

Daniel: I'm going to buy food, are you okay here alone?

Karina: Yeah

Daniel: Okay, I'll be back ..

[Closed Door]

Karina: i want to watch tv

[Open door]

Karina: Eh? [why is there a nurse] uhmm he-

[choke her]

Karina: Ah- What a-re you do-ing! le-t- go.

[Grab her hair]

Nurse: Ah!

Karina: wait! [takes off her mask] IRITHEL!

[same time]

[Outside of the hospital]

[Ring Ring]

Daniel: [takes his phone out of pocket] Hello? Ces?

Ces: Are you with Karina?

Daniel: No, I left her to buy some food

Ces: What ?! go back to the hospital, hurry!

Daniel: Why ?!

Ces: irithel will kill karina!

Daniel: [drop the food]

[Runs to the hospital]

[inside the hospital]

Karina: [Kick Her] IRITHEL!

Irithel: Hello karina, have you already reported?

[draws a knife]

Karina: You! stay away from me

Irithel: I told you not to intervene, you are ruining my plan ...

Karina: Do you think you'll succeed in your plan? even if you kill me you will not succeed!

Irithel: really? [Grab her hair].

Karina: Ah! let go of me!

Irithel: [pulls her down to her bed]

Karina: What are you doing!

Irithel: hehe ... [evil smile] ••••••

[5th ​​floor hospital]

Daniel: [Rushing to her sisters room] karina are you- KARINA !!

[Saw her on the floor face down]

Daniel: [Lifts her up] [shocked] [saw a knife stab on her neck] KARINA!

[Open Door]

Selena: Daniel! Where is karin-


Daniel: [Crying] Karina! Sister wake up!

Selena / Ces: [crying] .....

[Outside the hospital]

[Ring Ring]

William: did you finish her?

Irithel: Yeah, it's easy for me because no one is watching over her

William: how about the camera's?

Irithel: don't worry, i hack the camera's inside that Room

William: You shouldn't have killed her now

Irithel: Why?

William: Because they have hot eyes on you, they definitely will blame you

Irithel: isn't you who wants to kill her immediately

William: YOU!

Irithel: [hang up] .... [Crying] [Looking at her hands full of blood] I killed a person ...

if it's not for my brother's life, I won't do this.

[After 3 weeks]

[The last day of karina] ..

Daniel: Why did you leave me!, mom and dad already leave me, as well as you too .... [Crying]

Ces: [Crying] I'm sorry karina, We didn't save you, I'm so sorry..

Selena: [Crying] You've been a very good friend to me, I wish you to be happy in heaven

[After the funeral]

Selena: Daniel

Daniel: It's because of you! it's your fault why Karina died! if karina didn't talk to her that night then this wouldn't have happened!

Ces: daniel calm down! It's not Selena's fault, it's all irithel's fault!

Selena: Daniel, I'm sorry

Daniel: don't touch me!

Selena: daniel, I promised you, whoever kills Karina will ne detained

Daniel: Just leave me alone

Ces: come on selena

Selena: okay [Holding her tears] [Leaving]

Daniel: [Angry] IRITHEL.