First Meeting as a Couple

Alex and Carlos are finally a couple. Alex still can't believe that she would be involved in a relationship with the opposite sex. It is something new to her and something she never expected. She doesn't know how to act in as a girlfriend. When she had her partners, she was not thoughtful and she was not the type who would show her feelings to them. She was caring to them, yes, but she never sent them messages first. She just meets them whenever she feels like it or when they asked her to meet. She could remember how demanding and clingy they were and she doesn't know whether she should also act the same way as them.

The next day, she woke up happy. Being in love and being in a relationship with Carlos makes her look forward for the end of the week since they will be together for the first time as a couple. Thursday is still 4 days away but she can't already contain her excitement.

After taking a shower, she put on her uniform and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Wow! Is that really you?" Her dad, who was so surprised almost spilled his coffee.

"Good morning, sweety. You look very pretty," her mom greeted.

The helper was also smiling while looking at her.

"Do you think people at school will also have that reaction?" Alex asked. She is now wearing her school uniform which is a skirt, something she only did when she was a freshman. She also put a clip on her hair and is wearing a liptint.

"No, honey. Don't mind them. They will get used to yoir new look later on, so you don't need to worry." Her mom assured her.

"I don't want to be ridiculed." Alex put down her stuff on a vacant chair and ran back to her room.

"I'm so happy for Alexa," her dad, now almost with tears. "I have always hoped to see her like that since she was young. If I have known that letting her meet a man to be her husband would change her, I should have done it since she was in primary school."

"Stop that nonsense. She met someone she would fall in love with, that's why she changed. Are you sure you are okay letting her get married early?"

"Of course at first I was against it, but you know mother, she would never stop until she gets what she wants so I had to play along. Now that I have known Carlos, I feel my our Alex will be taken care of. Just look at her now, so my vote goes to him." He said smiling.

Alex came back with her usual PE uniform without the clip and the color on her lips.

"Why did you change? You look perfect with you skirt," Mr. Lopez.

Alex ignored what her dad said and sat on a chair. She has to eat fast or else she would be late.

Her parents were smiling looking at her eat. They are so proud that their daughter is finally blossoming into a very fine and beautiful lady.

The days went by so slow for Alex and Carlos. They called each other every night for hours and it seems they always have a topic to talk about.

"Can't wait to see you tomorrow." Carlos said on a Wednesday night.

"Me, too."

"Let's have dinner in your favorite restaurant."

"Do you know where it is?"

"Of course not, you never told me anything about the places you love going to and I'm sure you have brought many women in those places."

"Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be? They are women so I'm sure they are nothing compared to me. Haha! If it's men, maybe I would feel a little jealous but I'm sure you haven't met any man except me so I'm okay."

"Why are you so arrogant?"

"Why do you love me?"

Alex was speechless with his question. She is still not comfortable expressing her feeling to him.

"What will you wear tomorrow?" Carlos asked.

"Just jeans and shirt. Why?"

"Can't you wear something other than those?"

"Why should I?"

"It's our first date as a couple. It is special. I wan't to see you wearing a dress and light make up."

"I would be coming from school. What do you expect?"

"Are you shy?" Carlos starts teasing her again. He already knows the answer to his question but he likes it when Alex can't answer his question.

"I'm a student so of course I have to wear my uniform. And I can only change for jeans and a shirt before I go home."


"Where we meet tomorrow then?," Alex, changjng the subject.

"I don't know yet. I will send you a message when I get to the city. I have to check in the hotel first to put my stuff. Let's see what time I can get there. I will let you know tomorrow."

"Why don't you just stay in our place so you don't need to pay for the hotel?"

"I can't kiss you anytime I like when we stay in your place. And I feel a little guilty sneaking in your room."

"What's the difference? I also have to lie to my parents so I can stay with you at night."

Carlos smiled when he heard what Alex said. "I didn't ask you to stay with me in the hotel? What are you planning?"

"Okay, I won't stay with you!" Alex is now blushing and at the same time a little pissed.

"Don't plan anything to break our promise. I am also a man and if you force me, I can't do anything but to give in."

"I don't want to see you anymore!"

"Haha! I love you, honey. I can finally kiss you tomorrow."

Alex didn't say a word. She is also so excited to see him but doesn't want to admit it directly.

The next day, Alex tried to make herself busy so she could divert her attention to other things. She was sure her friends would notice her excitement and happiness so she tried avoiding them by going to the library during breaks and going when she sees the teacher arriving so she won't have a time to chat with her classmates.

The day went by so fast and it is almost 4pm, her dismissal time. She keeps checking her watch and her phone to see any updates from Carlos. She hasn't received any message nor call from him since morning and she doesn't have any clue where to meet him. As always, she doesn't want to contact him first. She doesn't want him to have another reason to tease her.

The bell rings, signalling ths end of classes. Before her firends could even talk to her, she got her bag left the classroom as fast as she could without saying good bye to her friends.

"What's wrong with her? She's acting weird since morning," says one of them.

"Did we do anything bad to her?," the other asked.

"She didn't join the basketball practice since Monday. I hear from coach she is considering to quit the basketball team," another student said.

"What?!" all of them.

"What's happening to her? I think we have to ask her. Maybe there is something that's bothering her." A group of girls went out from the classroom and started to look for Alex.

Meanwhile, Alex changed her clothes in the nearest powder room and hurriedly left the school. She is starting to feel mad at Carlos for not telling her where they would meet and what time he can arrive in the city or whether he has already arrived. She decided to stay at a cafe outside the school to wait for his message.

On her way out, she saw a man talking to the guard with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. They were both laughing and seems enjoying their conversation.She wouldn't notice them if he could only step aside so the students going out could pass through the gate smoothly but the man and the flowers were blocking the way. Some students start to get annoyed with him.

Something is familiar with the man. She can't see hus face early since the students in front of her are blocking the view.

"Hey! We finally found you!" A group of girls tapped her shoulder. They are her classmate.

"Are you okay? You were acting strange recently are we are worried about you."

"I'm okay. I'm just a little busy studying. You know, we are in our final year and I want to study hard so I can enter in the university that I want." Alex lied.

"Are you sure?," asked one of them.

"Yeah, of course." The students in front of her started moving.

"Honey, why were you too slow. I was waiting for you by the gate." A familiar voice startled Alex. She looked at the direction of the voice immediately. The girls around her also looked at the man. Some of them were admiring his looks.

Carlos took Alex hand. "I missed you."

All the students around them were surprised with the scene. Murmurs could be heard everywhere. Her friends looked at her, waiting for her response.

Alex was speechless for a while. She didn't know how to react. She was so surprised to see him here but at the same time, she is happy that they are finally together.

"Why are you not saying anything? I came here just to surprise you." Carlos now looks disappointed but Alex was sure that he is just teasing her.

The students in front of them were moving slowly. Some students intentionally stopped to see what's happening. Alex is known to every student in the school because of her popularitybas a varsity player. And all of then knew that she is a lesbian.

Carlos took her backpack and handed her the flowers. They are now holding hands while they make their way outside the gate. They are almost at the gate and everyone was still staring at them. Alex didn't know why she acted like a robot and never protested when Carlos took her bag and when she got the bouquet from him. She was like possessed.

When they finally got out from the gate, the students started taking a picture of them. Alex tried to hide herself behind Carlos. She was so shy to say anything but Carlos put his arm on her shoulder and they started leaving the school premise.