Chapter 13

Trinetta's P.O.V.

After Emery dropped me off, I was afraid to walk into my house. My father wasn't pleased with me going out so much. I had told him I had to do a group project with friends, but he wanted to know what it was.

My father had to know everything about my work. I told him I would let him see when we were done, I don't know how I got him to believe it, but eventually, he did. I was a horrible liar.

I sighed, pulling my jacket closer to my body. I didn't move forward, but instead, I stayed here, thinking back over the day. I loved being around Emery, for some reason, I felt free with her. I felt more like myself with her then when I am alone or at home.

I don't know why. Maybe because she is so sure of herself, of who she is. She doesn't try to be someone else for the show. She is just Emery.

At that, I felt the willpower to move forward, and walk into the house that I hated.

Emery's P.O.V.

My eyes slowly opened to hear the loud ringtone of my phone. I reached over to my bedside table and picked it up."Hello?" I groaned after answering."Knight, where the hell are you? We have practice in about ten minutes!" yelled Dev into my ear.

I hissed lowly at the noise in my overly sensitive ears."Sorry, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Tell the others to start without me." I said while standing and going over to find something to wear."Will do!" said Dev, then he hung up.

I hit the end button and flung my phone onto my bed. Then looking back to my closet. I found a pair of black acid wash jeans with chains on the sides, and a clean Black Veil Brides t-shirt.

I got dressed quickly, pulling a black with white skulls bandana onto my wet hair. I hadn't dried it from my shower last night.

Hurrying, I grabbed my keys and guitar and headed out the door. My brothers had already left, leaving the driveway clear for me. My mother was, again, working overtime.

It took me exactly fifteen minutes to get to Blaze's house. I parked behind his car and got out, running into the garage where they were already playing. I looked at Knox, who gave me a brilliant smile. Mark caught my eye with him, giving me a meaningful look. I nodded.

The look was meant for me to talk to him after practice, and the nod was that I would. In all truth, I was still wary of Mark being a vampire. It was in my nature to be cautious of him. Not all vampires can be trusted. Regardless of how much they know about their race.

I plugged in my guitar an jumped into the song they were playing, taking some back vocals while Blaze belted out the lyrics.

After practice, I was immediately bombarded with kisses from Knox. The bloodlust wasn't horrible, but it wasn't pleasant either. After dropping off Trinetta last night, I went hunting. Making sure I had enough energy for today.

Though I didn't kill my victim this time, just took as much blood as I needed and then compelled them to not remember. Something I rarely did when I only hunted once every one to two months.

But now, I needed to feed a lot more. So I just did what my mother did, take only what I needed and then wiped the memory. At the thought of Trinetta, I became somewhat guilty for lying to Knox. But then again, I didn't. because Trinetta wasn't to blame for what happened between them.

Neither was Knox, it was all just a misunderstanding, and a cruel joke to a bitch named Danielle White. I spent some time just hanging around with them all. But soon, Lyric and Dev had to leave. Their parents were strict on them being out late on a school night.

Blaze had homework to do in the last minutes, Asking Knox if he could borrow her notes. Seeing as he never took notes in class. I put my guitar in the trunk of my car. Knox walked over to me to say goodnight. She stopped in front of me, smiling happily to me."I guess I will see you tomorrow, our spot?" she asked. I nodded.

She leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on my lips, then pulling back to look at me. Her eyes grew nervous.

"umm, did you know that the Start of summer dance is coming up?" she asked in a rush.

I quirked an eyebrow and shook my head no. She looked down at her black and purple plaid converse.

"I was wondering... you know, if you would like to go with me?" she said in anxiousness.

I smiled. She looked cute when she was nervous. I smiled and took her hand in mine.

She looked back up at me."Of course, I'll go with you." I said. A smile broke out on her face, she then jumped into my arms, me literally holding her up so she wouldn't fall. after a minute or so, I placed her on her feet, she kept my hand in hers though.

"Thank you." she cooed. Then kissed me passionately. I kissed back carefully, ignoring the burning in my throat, and the light haze clouding my vision. Then a heard a loud ring come from Knox's jeans pocket. She sighed and reached into the left pocket of her red skinny jeans.

She flipped it open and stared at the screen for a second and then groaned."Hello mother!" she said into the receiver. I heard some rambling on the other end. Knox rolled her eyes at me, showing her displeasure at being on the phone with her mother.

I wanted to laugh."Yes, mom, I will be there in like fifteen to twenty minutes, please don't have a seizer while I'm on my way!" she said sarcastically then hung up.

I laughed lightly. Knox giggled, then pulled me into a final hug before telling me goodbye. Blaze was driving her home, only in the need of an excuse to not do his homework. I turned to see Mark staring at me with slight aggravation.

"Took long enough!" he said. I just shrugged ignoring his aggravated tone. "So what's up?"He laughed.

"The sky! Still human in some ways." I said smirking. I nodded.

"Well, you want to go somewhere else to talk about this or what?"I nodded,

"Where can we go that is dark?"He raised an eyebrow at me in question.

I smiled. "The city lights can be a little too bright for me."

He didn't seem to get it, I guess I would have to teach him that too. "Just get in your car and drive."He shrugged and did what he was told.

We pulled out, and I followed him to the edge of town where the trees became thick in dense woods. Mark pulled onto a dirt road that led to an abandoned farm. He stopped about halfway so that we were concealed from the highway. He then shut off his car and got out.

I smiled, this was good. I got out and went to look around at the sky, we had a pretty good coverage, once it got a little darker."So what are we doing out here?" he asked.

I smiled. "Once it gets a bit darker, I'll tell you."He raised an eyebrow.

"Look, if you're here to try to pull a fast one on me, I'll know." he tapped his head.

I laughed. "Mark, Chill out ok? I'm here to show you a part of us. But I need it to be as dark as possible."He watched me carefully to make sure I wasn't lying, after some contemplation, he leaned back against his car.

We waited, the sky grew darker. And as it grew darker, I became more excited. I hadn't been able to do this in a while. I felt my adrenaline spike and my aura began to glow.

Mark stared at me, looking around the edges of my form. The deep purple glow casting a shine on the paint of his car. After five more minutes, I smiled.

"Ok. It's time." I said. I turned to look at him. He stood up straight and looked at me."What are we doing?" he asked.

"Can you fly?" I asked outright. He just stared at me, then began to laugh.

"Please don't tell me, we turn into bats?" he laughed. I was slightly offended. "No, we have wings."He began to laugh again. I waited for it to stop.

"So you're telling me, we can fly? Your joking right?" he said between laughs.

I shook my head. "We can fly."

He looked back at me in disbelief. "I don't believe you,"I growled.

Then sighed. "Ok, fine. Then watch."I then moved a few feet away from him, then began to concentrate, imagining all my power to go to my core. Then I felt the pain.

The ripping of flesh, and the white-hot pain of something growing out of my back. I growled and clenched my eyes shut. It hurt, but it was all worth the feeling I would feel in a matter of minutes.

My aura pulsed and then it began to distort, I opened my eyes and looked at my shoulders. I felt the pain start to ebb away as I saw my black wings unfold. There where my shoulder blades used to be bare, were now covered under dark silk-like feathers.

I followed the beautiful contours of them to the very tips, they were larger than my whole body, but they felt lighter than air.

I moved them slightly, feeling the strong muscles. They were strange yet familiar at the same time. The feathers, a jet black, but if you looked close enough, you could see the deep purple colour coated some of them. I looked over to Mark's stricken face. He looked at my wings in a bewilderment. He seemed unable to process them.

I smiled. "It's kind of painful, but the feeling of flight is worth it."

Mark blinked a few times at my words, then he looked into my eyes. "How do you do that?"

I laughed, then talked him through it. He tried a few times, unable to do it. In the back of my mind, I was growing impatient at being on the ground with my wings.

But I had to help Mark. "I don't think I'm doing it right." he groaned."Just concentrate on you power, and envision the wings coming out of you.

Imagine you flying. Once you have flown, it becomes easier to bring out your wings." I said to him. He nodded and closed his eyes. I watched him concentrate, I saw the faint red colour of his aura began to pulse, and I smiled.

Mark began to growl, I saw the ends of his wings pushing threw, his back dripping black blood. The outcome of vampire wings emerging was always black blood.

The red and black wings slowly unfolded, and Mark was slowly unclenching his fists that were balled against his sides. His red aura stronger than ever.

His breathing slowed, then he smiled at me."I did it!" he said, then looking at his wings in awe.

"Feel them? Get used to them, make sure you know them before you try to fly. Otherwise, you will fall." I said.

He nodded, he began to flex his wings, smiling as he felt the new muscles and bones. He took his hand, slowly reaching over and touching the silk feathers.

He smiled. "Wow!"

I smiled, chuckling at his face. I flexed at my own wings, they were becoming stiff from standing still.

"Ok, walk with them and start flapping them, but not too much to where you lift up." I said, moving closer and showing him what I meant.

Mark moved around in a circle, flapping his wings, making the air whistle around them, a slight black mist created around the wings.

"What is that?" he asked, nodding at the mist."Its to protect you from being seen. Once you can fly fast enough, its almost impossible to see you from the ground." I said.

He stopped and looked over at me, but still moving his wings. "Then why come out here, why not have just flown around the city?"

I grimaced. "My mother thinks its still dangerous to fly around too much light. We can't chance being seen." I said simply.

"But no one would. Not with the mist.

"I know, but if we were seen by chance. It would be our end." I said."Why?" he asked.

I turned and looked up at the crescent moon.

"The elder vampires kill any vampire that reveals too much of the vampire world to the human world," I said. Mark looked up at the moon too.

"It's for our safety. Some humans just can't take the existence of something that is supposed to be a myth. They would try to kill us. Not to mention, there are other kinds of creatures that dislike us out there." I said, thinking of some of the horrible things my mother told me when I was little.

Stories she told me to get me to sleep at night, only resulting in keeping me awake with nightmares."Like what?" he said quietly.

"I'll tell you about that later. For now, let's fly." I said, becoming excited.

"Ok!" he said. Almost sounding as excited as I felt.

Slowly I spread my wings to their full length, then began to flap. Black mist swirled around me, my aura pulsed. My feet began to lift off the ground. In seconds I was hovering over the trees.

I looked down at Mark, staring in awe at me.

"Now just spread your wings, and flap them in a good rhythm," I yelled down to him.

He nodded, then began to spread his wings. He soon joined me in the air, the black mist swirling with us.

"Now, just fly," I said, unable to stay still anymore. I shot up into the sky, flying at amazing speed and height.

Though I still looked to see how Mark was doing, I didn't stop flying. I hadn't flown in so long. It had been a whole month before I moved here, that I had last flown.

"Emery, look at me!" I heard Mark yell. I looked to my left, and he was flying at top speed already.

"Awesome, now you and I can race. I'll have you know I beat my brothers in every race since I was twelve years old." I smiled cheekily at him.

He smirked. "Let's see them!" And we raced off in the sky.

We spent at least two hours flying, after just flying for a while I just began to relax, flying leisurely. Telling Mark about vampires while he became comfortable to flying.

I began to finally see that Mark wasn't much of a threat. That my paranoia had taken over my mind from the change in my powers lately.

I even began to tell Mark about it. Of course, he gave me the best advice he could, but I was still stuck on the, why part.

I decided that I needed to go. Mark wanted to stay longer, but I had to go, my mother would be home soon and wondering why I wasn't home and getting ready for school the next day.

And right on cue, I heard my phone ring in my lower zipper pocket on my leg.

I had stashed my phone and keys there so I wouldn't drop them while flying pulled my leg up and opened the pocket, taking my phone out.

"Hello?" I said. Mark smirked as I turned onto my back, flying while staring up at the sky.

"Emery, where are you? You have school tomorrow young lady!" I sighed internally at my mother's voice.

"I was just on my way home mom, calm down," I said in a tired voice. My body coming down from the high of flying.

"Ok, well I put your dinner in the microwave," she said softer now.

"Ok, mom. I'll be there soon." I said, then hung up. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket. Mark laughed. "Doesn't it suck to be a vampire with a curfew?"

I chuckled "Totally. Well, I got to go, before she decides to kill me!"

He smirked. "Ok, but we are totally coming out here again. I think I'm addicted to this."

I laughed and nodded. "I was too when I first learned."He laughed, slowly we headed for the ground. Touching down lightly on our feet beside our cars.

I closed my eyes and let my power leave my body. And slowly my aura faded and my I felt my wings slowly slip back into my body.

I looked over to see that Mark had done the same."Already got the hang of it huh?" I asked after he opened his eyes again. He smiled and nodded.I sighed.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, ok?"

Mark smiled. "Sure thing, and thanks Emery for this."

I nodded, then slipped into my car, pulling back out onto the highway.

Once I was home, I ate quickly and then changed into some black sweatpants and a red Atreyu t-shirt.

I heard my phone vibrate on my desk, it was a text from Trinetta telling me goodnight. And that she would see me in school, but talk to me after. I sent her one back telling her the same.

Putting my phone on charge, I turned out my lights, making the flashing lights cast a glow on my black walls. Exhausted from using so much of my energy, I flung myself into my bed and fell asleep instantly.

An image of flying with Trinetta in my arms invaded my dreams. Sparks of fire flashing behind us, and smoke rising above my head. I looked down at Trinetta, she was bleeding from her chest and head.

She looked on the brink of passing out. I looked around me at the burning field, I didn't recognize this place, but I knew there was evil here, the evil that wanted me dead.

I looked around to see vampires flying in various directions, dark red mist like forms chased them. Some vampires stopped and pulled out black blades, throwing them into the misty forms. Others screamed in pain and fell from the sky.

I wanted to help them, but I couldn't. I had to get Trinetta out of here. Or she would die.I found a clearing in an area a little ways from the field where the fight was happening.

I laid Trinetta gently on the ground, tears forming when I realized she wasn't awake anymore. I could hear her heartbeat slowing, I knew what was coming. In slow motion it seemed, I lean down and bit into Trinetta's neck, my mind concentrating on my intention, putting it into her skin. Just as I felt the last of her heartbeats the sun peeked over the horizon.

"Emery! Time for school!" my mother's voice rang in my ears. Waking me from the dream. I sat up, feeling the sweat pouring off my head and down my back. I growled, Damn nightmares!