
Selena: why are you crying? Did something happen?

Ces: my dad is dead

Selena: What!? When?!

Ces: Last week, they just told me earlier [Crying]

Selena: Where are you?

Ces: Dorm

Selena: Okay, I'm on my way there

Han: what happen? where is he?

Selena: she's in the dorm, I'm going home

Han: wait! What happen to her ?!

[Already leave]

Han: Hyung hold this, I'm going to follow her

Minho: Wait! What about Chan hyung ?! What do I tell him?

Han: just Say I'm in the dorm I'm sick ,okay? I'm going now [Leaving]

Minho: I knew it! There's something goin on between them!


Ces: [Crying]

Selena: Ces!

Ces: [Hug her]

Selena: What happen to him?

Ces: Car accident, My friends told me that may dad's car got hit by the van

Selena: wait, your friends told you?

Ces: Yes

Selena: What the Heck! your stepmother didn't tell you?!

Ces: You already know what is my relationship with my stepmother and you know what is her behavior, as well as her son, of course she wouldn't tell me

Selena: You still have the right to know!

Ces: my relationship with my dad is not good when i came here in korea, i didn't even say sorry to him

Selena: are you going home?

Ces: Y-es

Selena: Are you sure? What if they kick you out there?

Ces: They wouldn't Because I'm the one who's going to kick them out to my dad's mansion

Selena: when do you plan to go?

Ces: tomorrow

[Knock Knock]

Selena: wait ces

[Open door]

Selena: Han? why are you here?

Han: Is Ces okay? I'm worried for him

Selena: come in she's inside

Han: Thanks

[Living room]

Selena: Ces! Han is here, I'm just in my room

Ces: Han?

Han: Are you okay? [Hold her hand]

Ces: [staring at him]

Han: Why? What happen?

Ces: [Hug him] [Crying]

Han: it's okay [Pat her head] what happen?

Ces: my d-ad is dead [Crying]

Han: What ?!

Ces: [Crying]

Han: Just cry ces I'm here for you

[After 5 minutes]

Han: are you okay now

Ces: Ye-s

Han: What happened to your dad?

Ces: He got into an accident, I'll be back in the U.S. tomorrow

Han: tomorrow?

Ces: yes, uhmm why are you here

Han: I'm worried about you, you were missing so i thought something happen to you

Ces: You are worried? Why?

Han: You don't really know why? or You're just blind

Ces: What are you talking about?

Han: Don't you notice?

Ces: What should I notice?

Han: Ces! I love you!

Ces: [Suprised] Wha-t

Han: I know this is not the time to say this but if I don't tell you now it was like I'm going to regret it on my whole life

Ces: [h-e lo-ve me?]

Han: Ces! why aren't you speaking?

Ces: I'm sorry, I don't know what to say! You Suprised me!

Han: Do you feel the same?

Ces: Uhmmm,

Han: [Hold her hand]

Ces: [My heart is beating so fast, I'm so nervous] Y-es

Han: What? sorry i didn't hear?

Ces: YES! i feel the same

Han: [So happy] Really!? Wow!

Ces: [He's so happy]

Han: [Hug her] I love you Ces

Ces: [shy] Your so loud selena may hear it

Han: So what? I love you ces

Ces: [Cover his mouth] I said Not so loud

Han: Hihi 😆 let me hug you 💕

Ces: [Smile]