Chapter 21

Trinetta's P.O.V.

I walked through the crowded hallway. Devin, Lyric, Knox, and blaze were arguing over who got to take a bath first. Mark, Vince and Daniel were trying to calm all of them down and getting into the arguing at the same time. I laughed at them all as I walked by and back into the room that Emery and I had to choose.

My smile faded as I looked at Emery sitting on the side of the small bed with her face resting in her hands. I could see how upset she was, I could feel sadness and an overwhelming feeling in my stomach. It was so strong, I myself almost wanted to break down crying.

I walked over to her and placed my arms around her, my hands caressed her shoulders and back. I pulled her tightly to me, comforting her.

I heard her breath in and pull me tightly back against her, her arm muscles clenched against me, I knew that she was holding back from squashing me with her strong embrace. I heard a soft sob escape her lips. I pulled her back tighter against me.

After a few moments just holding each other, I released her only to push her back onto the bed and lay beside her and pull her tightly back against me. She hugged me tightly, laying her head on my shoulder. I didn't say anything, not wanting to say something to make it worse, and it seemed she didn't mind. She just held me tight to her. All that had happened, I was wondering how she could stay so strong and not go completely mental. I knew that if it were me, I would have gone completely mad by it all.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Hoping that she would understand.

Emery pulled up to look at me. Her eyes slightly glazed over. "It's ok. I'll be ok."

My hands wove through her hair. "I love you."

She smiled and leaned in and kissed me. Our lips electrifying. My whole world lighting up in blasts of sparkling lights, rushing back to me in waves and waves of passion. Nothing else seems to matter but her lips moving with mine in perfect harmony. I could see her lit aura from behind my closed lips, showing me that she was feeling the same as me. Feeling like we would never come down from the high we got from our kisses.

"Ahem!!" came a voice from across the room. Both of us broke apart and looked to see lyric standing there with a bit of a shocked looked.

My cheeks immediately heated up in embarrassment. I shyly hid my face in Emery's shoulder. Emery chuckled but did not hide. I admired her bravery, she was afraid of nothing.

"uh yeah, I am sleeping in one of the other rooms. No offence, but I am a light sleeper." Lyric laughed nervously and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Emery chuckled beneath me, I hadn't realized that I had crawled on top of her. She stroked my hair, kissing it softly. I turned my head to find her looking at me thoughtfully. Her eyes shining with love, making my whole body feel lighter than air. Like there was nothing wrong, no problems. Emery seemed to feel the same.

"How do you do it?" I asked after looking at her. She looked at me in question, her eyebrow raised. I smiled at realizing how cute it looked.

"How are you so strong mentally. For a normal person, all this stuff happening so quick would make a normal person go insane. But for you, it seems it doesn't phase you that much." she looked at me thoughtfully.

"I mean, it does bother me. A lot. Its just I know that there is a lot worse than I could go through. Like what you went through with your parents. My father, well he's not really my father I guess, but he wanted to kill me and my mother. But I wasn't afraid then. Afterwords, it did affect me. But then I was determined to stand up for myself and mother. I guess it because when I know something is wrong, or I'm faced with a bad situation, I have to fight back." she looked at nothing in particular as she spoke. "Its just something inside me, a defensive reaction to anything bad always happens."

I silently awed at her, I could never be that brave.

She looked back at me and smiled sadly. "What happened to you should have left you scarred inside. That is something I don't think I could have stayed sane through." she stroked my cheek.

I reached up and held her hand to my face. "I didn't think I would if you hadn't have come along." her eyes sparkled slightly in happiness.

"I was always expected to be this perfect girl. Not just to them but to everyone. My friends wanted me to be the normal cliché prep girl. The one who was supposed to be on the cheerleading squad, and student body president.Perfect grades, and a boyfriend on the football or basketball team. To my parents, I was supposed to be an obedient daughter who never strayed from the status quo, who never rebelled against rules. Who did what she was told to do all the time.

They wanted me to turn out like them." I thought back to my life at home. "but what they didn't understand was that I was suffocating. I wasn't me at all. They never thought that I would ever go against them. My friends would throw me out of the group if I even talked to anyone that was even remotely an outcast."Emery laughed lightly. "I guess they gave you hell when they found out you were talking to me?"

I nodded, smiling mischievously. "They thought you were some kind of devil worshiper with your dark clothes and badass attitude." I laughed. "Danielle white told all of them that you threatened her. They spread all kinds of rumours that you were a psycho. And the day we came to school holding hands, they were completely speechless."

Emery smiled.

"To me, at first. I thought that you were just a girl that was going through some problems. You looked so unhappy. But that wasn't what caught my attention when I ran into you, it felt as if I ran into a brick wall. You seemed so mysterious. So different. And when I was assigned to be your mentor, going into class with you and when you insulted Mr Bruner. I immediately fell in complete fascination with your careless attitude. You were so confident with who you were, so sure of yourself. The way you held yourself," I looked at her. "with such strength, it was breathtaking. You're truly amazing."

Emery beamed at me, her eyes locking with mine. Making me feel so small in her gaze, but at the same time, as I was the only person in the world.

I leaned up and kissed her with passion. My lips tingling against her velvety lips.

After a couple minutes, we laid back and listened to the others fighting over rooms and beds. Eventually, we were left alone. No one wanted to be in the room with us for some reason. I believed that it was because they didn't want to interrupt us kissing. I suspected lyric spread the word. I didn't complain though, I was happy to have Emery alone. Though we didn't stay awake long, we did enjoy making out for a complete hour.

Emery's breathing became slow and even after a while of me just laying against her, my whole body lying across hers. I had attempted to move off of her so that I didn't cause her pain, but every time I did, she would wake up and grip me tightly. I gave up after my fourth try and just contently laid my head on her chest.

I watched her sleep, awing at how completely beautiful and amazing she was. How strong she looked, and unafraid of nothing.

Her muscles, even in sleep, tensed around my waist. Her long blonde hair was splayed over the pillows she was propped up on. Her eyelids were shaded slightly by a dark lavender colour, making her look even more like a vampire.

I revelled at the thought of her being a vampire. A blood-sucking, killing the monster. But oh so completely sexy. I couldn't help but let my thoughts fall into the gutter about her. At what amazing things she could perform on me.

Our lovemaking was something that I could only describe as pure bliss. It was heaven. So beautiful and wondrous. I remembered the waves of ecstasy that crashed into me when she touched me. It was something I would never get used to.

I knew Emery would never hurt me, even if she was angry with me, she wouldn't. I remembered waking up to find that I was chained to a wall.

When the full-blooded vampire had kidnapped me, I had been certain I was going to die. I even had said my goodbyes to everyone. I had even forgiven my parents. But the one thing I remembered was thinking of how much I loved Emery, and how I wished that I could have told her how I loved her.

I despaired at the fact that I would never see her again. That was when she had come to my rescue, and it was then that I knew she was the only girl I ever wanted in life. The only person I was ever going to love.

I smiled and leaned down and gently placed a soft kiss on her lips, making her smile in her sleep, her arms tightening slightly.

I leaned my head back on her chest and smiled. After a while my eyes became heavy. And I fell asleep to the sound of Emery's heartbeat.

In my dreams, I saw may images pass through my mind. Some of Emery, though she looked different in each one, some scary, some saddening. But there were some of myself also.

But the one that freaked me out the most was myself, my soft green eyes were electrifying, startling green. They were almost shinning. And around my body, was a silver halo, the same way that Emery's dark purple aura looked.

I was a vampire.