicating. Her hair shined under the fluorescent light in the school. My arm raised a little more, almost touching her.

Then I stopped dead in my tracks. And a growl shook inside my chest. I had no control over myself.

I hated not having control. It was something that made me the angriest.

"Hey, why did you stop? We only have two minutes to get to class" said her chipper voice. I looked up at her smiling face in front of me.

What had this girl I just met not but ten minutes ago done to me.

I started to walk again slowly.

She turned into a classroom of the crowded hall. Though it wasn't much better in the classroom. It was full of people. Girls squealing and gossiping with their friends. Guys laughing and throwing papers at each other.

"ok, I usually sit over here, so if you want you can sit here," Trinny said and pointed to a chair next to her as she sat down.

I threw my bag to the floor beside my chair and plopped down. Angry with myself now.

'how could I let a human make me lose my self-control like that? Or how about a better question, how could a human do that to me?'

"so where did you move from?" asked that chipper voice.

"Montana," I answered a little rudely. remembering the godforsaken place.

"Oh I hear its nice there," she said, still perky.

I scoffed. "yea real nice"

"Oh, I'm sorry, if you don't like to talk about it, its ok. So how old are you?" she asked lightly.

Wow, I wonder if shes always like this.

"Seventeen," I answered.

"cool, I turn seventeen on April twenty-seventh," she said, then I looked at her dumbfounded. Did I hear right?

"you said April twenty-seventh?" I asked in surprise.

She nodded, smiling.

I smiled "so is mine, but I turn eighteen."

She smiled in surprise as well. "really? Wow, we are only a year apart. that's so cool. I've never met someone with the same birthday."

I smiled. Wow. It was surprising that I was even talking to a human, much less finding something in common with one.

Just then the bell rang and the teacher walked into the room. My new light mood vanished as quickly as it came.

'God, how I hated teachers. The worst of the human infestation that seemed to coexist with us half breeds and mutants.' I laughed out loud at my own thought.

Trinny looked over at me questionably. As the teacher, whose brown hair was retreating, tried to silence the obnoxious squealing girls. I just shook my head.

"ok, settle, please! If you don't settle down within the next five seconds I will give you all a detention. And trust me detention with the janitor isn't the most fun way to spend your Saturdays." yelled the balding man. He stood at the podium waiting for the class to shut up.

"ok, I noticed we have a new student with us," he said looking over at me. "and here in English eleven, we always have a new student tradition. Would you please stand and introduce yourself? Let us know a few good things about you?" he asked.

I just sat there.

"miss Carpathia, it wasn't a suggestion."

I sighed and stood. The girls looking me up and down with disgusted looks. Some snorted.

"my names Emery, you already know my last name thanks to sir baldy, over there. And I don't like people. So leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Tada!" I said. And sat back down, smiling up at the appalled teacher. Students were looking at me with shocked expressions. Some of them laughed.

"office!" he growled.

I smiled more broadly. I looked over to the shocked Trinny, and picked up my bag and stood, walking out the door.

I laughed, "first day here and I was on my way to the office." I just laughed. Ah, the sweet familiar feeling of the first day.

Yes, I had always gotten into trouble on the first day of school I just couldn't help it. Though it wasn't like I'd get into trouble. All I had to do was compel whoever it was that I had to talk to.

I walked into the office again. The secretary who had given me my schedule. Looked up at me.

"was there a problem with your schedule?" she asked.

"Nope, I got sent here," I said smirking. She looked at me disapprovingly.

"ok, well principles office is over there," she said a little shocked.

I smiled sweetly and then walked over to the door she pointed to. I didn't knock, instead, I just turned the handle and walked in.

Yea, if you can't tell by now, I really don't care what I say or do.

I walked into the room, a desk and lots of filing cabinets were in there. A woman with grey hair sat behind the desk, looking over some papers.

"Hello! May I help you?" she asked looking up.

"not really. But baldy sent me here. So....." I said.

"ah, must be new. And you must be talking about Mr Bruner. I get at least one student each hour from him." she said looking back down laughing slightly.

'ok, not the reaction I was prepared for.'

She looked back up and smiled. The laugh lines spread out more.

"what's your name?" she asked.

"Emery," I said.

"well Emery, welcome to Bismarck high. You can sit down if you like. Thirsty?" she reached behind her to a small fridge and handed me a sprite. I took it, smiling lightly.


"um aren't I in trouble?" I asked surprised.

She looked up, "well it is your first day, I was your age once and moving to a new town and a new school is tough, plus Mr Burner and I don't really see eye to eye on things. He is always sending me students who don't do much of anything to get into trouble." she said then made a face and made an Imation of the bald teacher.

"but they made fun of my hair, I'm not bald, I have a scalp condition. I will not stand for it," she said

I laughed, how the hell was this woman a principle? Arent, they supposed to be mean and strict as usual.

She laughed along with me. Her greying hair shaping her face.

"so to answer your question, no. you're not in trouble. But instead of saying it out loud, do what one favourite student of mine does, she usually always makes funny pictures of him and puts it as the school computers wallpaper." she laughed.

Wow! The principle allows a student to make fun of a teacher? This is defiantly an alternate universe. I wonder if I was dreaming.

"by the way, my name is Mrs Jennings, principal of Bismarck high school," she said and held out her hand to shake. I shook it and she smiled at me. " I think I will like you a lot, Miss Carpathia. You remind me of myself when I was your age."

"thank you," I said still wondering if I was dreaming.

"well, you might want to go, its almost time for the second hour. Nice to meet you, Emery. Hope to be seeing you." she said. I smiled and nodded to her. I stood just as the bell rang and walked back out to the office.

'wow, this is one strange ass school.' I thought, then took out my schedule and looked to see what I had next.

Trigonometry, room 204.

'ugh, I hate math. With a passion.'

I walked down the hall, looking for the room number. I walked down the hall, and turned a corner and ran into someone.

"ugh! Watch where you walk freak, you scuffed up my new shoes." said a loud preppy voice.

I looked up to see a bleach blonde in a pink halter top and a white skirt that looked way too short.

She was looking at me with disgust. She looked like she had a least ten layers of makeup on.

"Oh I'm sorry, I usually don't talk to plastic mannequins or blonde bimbos for that matter," I said smirking.

"excuse me! What did you just call me?" she said looking appalled and looking back at her bleach blonde clones behind her.

"I didn't stutter, but if it was too much for you to understand I'll repeat it a little slower. I said I don't speak to plastic mannequins or blonde bimbos." I said very slowly, her face growing red with anger.

"look freak, you don't know who I am and how much of a hell I can make your life," she said looking at me in what she thought was a dangerous face.

"Really? Well, I could care less about who you are, and what kind of 'hell' you bring. So keep your threats to yourself, plastic." I said, getting in her face. She stepped back a little.

"You don't want me as an enemy," she said. Her clones smirking.

I smirked too, then stepped forward. " I could say the same for you."

She growled, "if I were you, I'd watch your back."

" Only cowards attack from behind," I growled back.

She stared me down for a few minutes, I didn't break eye contact, I didn't even blink, then she scoffed and turned to walk in the opposite direction.

'always the same ones. I swear, its girls like those that give all us blondes a bad name.' I thought bitterly to myself. 'First days are always like this, get into trouble, make an enemy of the popular blonde bimbo who thinks her shit don't stink. it's the worlds way of telling me that I'm defiantly going to hell'

I walked down the hall and found room 204. I walked in and went straight to he back. And found a seat and sat down. People were staring back at me. I looked up and shot them all death glares, causing them to turn back to the front.

A minute later and someone sat down next to me. The bell rang overhead.

I turned to see a guy with black hair sitting in the seat beside me.

His hair fell into his eyes and he wore black skinny jeans and a black and white Korn t-shirt.

He turned to me and smiled, his light blue eyes shining from under his black curtain of hair.

"you must be new here," he said.

"yep," I said, slumping in my seat.

"names Benjamin Blaze. But my friends call me Blaze," he said in a deep voice.

"Emery Carpathia, I have no friends to speak of, but my mom like to call me the spawn of Satan sometimes," I said, and he laughed.

"well nice to meet you spawn of Satan. Welcome to the hellhole they call a school," he said.

I laughed. This guy was kind of cool.

"so where you from?" he asked as the teacher came in and began to lecture. He dropped his voice low.

"everywhere," I said

He nodded "move a lot huh?"

I nodded.

"my dads in the military. So I know how it feels. But I moved back here with my mom a year ago. Was getting tired of new places, new schools were bitches look at you as if you're a mutant alien." he said sarcastically.

Well, yea he got that part down right. "exactly." I said

Through the class, I learned a lot about Blaze. He was a Junior like me, though e was surprised he passed at all. He hated school almost as much as I did. He told me that his parents divorced when he was eleven. He was in love with Korn, just like me. He was pretty cool. And for the first time, just like that, I had a friend.

I told him about myself, my mother liked to travel, though I left out the specific detail of why. I told him about my favourite kind of music and my enormous hate of teachers. He laughed at that. He was a loner sort of like me.

We cracked jokes about the teacher and got caught for talking too many times. He filled me in on the info about this stupid school.

He told me of the preps. Naming the most idiotic ones and what they looked like to avoid them. He described the bimbo I ran into earlier.

"Danielle White, blonde bimbo with an attitude and has guys all over her, yea be careful you might catch an std," he said laughing as the bell rang, he walked beside me.

"yea think I had a run in with her earlier. I messed up her shoes" I said doing a girly impression of her and waving my hands in the air in a distressed way. Blaze laughed.


I laughed

"so what you got next?" he asked.

"uh, government in room 340," I said, looking at my schedule.

"ha! I got that too. My friend Mark is in there. Come on, I'll show you where it is" he said. I followed Blaze down the hall. He turned into a room and we went straight to the back. The class filling up.

I sat down and Blaze sat beside me.

A guy with black and bright red streaked hair came towards us. He had long black pants with chains on and a black shirt that said, 'I can blow up people with my mind' on it.

"Hey Mark. Guess what? We got new meat." said Blaze, putting his arm around the back of my seat.

I smacked him playfully off me. He just laughed.

The guy named Mark smiled and sat on my other side. "whats up blondy?"

"you tell me, redness!" I said, Mark laughed and slumped in his seat like I was.

"don't knock my red. It's awesome," he said pretending to fix his hair. His deep brown eyes shining. He had very pale skin, almost as pale as me. He had a lip ring on the right side of his mouth, it was a hoop with a fang on it. This made me laugh.

"what?" he said, "do I have something on my face?" he said looking worried.

I just laughed more "no, I just laughing at your lip ring"

He relaxed "oh you like?"

"yea, its awesome" it was totally ironic.

"Blaze, your chick is cool, we should let her meet the other guys. Dev, Knox, and Lyric will love her." laughed Mark.

Ok, some weird names.

"yea, you should sit with us at our table, we got lunch next," said Blaze. "just watch out for Devin the Devil, he will eat anything you bring to the table."

Mark laughed "remember that time Lyric brought a slim Jim, he literally about killed her trying to get it from her."

"yea or that time he ate a candle that was in the shape of a chocolate cupcake. The dude is an eating machine" laughed Blaze

"you guys are even stranger then me" I laughed.

"you know it. Once you come down to our level. There's no going back" said Mark.

Through the rest of class, I got to know a little about Mark and Blaze and their friends. They were all in a band from what I hear. They played hard metal. Blaze and Mark played the guitar, the guy named Dev play the bass. A girl named Knox played the drums and a girl named Lyric played the keyboard.

The bell rang and the guys showed me where the cafeteria was. They led me to a table in the very back after we got some food.

At the table sat two girls and a boy. They seemed to be arguing over something. One girl with purple hair was standing and yelling at a brown haired boy who had his hair in the shape of two horns on his head.

"what the hell is wrong with you, I told you not to leave it to lose it and what the hell do you do? You lost it. Now how am I supposed to remember what I wrote? Your such a dumbass Dev." she yelled. Her wild purple hair flying in her face as she flapped her arms angrily.

"I swear I didn't mean to, stop yelling at me, Knox! Damn!" the boy yelled back

"no, I won't. I'm pissed now, I gave you the book to look over the song, I told you to make sure you didn't lose it and then you lose it. Sometimes I wonder if your brain works at all." she yelled.

"Knox, chill. What the hell are you two yelling over" said Blaze plopping down in a chair.

"well butterfingers over there has lost our lyrics to the new song," she said pushing her hair out of her hazel eyes. Black outlined her eyes. She was really pretty.

"Knox, chill I have a copy," said Mark sitting too.

"Oh hey, guys this is Emery Carpathia. Fresh meat!" said, Blaze. They all looked up and smiled.

The girl with Purple hair came over to me and held out her hand "hi! I'm Nottica, but these loony tunes call me Knox." she said and shook my hand.

"Emery, Purple is my Favorite colour," I said looking into her wild hair.

"me too!" she said in a high pitch voice. It made me laugh. She turned and pulled a chair out for me to sit. She sat beside me and began to talk happily.

"ok, so the idiot over there is Devin, but we just call him Dev, or Devil. And his pretty girlfriend right there is Lyric" she said pointing at the other two.

They both waved, Lyric was also really pretty.

She had a strange tent of red hair and had medium sized blue streaks and small black streaks running through her long mane of hair.

"Hi, my names Leah, but people call me Lyric. I love spider-man and fluffy bunnies" she said, I started to laugh. She had on a large black shirt with spider-man on it and had a pair of black baggy jeans on. She was really tiny to be wearing such big clothes.

"Nice to meet you fluffy bunnies," I said, and they laughed

"What they're cute!" she said pouting.

"Yes babe, just like you," said Dev and he leaned in and kissed her.

After a few minutes, Blaze cleared his throat. They broke apart and looked at Blaze. "can we help you?" asked Lyric.

"Uh yeah, if you're going to do that can you please get me a barf bag? Cuz I seriously think I'm about to see my lunch." he laughed.

"either that or get a room would be nice," said Knox.

"if you don't like it you don't have to watch." laughed Dev.

"how can we not, I mean your right there," said Mark

"not to mention, you make slobbering sounds" I laughed.

"you guys suck," said Dev.

Knox, Blaze, Mark and I laughed.

"so mark what's your nickname?" I asked. Mark looked over at me and smirked.

"Mark is my nickname. You will never know my real name" he said

, "ah what's wrong, it too embarrassing?" I asked.

"no, it's just long," he said defensively. I laughed.

"sure," I said.

"it is," he said

"I believe you," I said, still laughing.

"man, you're a messed up chick."

"thanks," I said smiling. He just shook his head.

"so what do you do when you're not sarcastic?"

asked Blaze.

"I like to skateboard, play the guitar and hang around with my brothers," I said.

"you play the guitar?" asked Knox

I nodded

She smiled excitedly. "are you any good?"

I smirked, "maybe, why?"

"well, we need another guitarist. And if you're any good you should totally join our band. We are called ' industrial toxins'." she said proudly.

"well, I'll think about it," I said.

She smiled "ok you should come over this afternoon to my place. that's where we practice."

I nodded. Well, I guess if I was careful, I could be friends with some humans.

After lunch, I walked down the hall towards my next class. Knox walked beside me jabbering away. She was a pretty cool person. She had this rock hard girly kind of attitude. But was still really feminine. I also found out she was bi.

Knox had my next class, Musical Arts, with me. We walked into a large room with a lot of instruments everywhere. There was a small stage in the far corner. A blue curtain hung from the ceiling down to the wooden raised platform.

Desks faced the stage and a teacher's desk sat behind them.

Knox dragged me to the front and sat me down in a chair. I laughed about how forceful she was.

She smiled at me from her seat beside me. "so don't mean to go right to it but, got a girlfriend?" she asked smirking.

She looked pretty hot when she smirked. Her light pink lips curling.

"Nope. Girls aren't that interested in the gothic tomboy." I said, then hoping I hadn't offended her. She smiled.

"true, but, not always true," she said.

"well, it kind of is when you move around a lot and don't really get to know people. I don't talk to people a lot." I said.

"well, now you do. And I think we should find you a girl."

I laughed "like any girl here would want me," I said

She quirked an eyebrow. "what you mean by that? Hunny! Do you know how many bi and lesbian girls are in this school? loads! Well maybe not loads, but there are a lot of girls here that are not straight."

I thought about that for a minute "how many of those girls are feminine? And how many of them only date other feminine's?"

She thought for a second "ok you have a point but everything doesn't always look. Sometimes you have to get to know them. And if they only judge you by appearance, then they aren't worth your time." she said.

She had a point.

I looked back up at her, she was staring at the door.

She then scoffed and turned back to me "oh lord, here comes the princess" she said glaring.

"who?" I asked and looked up to see the familiar brunette head. She was laughing with another girl as they walked into the room.

"Trinetta Merez, the school's angel. She is so perfect and everyone bows down to her. She is just a fake little backstabbing bitch." said Knox hatefully.

I looked at Knox in shock. She seemed like the kind that would never say such a thing. It was pretty hot for a minute, but also a little scary.

She looked at me and smiled darkly "oh trust me, you'll find out soon enough."

The bell rang overhead. And the chatter quieted down.

Then music sounded from somewhere and the lights dimmed. Causing my power to flow through me. Excitement flowed through me as I did my best to keep my purple glow down and my fangs to go back into my gums

Then a human came from behind the curtain on the stage and began to dance. She looked pretty good. She was slender with long black hair. She had a long dress on.

"Hello, class. As you can hear we are going to be studying the wonderful art of music." she laughed and turned the music down with a remote.

"today I will be splitting you up into pairs and you will be writing a song on a topic I will be giving you," she said and pulled a hat from behind her back.

Everyone in the room grew excited. The teacher, Mrs Feller, called out pairs. I just slumped in my seat.

"Trinetta and ah. Our new student, Emery," she said.

I sat up. 'are you for real? Out of everyone I had to get her'

Knox laughed behind me. " good lucky charms to you" she laughed more.

Trinetta came to sit beside me. She smiled as she pulled out a notebook. The teacher came over and handed us a slip of paper.

"we got love," she said happily.

I groaned. She looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "don't like love songs?"

"not really, I prefer writing about pain," I said in a dead tone.

She just stared at me. "you must really not like it here."

"no it's not about here, its just I don't like school, never have. And never will." I said.

"well, I like to think of it as a vacation. I mean, for me, school is way better than home," she said, a shadow passing over her green eyes.

"whys that?" I asked.

She was silent.

I then felt a little bad "I'm sorry, its none of my business."

She didn't say anything. Instead, she opened her notebook. And began to write.

We worked on the song for a little while together, but she acted a little distant. I didn't mean to make her upset.

"ok, make sure you don't lose your lyrics and we will finish it up tomorrow. Have a good afternoon." said the teacher.

The bell rang and Trinetta stood and walked out. I stared at her blankly. Was she really that upset?

"so what was wrong with the princess? Daddy didn't give her no money for more shoes today?" asked Knox from behind me.

"I don't know, she just all of the sudden went quiet and then wouldn't talk unless we had to," I said.

"don't mind her, she is just a spoiled brat," said Knox.

Knox and I walked to my sixth-hour chemistry class. From what she told me, Mark, Blaze and Lyric had it with us. I was still wrapped up in my thoughts of Trinetta. Why did she get so upset when I asked her why she liked school so much better.

I followed Knox into a classroom with long black chemistry tables. I followed her to the back, Mark, Blaze and Lyric were at the very last table.

"hey Knox, Emery!" said Blaze.

"Hey, " we said

"Hey! Emery sit beside me!" said Lyric. She bounced up and down in her seat and pointed to the seat beside her.

I laughed and went to sit beside her. She squealed and hugged me. I laughed more and hugged back.

"you're my new best friend. Sorry Knox" lyric said. Knox just scoffed and smirked from beside Mark.

"ok, I warn you, though, I am not a good shopping buddy, its," I said.

"that's ok, I'll teach you," she said smiling with her pearly white teeth.

I laughed "you can try!"

She frowned then, "what do you mean?"

" I mean you can try, but I don't think it will work. I'm not very shoppish"

"shoppish? that's not even a word!" she laughed.

"sure it is." I said it's my word."

"ok well I think you should write a dictionary then," said Mark.

"Smartass," I said.

"my ass can't be smart, my brain is in my noggin," said Mark sarcastically.

"are you sure?" asked Knox.

He glared at her.

"hey now!" laughed Lyric.

"Mark, you get angry over the smallest comments. Turn around before I smack you" said Knox.

"you're an all-star" yelled Lyric, causing people in front of us to stare.

"what are all you eavesdroppers staring at?" she yelled. They turned around.

I laughed. This was a weird bunch.

It got hilarious over the next hour. The teacher made us put some chemicals together to create some kind of something.

Knox and Mark were horrible, they fought over everything. Who should mix the chemicals, who gets to use the Bunsen burner. They ended up spilling chemicals on the floor and then getting yelled at by the teacher.

I laughed so hard from it I ended up falling over onto the floor. Lyric and Blaze came to me to make sure I was breathing. Which only made me laugh harder.

I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life.

"breath girl!" laughed Blaze.

"you guys are crazy!" I gasped between the fits of laughter.

They began to laugh too.

After chemistry, I had my final class, gym, with Blaze.

Of course, we just sat on the bleachers and did nothing. He hated the gym too. So we just sat there and talked.

Trinetta had the class with us too. She did the warm-ups and ran the laps. I watched and her friends, all wearing the same pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt. I watched her, admiring her flat abs and nicely shaped body.

'ugh, now I feel like a pig' I thought to myself.

Blaze began to laugh. I looked at him questionably. "want to share?"

"look at the gothic chick staring down the pretty prep girl." he laughed. I punched his arm.

"ow! That hurt. You hit like a guy!" he said holding his arm.

"yep, and I hit a whole hell of a lot harder, " I said

"cocky much? I swear you should be a guy."

"sometimes I wish I was. But being a girl is better." I laughed.

Finally, the bells rung and I jumped up from my seat and grabbed my bag, eager to get out of this hellhole. As Blaze put it.

"so hey, here's the address so we can hear you play. Come tonight and bring your guitar. see ya! Emery" said, Blaze.

"ok see you," I said and walked out the door. I spotted my brothers and walked over to them.

"ok so, this is a strange school and I've met strange people," I said.

"well I got into trouble for sharpening a pencil the wrong way." laughed Vince.

"how the hell does that work?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"ok well, mum's waiting in the truck and says she has a surprise for us. So let's go!" said Daniel.

We walked off towards mum's truck. I turned my head and looked over to the busses and saw Trinetta. She was walking towards a bus.

But after a second she stopped and looked up towards my direction.

Her green eyes landed on me, and they locked with mine.

They looked sad and confused. I couldn't help but feel depression seep over me.

And a tear slipped from her eye. And then she turned and walked back towards the bus she was getting on.

"Emery! Let's go," yelled Vince.

I slowly turned and got into the truck. I thought back to her eyes.

I wanted to run after her and pull her into my arms. What was wrong with her that she looked so sad over.

Wait, what am I thinking? Why do I even care? I just met her.

'but this morning, when she touched me, it was like I had lost control. That feeling! She had done that to me. Me! The badass, gothic half vampire.' I thought.

I slipped my headphones in my ears and blasted evanescence.

I didn't want to think anymore.

Because if I did, I was going to think about her.

And that was going to have to stop. Soon.