"It is a letter from Her Majesty to you, Duchess. She expressed great regret for what has happened to the Duchy of Efreni."

"Oh my goodness..."

Instead of reading the letter, the Duchess of Efreni began to cry. Petronilla was embarrassed by her sudden reaction, but soon calmly began to soothe her.

"Your Majesty is very concerned, Duchess. If you need anything, please say it."

"SOB… Thank you, Lady Petronilla. Really…"

Petronilla, to be honest, could not adjust to this. In her memory, the Duchess of Efreni was always a tight person. A person who was not tolerant of mistakes, and strict.

When such a person shed tears like this due to her son's illness, she forgot that she was also a person. Petronilla continued to comfort her casually, trying to shake off the sense of how strange it felt.

"No, Duchess. I hope your son will recover as soon as possible."

"I cannot face Her Majesty. At this point, at a time for such a serious task, I gave Her Majesty such trouble..."