Right now, Himiko felt like she was going crazy. Today, just after a few hours of class, Shiketsu suddenly ordered the cessation of all classes and sent them to their home per group of ten with two profs on each group. You could say that it was a hard and torturous situation. Made worse by the fact that the profs refused to explain anything.
Thankfully her home was rather close so she was one of the first to go home. This should have been a simple but weird day. That was it until she watched the broadcast station. She didn't care about how much those people suffered. She didn't care about why such a situation would occur.
What made her so unstable right now was the video of Kuroha saving so many people.
(What should we do? What should we do?)
Until now, what she feared the most finally began to happen. Himiko would never underestimate the government. If they really put enough resources on it, sooner or later Kuroha would make a mistake and they'll find him.
(No! Stop being so alarmist. There's still hope.)
It was when she began to calm herself that her phone began to vibrate. Someone was calling her. She was a little surprised when she saw the name but she still decided to pick up the call
"Hello, Momo. What circumstances gave me such a pleasure of this call?"
"Please Himiko, come to my house fast. We need to discuss something."
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
After that, she hanged without waiting for Himiko's answer. Himiko never hated more such a set of words. She didn't know what was happening, but she didn't think this conversation would be calm.
Right now, Momo wasn't in a good state of mind either. She was sitting on her bed, the light switched off. The sole source of light being her PC.
On her pc, a video was on. It was a video of a Devil rescuing people from the fire. One could really see the shadow of All Might in this video. Only that this Devil didn't laugh like him.
But, Momo wasn't a fanboy. What made her unable to stop looking at this video was the design and color of the armor the Devil was wearing. Why? Because she knew this armor. More precisely, she once saw the sketch of this armor in Kuroha bag.
At that time she was overcome by a little bit of curiosity and wanted to see what was in his bag. But only after opening it did she think that what she was doing was wrong and would most likely anger him should he discover it. That's why she immediately closed the bag. Still, her memory was top notch, and she perfectly remembered after having a glimpse of this sketch.
She believed in coincidence but there was a limit to it. Such a situation wasn't a coincidence but a fact. Kuroha was either related to Devil or, most likely, Devil himself.
She didn't know what to think. Even though she called Himiko and told her to come, she did this in a moment of impulse and didn't know what she would say to him.
She let out a bitter smile as she remembered what he told her when rejecting her.
"You don't know the real me… Huh?"
A sigh of frustration escaped her lips. She truly didn't know the real him.
She also didn't know what to think now that she did. Devil was now recognized as a high level criminal. But was what he did really evil.
But he didn't have the right to punish them either.
But so what? If he didn't act how much worse would have the situation turned?
Isn't that saying breaking the law does not matter as long as one brings good results.
She let an unlady like groan of frustration as she put her hands on her hair and let herself fall completely on her bed.
"I will let Himiko explain everything to me."
Right now, a tanned woman with white hair and red eyes as well as rabbit hair could be seen in a high quality apartment, as she watched a video, a large quantity of beer can present around her.
Right now, all she was wearing was a pair of black panties and a white shirt long enough to reach her thighs but tight enough that her abundant bust stretched a little against it. This allowed a very tantalizing sight, nosebleed worthy for the newbie. Her position as she watched the video was also a little very interesting. She had her legs crossed. A position that would have shown glimpse of her panties had anyone be present with her.
She was Mirko or Rumi. The rabbit hero
This video was different from the one circulating on the TV stations. If that one showed him saving people, this one was the one where he could be seen killing people.
The sound of a biscuit breaking could be heard as she put one in her mouth.
She took another heavy swing of her beer and let out a whistle of admiration as she saw him squeeze the head of the villains.
She cheered like a fan girl as she watched him dodge a pinched attack and deal a lethal counter.
She was different from the other heroes. For them this guy was a crime worthy of prison for life. For her, this guy was a hidden gem that should be polished better to shine on the world.
In her opinion. Heroes nowadays were too wishy-washy. Villain should be destroyed and killed without any pity if the situation called for it.
Oh well, this has nothing to do with her. Not like she would meet him. After all he was wearing a disguise. It was one
*Ding* *Dong*
"*Grumble* who could it be at this time of the day."
She went to the intercom and tried to see, but, what she saw petrified her. Faster that she could react another one sounded.
*Ding* *dong*
Then a voice came from the interface.
"Rumi-Chan, I know that you're here. Don't make me lose my time trying to find you."
Those words scared her so much that she immediately went and opened the door. Right now, none of her usual confidence could be seen. Rather, she seemed like a tamed dog wagging her tail to her master.
Once she opened the door, she bowed with respect.
"Good afternoon Sensei."
"Stand up my child."
Mirko didn't relax when she heard those words. Rather she was sure that something unpleasant was bound to happen. Effectively, she soon heard those words.
"I need your help. It's time for you to meet your juniors."
Somewhere else, in what looked like a basement, a woman in armor was watching a video of Devil. Weirdly, like Mirko, she also had the version full of killing and torture.
"Hum… He seems to be a little unstable mentally. But it's not a problem."
Another voice sounded from behind her. The person who spoke was evidently a man. But the shadow surrounding him made it impossible to see his face.
"I am sure. This man is trustworthy. What more, even though he was a little extreme. I can accept the way he acted this time. Even for me those guys weren't worthy of being called human anymore."
The man behind her simply nodded. It was impossible to see whether he acquiesced to her or simply didn't want to bother since he knew how stubborn she was.
"Anyway, I promised you to not treat you as a child anymore. Make your own choices. Like an adult and accept and…"
"... Accept the result like an adult. Don't worry. I understand."
The man nodded at this retort and went away. Ferrum Femina on the other hand simply went back to watching the video.
(Japan is really more interesting than I thought.)