Chapter 8: The Hint of the Past 2

Song/s featured in this chapter:

Song for a Friend by Jason Mraz

Auster's Pov

"Thank You for tonight"she said

"Your Welcome"I said as I hugged her back

I noticed that someone is watching us at their window so I broke the hug and said

"Good Night, Sweet Dreams, See You Tomorrow, bye"

"You too Auster bye!"she said

"Nighty-Night!"I said back

she got inside their house and I got myself in my car and drove silently to my place.

Mai's Pov

"First, what happened?"America asked

"Second, whats with the flowers?"Riley asked

"and Third, whats the hug for?"Mom asked

"H-how did you?"Is all I can say

"I guess he saw us watching"Mom said

"and dont change the subject"Riley said

"okay First, he asked me to approve him as my suitor"I said as I sat at the sofa

"and you said Yes!"America said happily

"stop Ames please continue"Mom said

"okay he aked me in a nice know...a little performance then we dance then he gave me these flowers then he asked me if its okay that he will be my suitor and I said Yes infront of a crowd"I said as I catch my breathe

"wait what Crowd?"Riley asked

"well we kinda had mini concert at his place just a few blocks away from here"I said

"so whats the hug for? Dont say that you already have a thing?"Mom said

"well.... the hug is kinda secret for now and were not a thing Mom"I said

"Yet"Mom,America and Riley said in unison

"okay Yet"I said while blushing

"I knew I was right about you two"America said

"well guess your right"Riley answered

"Oookay ummm well Good Night!"I said while smiling

"Nighty-Night!"they said trying to mimick Auster. I just rolled my eyes

As I enter my room. I decided to take a shower. I picked a light green Pajamas.

I was suppose to tie my hair when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the callers ID but its Unkowm. I answered it

and said

"If your one of those guys trying to ask me to go out with them my answer is No!"I blurted

"Chill Down Sassy Pants"he answered

"who are you and how did you get my number?"I said

"well Im Auster and I got your number from Ashe"he said

"then prove that you are Auster"I said challenging him if he really is Auster

"okay then heres my proof. I am Austerlitz Balangue Mañalac Fourth Year student of Legends of League Special Music, I offered you to be the lead singer of the Seniors and my house is just five blocks away from your house"he said. He is Auster

"okay one more thing. What did you say before you leave?"I asked him

"Its Nighty-Night Mai"Auster said

"Just messing with ya"I said

"ookay"he said

"so why did you call?"I asked

"well I was thinking"he said

"thinking what?"I asked again

"IF You wanna go out with him tomorrow evening!"someone shouted through the phone

"shut up guys!"he shouted back at them

"Ummm Auster you there?"I asked

"Oh Uhh like they said Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night?"he said

"Umm....Yes?"I said trying to be calm

"Okay then I'll make it special"he said

"what do you mean?"I asked

"thats for now see you tomorrow Mai! Bye!"he said ending the call

"Aghhh!"I squeeled in joy

Then America and Riley bursted through the door while holding their tooth brush followed by Mom in her evening dress

"what happened?"Riley asked

"are you okay?"America asked

"and why are you blushing?"Mom asked

"umm just dont freak out"I warned them

"Just spill it!"America demanded

"Austeraskedmeoutfortomorrownight"I said quickly

"what?"Riley asked

"Did you"America continued

"just said"Mom finished

"ummm...Auster A-asked me out?"I said nervously

"He what?!"America and Riley said in unison

"well he kinda asked me out for tomorrow night umm maybe a friendly date or a welcome date"I said

"you sure?"Ames asked

"a 90% sure"I said

"where is the 10%?"Riley said

"umm hoping I guess?"I said making the twins smile

"Marty just promise me that Study first"Mom said

"I promise Mom"I said

"okay then America,Riley go back to your rooms and let your sister have some rest. She has a big day tomorrow"Mom said making the two leave my room

"Good Night Sweety"Mom said before going out my room

I sighed

Okay then tomorrow here I come.I tied my hair and lay down at my bed and dozing off

Auster's Pov

"so why did you call?"she asked me

"well I was thinking"I said

"thinking what?"she asked again

"IF You wanna go out with him tomorrow evening!"Mk, Sean, Maiah and Julius shouted through the phone

"shut up guys!"I shouted back at them making the boys fled the rooftop

"Ummm Auster you there?"she asked

"Oh Uhh like they said Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night?"I said

"Umm....Yes?"She said

"Okay then I'll make it special"I said

"what do you mean?"she asked

"thats for now see you tomorrow Mai! Bye!"I said ending the call

"So what did she said?"Kisha asked me

"well she kinda said yes"I said to her

"well atleast she answered you"Kisha said

"well I hope it wont be like the First time you asked a girl"Maiah said holding her laughter

"thank you for summing that up"I said

"hmm I remember that one"Kisha said

"yeah because it was meant for you"Maiah said

"atleast I was entertained that night. Can I do the honors Auster"Kisha said

"you can tell them except that thing"I said to her

"ooh you still remember it do you?"Kisha teased me

"what thing? Dont tell me you two did it?"Maiah said

" will I explain this"I asked Kisha

"Then Mk should sleep now besides she is too young to hear it"she said

"hah! Hear that! Wait what?! Awe man cant I hear it? Please? Pweaty please?"Mk said to Kisha then Kisha looked at me

"okay you can stay but dont tell it to the boys and its not what you two think"I said

"then spill it out!"Mk said

"where shall we start? Oh how about the flowers?"Kisha said

"just make sure the boys wont know. If they did you girls will be grounded for a week. There will be no Wifi, no TV, no Laptops and No Shopping"I said to them

"what?!"they said in unison

"you know the cons of telling a secret Kisha"I said

"then Ill just tell the funny part is that okay?"Kisha asked

"just-"I managed to say but Kisha cuts me

"pweaty please?"she said wearing her puppy eyes

"Are you kidding me with those eyes?"I said to her making her eyes bigger

"why do I always fell for your puppy eyes? fine tell them"I said giving up

~major time skip~

"haha cant believe you did that"Mk said

"yeah I did it but Kisha and I didnt last for a year"I said

"yeah atleast Im true to him"Kisha said

"but why? I mean why didnt you two made it?"Maiah asked

"its because of Yannah"I said trying to hide the pain of the past

"sorry Auster for bringing that up"Maiah said

"its fine Maiah besides we cant replace on what happened yesterday am I right?"I said

"well we better sleep"Mk said pulling Maiah

"Night Cuz!"Maiah said as the two girls disappeared

"how 'bout you Kisha arent you gonna sleep"I asked her while she was staring at the sky watching the stars shining

"Earth to Kisha?"I said waving a hand infront of her face

"Auster?"she said

"yes"I said

"I think we shouldve told them on what really happened that night"she said

"atleast they believed that I did the worm dance while I was intoxicated"I said

Then she punched me at my left shoulder

"ow! What was that for?!"I asked her

"thats for trying to stop me shopping"

Then she grabbed my shirt and kissed me on the lips and hugged me tight and said

"and thats for everything else"she said

"how many times do I need to tell you that we cant be together"I said to her

"how many times do I need to tell you that I love you Auster"she said as a single tear fell from her cheek. I hugged her back

"for now being your best friend wont mind. But if she hurts you I'll punish her"she said

"that wont be necessary"I said to her wiping away her tear

"Can you promise me if this was right,

Don't throw it all away? "she asked me

"I promise Annie I wont throw all this memories"I said

"Night Auster"she said

"Night Annie"I said to her as she disappeared through the door

I entered my room and sat by the piano bench.

"Maybe a song will do the trick"

I searched my old notebook for a song that I and Kisha wrote.

"here it is"I said to myself

Soon I remembered tge chords and pressed some keys then Ill start

"Well you're magic he said

But don't let it all go to your head

Cuz I bet if you all had it all figured out

Then you'd never get out of bed

No doubt

Of all the thing's that I've read what he wrote me

Is now sounding like the man I was hoping

To be

I Keep on keeping it real

Cause it keeps getting easier, he'll see

He's the reason that I'm laughing

Even if there's no one else

He said, you've got to love yourself

You say, you shouldn't mumble when you speak

But keep your tongue up in your cheek

And if you stumble onto something better remember that it's humble that you seek

You got all the skill you need,


You got something

You call it gumption

You call it anything you want

Because when you play the fool now

You're only fooling everyone else

You're learning to love yourself

Yes you are

There's no price to pay

When you give and what you take,

That's why it's easy to thank you


Let's say take a break from the day

And get back to the old garage

Because life's too short anyway

But at least it's better then average

As long as you got me

And I got you

You know we'll got a lot to go around

I'll be your friend

Your other brother

Another love to come and comfort you

And I'll keep reminding

If it's the only thing I ever do

I will always love

I will always love you

Yes you

I will always, always, always, always love

I will always, always love

I will always, always love, love

Climb up over the top.

Survey the state of the soul.

You've got to find out for yourself whether or not you're truly trying.

Why not give it a shot?

Shake it. Take control and inevitably wind up

Find out for yourself all the strengths you have inside of you."

"Surprised that you kept that one"said someone at the door and it was Kisha

"well Im the one who made the melody"I said

"and Im the one who made the Lyrics"Kisha said

"and we got an A+ because of that song"I said cherishing those moments

"Auster can I ask a favor?"she said

"ofcourse you can except if it involves heights"I said

"Ofcourse not. I just wanna ask if I can... you know... sleep with you tonight?"she said

"having nightmares?"I asked

"yeah so can I?"she said

"no problem as long as you wont push me out of the bed last like last time"I said to her

"that wont be a problem"she said as I fixed the bed

"thank you Auster for everything"she said as she hugged me

"sleep tight"I said as I turn off the lights

"Kisha one more thing do we have classes tomorrow?"I asked Kisha

"we dont have silly because its saturday"she said

"okay then good night"I said to her kissing her forehead

"night too"she said