Chapter 12: Musical Bar

Red by Taylor Swift Auster's Pov

Its already 7am this Sunday. Only me and Kisha is awake because Maiah left us an hour ago. She said that she will just take a nap.

"Auster Im going to sleep for now and don't let the others wake me because my head hurts"she said holding her head

"take a bath first and get dressed, then go into my room you'll find a medicine at my lamp table and you can sleep there"I said to her assisting her to stand

"thank you Auster for everything"she said tapping me on the shoulders then going upstairs

I don't want to disturb the others. And Im bored already. I remember my studio so I decided to go there

As I entered the studio I saw the violin on top of the piano. I remembered Mai.

I took out my phone and dialed her number. She answered

"This is Marty speaking"she said lazily

"hey Mai its Auster. Are you free today?"I asked

"oh Auster! Im free today"she said happily.

"ugh.. Will you go out with me? Just the two of us?"I asked

"well yeah I can go. The twins and Mom will go to the Market later on"she said

"good wait me there I'll fetch you. Wear something comfortable"I said

Mai's Pov

What will he do? I asked myself

I looked at my clock its already 7:13 am and its Sunday.

I got up and fixed my bed. I look for my light blue sweater,a white shirt, a black pants and the Jordans that came from Auster.

"Marty we will be leaving. We will be back at 3. Make sure that you lock the house"Mom said as she entered my winter themed room.

"Um.. Mom can I go with Auster later on?"I asked. I hope she won't refuse

"Sure"she said plainly

"nothing more?"I ask because she's not always like this

"yeah besides Auster seems nice but remember you need to be careful about him"she said

"yes Mom I get it. I promise to be careful"I said as I hug her

"ok sweetie well be gone until 3. Make sure to be back before dinner"she said as she broke the hug and walk to the door

"thanks Mom"I said before she got out

I ate my breakfast which consist a three layered pancake with nutella chocolate syrup. After I ate I took a bath, dry up and got into my outfit

Ding! Dong!

I guess its Auster

I looked again at myself on the mirror. I look fine

I opened up the door and Auster's back was facing me. So I poked him

"Hi Mai"He said

"hi so where are we going?"I asked him

"we will just buy you something"he said

"what something?"I asked him

"just come on"he said pulling me to his car

As we got on his car and drove away he started to speak

"so Mai what is your favorite color?"he asked

"cerulean blue"I said

"do you like name carving?"He asked again

"yes and why are you asking this things?"I questioned him

"nothing im just curious. Okay here we are"he said as we stop front of Balangue's Music Bar

A Music Bar? I questioned myself

"wait isn't it your middle name is Balangue? So do you own this bar?"I asked him

"no but someone else"he said as he got out the car and opened the door for me

"thank you"I said for his action

"no problem"he said as we walk closer to the bar

"one more thing why is this called a Musical Bar?"I asked him

"go see for yourself"he said as he opened the front door

The first thing I saw was a Black grand piano and guitars hanging on the wall

"Zi!"Auster shouted

"Kuya!"(Older brother or Cousin)

A young black haired girl, a couple of inches taller to me, and also she's beautiful

"is she the girl your talking about? If she is she's one hot red head"she said punching the shoulder of Auster. Now I know how to be out of place

"yeah she is. By the way Mai I want you to meet Zibelle Ziem Balangue, and Zi she is Marty Mionette Losoya or Mai for short"he said as I shake hands with the girl

"hi! And also Im his cousin besides Ate(older sister or Cousin) Maiah"She said happily

"so what does Auster told about me?"I ask Zi smirking

"well she says your talented,gorgeous,kinda shy, and also he-"she was about to say something but a blushing Auster covered her mouth

"okay that's enough. And we are here to buy something"he said

"then what will you buy?"Zi asked

"it's not for me its for Mai"he said

"Mine?"I asked curiously

"well yeah. Remember when you visit my studio and saw my violin? And I said that I can teach you to play? So I decided to buy one for you"he said pulling me to a lane of Violins

"Mai you could pick one and we can paint it according to your taste. We can engraved your name and its a gift from me to the girl who captured the heart of Kuya"Zi said

So that's why Auster asked those earlier

"Well I don't know how to choose what's right for me"I said

"well take this one"Auster said

"okay then what will be the color of your new Violin? And what will be engraved?"Zi asked me

"Blue and my whole name please"I said

"okay write your name please and can you wait for instrument it'll gonna take a couple of minutes"Zi said handing me a paper

"okay well try those pianos first"Auster said

After that Zi walked into a room

"so that's why you asked if I could go with you"I said to Auster

"not just that I also want to know more about you"he said while we sat to a piano bench

"then you could ask now but first can we try this?"I asked him with a puppy eyes

"you know you look cute with those eyes and yes"he said pressing some chords

"by the way do you know Red by Taylor Swift?"he asked me

"yeah and also shes my idol"I said

"then well do it my way"he said

"[Auster]Loving you is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street

Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly

Loving you is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall

Like the colors in autumn, so bright just before they lose it all"he said referring his love for me

"[Auster]Losing you was blue like I'd never known

Missing you was dark grey all alone

Forgetting you was like trying to know somebody you never met

But loving you was red

Loving you was red"he said making me join him

"[Mai]Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you

Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song

Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer

Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong"I said pressing some chords as a mix to his chords

"[Auster and Mai]Losing you was blue like I'd never known

Missing you was dark grey all alone

Forgetting you was like trying to know somebody you never met

But loving him was red

Oh, red

Burning red"we said as he began hush solo

"[Auster]Remembering you comes in flashbacks and echoes

Telling myself it's time now, gotta get you

But moving on from you is impossible

When I still see it all in my head

In burning red

Burning, it was red"and some played an electric guitar I look who played it and it was Zi strumming a red electric guitar

"[Auster and Mai]Oh, losing you was blue like I'd never known

Missing you was dark grey all alone

Forgetting you was like trying to know somebody you never met

'Cause loving you was red

Yeah, yeah, red

We're burning red

"[Auster]And that's why she's spinnin' 'round in my head

Comes back to me, burning red

Yeah, yeah"he said looking at me

"[Mai]His love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street"I said ending the song while some costumers applaud to our song

"Hi"someone spoke from behind