Nueva Esperanza. Anyone else using this move would basically die. Accelerating the circulation of his blood and the pumping of his heart put such a strain on his body that his body was basically boiling and ejected red steam. Using it was so painful. Still, despite all the negative effects. The gains were overwhelming.
Kuroha watched with apathy as she sailed through the air and out of the bond of the roof after he hit her. They were only about 50 meters high. Even if she fell she wouldn't die. As long as she was alive all wounds would be healed by master.
Kuroha ponytail slowly swayed with the wind. His shirt was soaked with blood. It will be a real pain to wash it.
(Now she should have landed. I will just go and take my phone to call Master. Let's hope that people don't think that it was a suicide.)
"Lunar walk."
Kuroha, who was already walking away, turned around in surprise before tilting his head in wonder.
(She is flying? No. She is running. The fuck what kind of leg strength is necessary for something like that.)
Kuroha knew people who could walk in the air such as Gran Torino. But it was the power of her quirk. Well. In some way the same was happening in front of him.
"*Sigh* Some heroes are really absurd."
"Ahahah. Kuroha you're truly a little sneaky bastard. I LIKE IT. NOW COME!! SHOW ME MORE OF THIS SKILL."
Kuroha grinned a little as he looked at the soaring Bunny in front of him. He decided to show her that no matter how strong she was. In the air, he was still better.
He suddenly jumped with all his might and rushed towards Mirko. But she blocked his hit before throwing him away.
The moment Kuroha was flung, he did a somersault while his blood formed what looked like a support. Using it, he propelled himself once again toward Mirko.
Mirko, on the other hand, wasn't idle. Her technique was incredibly demanding on her stamina. But it didn't matter. It was fun.*BOOM* She also used the air pressure to change again and propel herself toward him.
The fight in the air was a first for Kuroha as well as Mirko. After all people able to fly or knock-off versions of flight weren't many.
The number of variables that needed to be taken into account during a fight in the sky was so much higher than normal.
Up down right and left. Every hit made them turn and turns. Anyone else in their place would have barfed all their breakfasts and wouldn't be able to distinguish the direction.
Kuroha could have a greater mobility against her, but, to tell the truth, he didn't want to. He was all but conceited. If he pushed her too much. She would stop holding back. It was better to use such occasions to become better.
The fight lasted a few minutes before Mirko missed a turn and was blasted off by Kuroha down toward the roof.
(Shit, if she lands at this speed the roof will be destroyed. He didn't even want to think about how much it would cost to make repairs.)
Surprisingly, the situation didn't unfold as he feared. Rather, she managed to offset the counterforce and landed rather beautifully. She was a little winded but despite that hit and the previous ones that Kuroha gave her with his two sneak attacks she wasn't too much damaged. Her wounds were only superficial at best.
Kuroha on the other hand was sweating bullets. He could proudly say that he was basically a perpetual machine. But the problem lay in the BASICALLY. A normal fight wouldn't be a problem but using N.E was extremely taxing.
The moment Kuroha landed, Mirko immediately rushed towards him once again. This time though, Kuroha was able to see her and dodged her kick by before sending a punch toward her stomach.
Sadly, using a weaker version of Luna Step, she easily changed her directions mid-air and also dodged him, caught his arm between her thighs and then *Crack* crushed them.
She didn't even let him focus before she used her momentum to scissors his body between her thighs and once again *Crunch* Kuroha literally felt his waist being crushed.
After that, just as he began falling, she released him before doing a somersault and *Bang* hit his shin with her foot. This propelled him in the air, but seemingly not finding it enough. Mirko finished her somersault with a full turn and launched another kick *Boom* that landed squarely on his chest and threw him out of the roof.
If this was a game, then Mirko just executed a perfect combo with absolutely no gap. Each attack crushed something in his body. Anyone else in his place would have died long ago.
Kuroha who was falling was extremely surprised. All the damage was healing slower than usual. It seemed like his body was healing the damage created by Nueva before healing the rest.
He was learning many new things. Blood formed under him and took the form of a hoverboard. He also stopped Nueva and began to heal way faster. Finally, he slowly began to fly back.
Kuroha couldn't see it, but his eyes were practically blazing. More precisely one of his eyes flashed with a color different from the scarlet one. But, it was only for a fleeting moment.
"*Sigh* Mirko's reputation is well deserved. I wish I could see her full power but I don't want to be the cause of this building destruction."
Once Kuroha finally reached the roof once again. He saw Mirko grinning at before she said,
"Let's stop here for today. I slipped a little toward the end and attacked you with more power than I intended."
Kuroha who was fired up to continue the fight felt as if a fishbone was stuck in his throat. An apt description for what Kuroha was feeling right now was that he was like a man on the verge of Cumming but suddenly the woman stopped moving and told him that it would be all for today. In short, a cock block of epic proportion.
He opened his mouth as he wanted to protest but he didn't know what to say, even though he generally acted as he wished he was never spoiled. He didn't know how to act like that.
Mirko who was inspecting her wound looked at him before smirking,
"What? Not satisfied? Hehe don't worry. Your performance was really satisfying. We will have many more occasions to do so."
He could only let out a sigh of resignation and jumped off his hoverboard before landing.
"Still, Your quirk is really a pain. To think you could heal from such damage. You're a true monster you know?"
He couldn't help but feel a little ticked off. At least his abilities were following his quirk. Someone who used a simple quirk and becomes a top hero wouldn't be even more so a monster than him?
She was basically like a crazier and feminine version of Mirio. Even their names sounded the same. Though one was a hero name and the other a true name.
"Now, follow me. Ahaha!! It has been a long time since I sweated so much. It's time for me to take another bath."
Kuroha simply sighed before following her. He wanted to remind her about her wounds. But only a pure masochist would call Milienia for such wounds. It would be better to go and search for another healer.
A few minutes later. Kuroha was in the bath and frowned a little.
"I thought you wanted to take a bath. So, why are you making me follow you?"
Mirko let out a toothy smile as she said while changing herself.
"Don't mind the small details."