
AmS Ent"

Selena: (sigh) I think I'll just give it a try then

"Music Room"

Felix: minho hyung ! i need to go now byee

Minho: yeah okay

Felix: are you staying here

Minho: yeah

Felix: okay byee ,( closed door)

Minho: i feel relax here

(open door)

Minho: felix ?

Selena: oh I'm sorry

Minho: (selena?) why are you here ?

Selena: is changbin here ?

Minho: no he's not here

Selena: oh okay I'm gonna go now I'm sorry for disturbing you

Minho: Wait!

Selena: do you need anything ?

Minho: come here

Selena: uhmm okay ( come closer) what is-

"Minho suddenly pull selena and kiss her "

Selena: (shocked)! i can't move !! , why i can't move

Selena: ! you! let me go ! what are you doing !

"Minho push her to the wall and continue to kiss her

"Selena can't move because of minho's strength"

Selena:( if we continue like this someone will see us) (break the kiss) (Panting..) Let m-e g-o!

(Minho continue Kissing her like he didn't hear what selena said)

Selena: mmm.

Minho: (Break kiss) you seems enjoying it

Selena: N-o Not at all, let me g-o !

Minho: what if i don't want ?

Selena: you!

(open door)

"Selena immediately push minho away"

Changbin: minho your just here!? , han is looking for you and selena ?

why are you here selena ?

Selena: (CHANGBIN!) i-im going now

Changbin: what? okay

(Closed door)

Minho: you said han is looking for me ?

Changbin: earlier he was looking for you i think it's important, but what are you guys doing ?

Minho: okay I'm going to see him, see you later !

Changbin: hey wait-

Minho: (smirk, lick his lips)

Selena: (exhausted from running) Oh my gosh ! why did he kiss me !!

Irithel: selena?

Selena: oh Hi !!

Irithel: your face

Selena: What about my face ?

Irithel: It's so red, are you sick

Selena: No! I'm okay , i think it because of the hot weather

Irithel: what ? but it's winter

Selena: it is ?

Irithel: Ah! I need to go now ! I'm in a hurry, see you later

Selena: okay ! Take care (Sigh) ah yes !!

i need to talk to changbin!, he's already infront of me earlier !! It's because of that weird guy!

Ces: Hey ! Why are you shouting?

Selena: nothing !

Ces: okay, irithel said to me that we can go home early

Selena: that's great !

Ces: did you already tell changbin about you agreeing on his offer ?

Selena: I'm not agreeing, I said I'm gonna think about it

Ces: What ?

Selena: I'm not sure about it

Ces: (sigh) okay let's go home

Selena: you can go home first, i have something to do

Ces: What Is it ?

Selena: Uhmm Just-

Ces: Alright see you at home

Selena: bye (I'm going back to the music room maybe changbin is there )


"Music Room"

(Knock knock)

Chan: come in

Selena: uh Hi ?

Chan: oh selena ? Why are you here ?

Selena: is changbin here ?

Chan: he's in other room right next to me

Selena: thanks! sorry for disturbing you

Chan: Okay (well)

(Closed Door)

"Other room"

(Knock... knock )

(Open door)

Selena: changbin are you here

Changbin: oh selena !?

Selena: Ah! sorry , i think i enter in a wrong time

Changbin: it's alright .why are you here ?

Selena: about your offer i will think about it maybe

Changbin: Really ?

Selena: uhmm yess

Changbin: Thank you selena just take your time

Selena: yeah thanks

Changbin: can i ask you something?

Selena: yes! what is it?

Changbin: What we're you doing earlier ? With Minho?

Selena: Uh, That, Nothing ! i just was looking for you earlier, I thought your in the music room

Changbin: oh okay

(but i think i saw something)

i have something to you

Selena: what is it?.

Changbin: wait I'm gonna go get it

Selena: okay

Changbin: I think i put it in here

Selena: ( follows Changbin)

Changbin: Selena watch your step it's slippery here

Selena: ah !

Changbin: Selena !

Selena:( Open her eyes) Uhmm changbin

Changbin: (his on the top of selena) Selena (make an eye contact)

Selena: ( wow he's so- ) (Shocked)

Changbin: (Kiss her)

Selena: (Eyes widen) chang-bin

Changbin: (get her up and kiss her)

Selena: hmm... (push him) what are you doing changbin! I'm- I'm gonna go !

(run away)

Changbin: Selena wait - ( what am i doing?)

(Closed door)


Selena: what's matter with them !! they just kiss me whenever they want !!! that was the second time in the same day !! WTF ! even if i have a crush on changbin he can't do that without my permission! !

The people here is totally the weirdest !!

(omg I'm shouting so loud, (checking if there is someone) Sigh .. i thought someone Heard it )