I saw you

Selena: The show is about to end! Come on selena think !

Ces: Selena! stop walking around me ! What's the matter with you!

Selena: Nothing ! Just let me walk like this

Ces: No ! I feel dizzy when you walk around like that

Selena: I'm sorry Ces, I'm going out a bit

Ces: but the show is about to end

Selena: Tell them i feel sick

Ces: are you alright selena ?

Selena: yes I am Just tell them, Thanks

Ces: (sigh) Selena starting to hide secrets to me

when Selena was about to closed the door suddenly someone grab her

' In a Room'

Selena: Hey why did you suddenly grab me!?

Changbin: Sorry about that

Selena: Changbin ? The show didn't end yet

Changbin: I know

Selena: then why are you here ?

Changbin: I'm here because i want to say I'm sor-

Changbin suddenly stop his word and start getting closer to me

Changbin: Uhm I don't want to say sorry from what I've done yesterday , i don't know why but your the first girl who make me feel like this

Selena: What are you saying ? what do you mean ?

Changbin: Do you know what i mean selena

Selena: I'm sorry but i don'treally understand what your saying, I'm gonna go

Changbin: (Grab her hand) Your not going anywhere selena

Selena: Changbin let go of me !

Changbin: (agressively Hold Selena's hand)

Selena: Ouch ! Changbin !

Changbin: Kiss me

Selena: what ?!

Changbin: i said kiss me

Selena: Are you crazy! No ! I'm not gonna do that !!

Changbin:did you think i didn't saw it ?

Selena: saw what ?

Changbin: I saw you and minho kissing in the music room

Selena: wh-at ?

Changbin: Now kiss me just like how you kiss minho

Selena: No We didn't- I didn't kiss him I was Force By that

Changbin: you don't want to do it ? then I'm going to do it

Changbin Grab Selena And wildly kiss Her

Selena: Mmm. Wa-it

Changbin: shh ! Shut your mouth

Selena: mm. (Panting) (Catching her breath)

Changbin suddenly Move his lips on her kneck

Selena: ah ! (immediately push him away)

No ! Your going to far changbin !

Changbin: (Grab her hand) (Ring Ring)

Tssk. Hello ?

Chan: changbin! where are you ?! You just leave without manager's permission

Changbin: I just did something, I'll be right there (hang up)

Selena: are you leaving ?

Changbin: Why ? you don't want me to leave?

You want to continue ?

Selena: No ! No ! please leave

Changbin:(get closer) We're gonna continue this next time , I'm not satisfied yet

Selena: You !! Leave already !

Changbin: Bye Selena, Ah by the way, Your kissing skill is terrible

Selena: Bullsh*t ! just Leave !

'Music Room'

Changbin: I'm here

Han: where did you go? look at your clothes it's a mess

Changbin: ( look at his clothes) Nothing! Where is chan hyung ?

Han: his talking with manager

Changbin: why ? is there's something wrong?

Han: I don't know, Chan Hyung didn't tell me

Chan: Finally Your here, where did you go !? you look like a mess

Changbin: I just did something fun

Chan: What did you do again ?

Changbin: Nothing hyung

Chan: I know that smile ! you trick manager again

Changbin: (sigh) let's just do our work

Han: hey what are you guys talking about ?

Chan: Nothing Let's work now

Han: oh come on Tell me !