Chapter 5:The Confession

Song/s featured in the chapter:

Way Back Into Love by Hugh Grunt

(feat. Drew Barrymore)

Auster's Pov

Tonight is the Night that will change everything

As some of the students from school is already here and more to come.Me, Mai and the Gang are already finished practicung and now waiting for the other students to settle down then

"wooh! cant wait!"Maiah said

"yeah right"I said to her

"well were gonna start in 40 minutes"Ashe said

"Mai can I talk to you for a moment please"I said to her

"sure"she said while she followed me at the 3rd floor to the front door of the other room near my room.I opened the door and let her In.

"wow Auster this Room is more bigger and those beautiful portraits of the ocean and the walls are painted white and that Queen size bed and another know all of us can fit here"she said to me

"well you can have this room if you want"I said to her

"are you sure?"she asked

"yeah besides none of them have seen this room"I said

"ughhh....Auster what are we doing here again?"she asked me

" I um..."is all I can say due to my nervousness

"well what?"she said

"Can know court you?"I said while my cheeks is getting hot

" depends on how will you court me"she said getting closer to me

"so can I?"I say as I got closer to her

"sure you can"she said

"Wanna Sing With Me?"I asked her

"Sure"she said

"then sit beside me"gesturing her to sit beside me at the piano bench.then I pressed some keys

Mai's POV

Cant believe that he confessed.he asked me to sing with him.he then pressed some keys I quickly knew what song it us cyz its one of my favorites so I began the first verse

M:I've been living with a shadow overhead,

I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,

I've been lonely for so long,

Trapped in the past,

I just can't seem to move on!

A:"I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,

Just in case I ever need 'em again someday,

I've been setting aside time,

To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!

now we sing the chorus together

B:All I wanna do is find a way back into love.

I can't make it through without a way back into love.

Ooo hooow

M:I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,

I've been searching but I just don't see the signs,

I know that it's out there,

There's gotta be something for my soul somewhere!

A:I've been looking for someone to she'd some light,

Not somebody just to get me through the night,

I could use some direction,

And I'm open to your suggestions.

B:All I wanna do is find a way back into love.

I can't make it through without a way back into love.

And if I open my heart again,

I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!

M:There are moments when I don't know if it's real

Or if anybody feels the way I feel

I need inspiration

Not just another negotiation

B:All I wanna do is find a way back into love,

I can't make it through without a way back into love,

And if I open my heart to you,

I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,

And if you help me to start again,

You know that I'll be there for you in the end!

We just finish the song and we became silent for a moment.he then faced me with a smile.Now I am staring to those Emerald Green Eyes that I would stare anytime I want

Auster's Pov

As I faced her with a Smile.She began staring at me while smiling.Now I have the perfect view to those hazel colored eyes and her perfect pink lips.I noticed how close we are right now I mean our face are like inches away.but her Eyes hynotized me aswell as her lips.Man I want her madly.My body began moving by itself. As I lean towards her I noticed that she bit her lip as she leaned also.Well our lips are centimeters away but someone burst through the door which consisting

Jaw Dropped Boys+ShockedAshe+Smirking Kisha+Mk holding herself from squeling and a hand covering her Mouth Maiah=Super Embarassed Auster and furiously blushing Mai

"I...ugh..W-we..J-just talking!"we said in unison

then the boys passed out.woah thats new.but the girls began squeling in joy

"I knew you two like each other!"Maiah said

"Yes! Marty have an Official Suitor!"Ashe Said

"and that is Auster!"Mk said

"Ladies why dont we give them some privacy.We dont want to be messing them right?"Kisha said while dragging the girls out the room with the boys.after she put the boys outside the room still unconsious she peeked her head at the doorframe

"Auster were ready for the Party and we are all set and we will be starting at 15minutes but now why dont we leave you two"she said while giving her sugnature smirk

"oh! One more thing Take your Time!"she said as she closed the door leaving Me and Mai blushing to her last statement

"Sooo..."trying to break the awkwardness

"I guess we should Follow them"she said walking to the door but before she got out I grab her arm

before I could speak she kissed me in the lips and said

"So you are now official"

then she leave me dumbfounded

It took me a minute to Sync in what happened.She kissed me.were official are the only things running in my mind

then It hit me

"She Kissed me! She Frickin Kissed Me!! Yeeesssss!!!!"I shouted over my lungs

Mai's Pov

"Sooo..."he said trying to break the awkwardness

"I guess we should Follow them"I said and Im nervously walking to the door but before I got out He grab my arm

before he could speak I kissed him in the lips and said

"So yoi are now official"

then I leave him there. but I hid behind the door and waited for his Reaction.

"She Kissed me! She Frickin Kissed Me!! Yeeesssss!!!!"he shouted

After I heard what he said I decided to go down then I saw Maiah and the others are waiting

"Well?"Maiah asked

"well he worth it"I said to them.then they began cheering for me.