Desensitized to hot guys

"Good morning, Rysia." Jett says, with excitement in his voice.

I look at him with a troubled expression when he calls me by my nickname again. Why is he calling me that so casually at work?

I'm quite a stickler when it comes to following the rules. It's an important indication of one's professionalism, after all. Separating personal matters from a business is an ABSOLUTE must for me, so I have to let him know about this.

Hopefully, I'll only need to tell him once.

"Hello. Good morning to you too, Mr. Harland. Please call me Ms. Raley when we're at work. Please understand that I'd like us to keep our personal lives separate from while we're here."

Jett frowns a little and quickly changes his expression, to that of one more appropriate while we're both on the job. "Fair enough. Sorry about that, Ms. Raley - that won't happen again."

Satisfied, I give him a nod. He then shows me all the paperwork I've asked him to prepare in advance last night.

I start to show him how I usually organize it aside from the obvious reasons for doing so. It'll make it easier for him to access the files later on as well.

I clear my throat and explain to him as plainly as I can. "For the sake of having an all-encompassing term for the different types of celebrities the company has in employment, we will now refer to them as 'clients' from now on. We act not only as their manager but their publicist, agent, and contract negotiator too. In this company, we are expected to wear many hats."

I continue my short, yet informative opening lecture on the basics. Of course, I need to keep it short and sweet since there's still plenty I need to go over.

I wouldn't call this high job stress for us managers, but it's not like there's none of that, especially when the client is prone to scandals.

Aside from that, we will still experience pressure or stress, but it's a different type in that it involves a lot of socializing.

He's quite good at that already, so I know I don't need to worry about it when it comes to him.

I still need to show him how to use the program that has quite an extensive database.

It even includes additional information that's been gathered in secret by the company on all our clients. It is to protect both parties involved.

It's not only considered slightly invasive, but it's not something you can show to reporters or rival companies.

Not all managers have access to this, but he has a unique position in this company. I got informed earlier this morning that Jett has a reasonably substantial amount of stocks.

Being an invaluable client in the past, the higher-ups would, of course, do whatever they can to nurture their relationship with him.

When he was still working as an actor, he was able to cultivate an incredible network of connections and maintained it very well to this day.

Let's not forget the project consultant job Honey thrust upon him, too.

This is why it would make sense that no one would ever complain about how he got his managerial position and all the benefits that came along with it compared to the average 'newbie' manager.

We have set to finish working in 2 more hours.

After that, we have our first meeting with Ren Hille.

Just as I was about to move on to the next point with Jett, my smartphone's notification sound goes off for the 5th time today.

I need to check this, it must be important if they're this persistent. It's about time we have a bit of a recess anyway.

I tell Jett that we will be taking a 15-minute break.

When Jett leaves, I take my mobile and check the notification. Oh no! It looks like I need to cut this short for today.

There have been some issues with the photoshoot that's supposed to be scheduled today for 7Crowns.

With that, all the appointments or hours are all out of whack. It looks like we need to do the initial meeting between Ren Hille and Jett right after our break.

I quickly give Jett a call explaining the situation.

Since I'm still at the office, I use the time I have left to organize all the contracts and other folders containing other essential files that we'll be needing for this meeting.

After getting everything ready, I hold the documents to my chest.

I go out the door, take out my keys to lock it when I sense something behind me.

Turning around, I almost bump into two men.

"Woah there! That was close. Hi! are you Ms. Raley?"

Neither of them even look the least bit apologetic, what with one of them smiling like an idiot.

I try to hold myself back from giving them a piece of my mind for scaring me.

I smirk slightly and let out a breath through my nose and held my head high.

"... Hello... Why do you wish to know, Mr. Hille? And... Mr. Boet?"

Wait a minute... why is he here?

"Well, actually... why are you here, Mr. Boet? Only Mr. Hille had a schedule to meet Mr. Harland today. I wasn't informed that another member of the 7Crowns was going to be here as well."

Mr. Boet gets closer to me.

Our noses are almost touching.

He bends and moves his sunglasses down a little to peer into my eyes.

He stares at them intently, and I'm just absolutely confused at this point.

I'm about to get angry and ask what his deal is when he suddenly straightens up and says, "She passes the test. No attraction whatsoever."

"Hahaha... No attraction whatsoever, huh?" My eyes burst into flames.

My fingers dig into my palms so much that it's so close to breaking the skin.

"Ohh... now, now. It's alright, Ms. Raley. I want to say sorry on his behalf. Charles is... I mean, Mr. Boet is just trying to see if you're 'interested' in him in any way as we were told there's a big possibility that you'll be his manager."

Upon hearing something like that, I scoff and look sideways.

How stupid.

Do they think I'd be affected by someone like Charles Boet when I'm around Jett Harland all the time? Pfft.

"Ah... Cha- I mean, that's right. You're probably desensitized to hot guys when you're around Jett Harland all the time." Ren Hille rationalizes as he goes into a thinking pose.

I almost choke on nothing, but I quickly clear my throat and urge Ren Hille to follow me before that happens.

Behind me, I didn't notice that Ren Hille has a childish grin on his face and with both hands in his pockets as he follows me to Conference Room xx.