Firstly I am tired as hell, so I won't post a chapter of trials today. Why I am tired? Because of my pâtre.on . I made a let say very problematic oversight.
So I have set some goals on Patr.eon, with the first goal being at 15 P.atreon. By the way, I have 14 now. So thank you very much to all those who chose to support me.
So anyway my first goal was at 15. I promised that once I reached 15, I will post 10 chapters for one week. But well. Here the problem. When I said that, I was only writing Trials. Now I am writing Miracle and some of my P.atreon are a fan of Miracle.
So I was like. I am so fucked!!!!!!
Then I decided to grit my teeth and do it like that. Even though I don't have 15. I will give what I promised in advance... For the two stories.
This week, I will post ten chapters of Miracle. Next week. I will post ten chapters of Trial. This should even the scale and not make people who paid angry at me.
The next goal after 15. Which was 30, will, of course, be changed. I will see how to change it in order to make everyone happy.
By the way. I won't post a chapter of Trial today. I just want to sleep. Because after posting all my stockpiled chapters of Miracle I had to write a new pile in order to meet the ten chapters a week. Hum. My respect for some authors went up a lot. Not easy.
But I like money. Yep. I am a greedy ashole. So, in order to not lose my precious Patreon, I will break my back for them.
Wish me luck. And if I die? Pray that I meet some kind of super-entity that will send me to another world. Preferably one without violence and a ratio of 3:7 man women with some Neko. I also want a harem.
This one is directed at My Pa.treon only. Firstly thank again for supporting me.
Now see. When you guys become patreon you can enter my server with a special link that will give you a title.
But some of you didn't enter.
I don't need you to be active. But Discord would allow me to more easily give you the different perks I have promised. Like Voting Right, asking for an interlude or an OC.
Just so you know one of my OC. The joker of America(A OC in trial) was created by a patreon on my server. So yeah. Hope to see you on the server.