
AMS Ent.

Guard: (Hello Ma'am , May i help you?)

Selena: Ah yes

Celestine: ask him

Guard : ma'am?

Selena: We're the new hired make up artist

Guard: Ah so your the new come in !

Celestine: uhmm sir we don't know where we going in this huge building

Guard: wait I'll ask a staff to guide you two

Selena/celestine: Thanks

After 5 minutes

Guard: Uhmm ma'am

Selena: YES !

Guard: She is Irithel One of the staff

Celestine: Wow ! UHMM Hi ! Did you see petals inside ?? is petals inside the entertainment?

Irithel: Uhmm i

Celestine: I know they're disband a long time ago but it is possible that They come here ?

Selena: hey ces ! Let go of her (whisper) hahahaha I'm so sorry my friend and I are big fan of petals so don't mind us

Guard/Staff: oh i see ( awkward smile)

Irithel: let me take you inside

Selena : thanks

celestine: Wow It's beautiful here

Selena: So many chandelier

Celestine: selena ! Watch out !

Selena: Wha-! Ouch

Selena:Ah ! I'm so sorry (bow)

Felix: It's okay , just watch your step next time

Selena: ( saw a man right beside Felix) (in her mind, What a beautiful man )

felix: Hey ? You alright

Celestine: selena , Selena!

Selena: ah yes I'm sorry !


Felix: okay then we're going

Selena: (still into changbin) okay

Irithel: I'm really sorry, their just new here

Changbin: It's okay, were going now

Selena: I'm really sorry (bow)

Celestine: who is that guy ?

Irithel: it's felix one of the trainee here in our entertainment

Selena: how about the other one right beside him?

Irithel: that's changbin it's a trainee too

Selena: Oh Changbin

Celestine: Woah selena has already a crush

Selena: Shh ! Ces sila yung ST Kids !

Ces: Sila ?

Selena: uhm irithel,Are they the ST Kids ?

Irithel: yes how did you know ?

Selena: The one who hired us told us

Irithel: okay let's go to the office


Boss: welcome to AMS ENT.

Selena/Ces: Hello

Boss: Min Selena ? Are you a korean?

Selena: half korean

Boss: Oh you did not grow up here ?

Selena: no , i grew up in US and i never been in korea before

Boss: Oh i see and Celestine Jin

Celestine: Hello Boss

Boss: Wow your name sounds unique

Celestine: Thanks boss , my mother gave me that name

Boss: oh i see , Then welcome to AMS Ent.

Selena/Ces: Thanks Boss