Toddler Arc IX : Cutely Walking!

After a few minutes of moving her legs up and down, she made a small adjustment which was to put her leg down slightly infront of her, which would be defined as a step in order to start teaching Valkyrie to walk.

She didn't get it on her first try, still putting her leg down in the same position, but Astraea helped by manually moving her leg like before but instead putting it down slightly infront of her and repeating it.

Kyris, on the other hand, was silently watching Astraea patiently teach Valkyrie how to walk and had finally realized that she had been attempting to teach her this entire time, making him slightly embarrassed that he thought otherwise.

He quickly figured it out as it was similar to the way his dad taught him magic, which was by telling him to do something repetitively until he had mastered it.

It didn't take long until Valkyrie had taken her first step, and Astraea had repeated it a few times to ensure that it would stick.

From taking her first step with her left foot to taking her second with her right foot, she quickly started walking on her own and had almost fallen off the table if it wasn't for Astraea stopping her at the last second.

She carried her down onto the floor seeing as how she no longer needed to assist her too much, she started walking alongside with Valkyrie but quickly noticed that her short steps easily outpaced the minuscule steps that Valkyrie had due to her short legs.

She quickly found a solution by using her index and middle finger to act as legs to walk on the ground alongside Valkyrie.

She already knew that locomotion was the main thing that she would be teaching Valkyrie in the near future as she obviously won't be able to speak or even make a sound anytime soon.

She looked over at Kyris who had been watching the entire time while completely silent and she breathed out a soft sigh. Though she was annoyed at what he had done earlier, she knew that he was still a kid who hadn't learned proper social etiquette yet and that keeping grudges is totally uncute, especially towards someone way younger than she was, even if it was only in mentality.

She turned Valkyrie to face Kyris as she hadn't learned how to turn yet and led her on with her walking fingers towards Kyris, who straightened up when he saw what Astraea was doing.

He didn't move from his spot though and only looked towards Astraea with a confused expression, not knowing why she was leading the robot to her.

Astraea stopped her fingers just before Kyris, making Valkyrie stop in her tracks as well. She stood up from the ground as she had been crawling on the ground while fingering walking and slowly reached out her hand to grab Kyris' hand so as not to surprise him.

He didn't react much when he saw her hand approaching him and watched in curiosity at what she wanted to do, at this point, he had already decided to lay off on treating and thinking of Astraea like a baby as he had been proven multiple previously that she was far from it, further away than even Tirana was despite being one year older.

He had only decided it now as she had surpassed him in something he was interested in, which was robots! Just from the fact that she had been able to teach the expensive robot to walk with her patient and repetitive method was enough to convince him that she had a great interest in robots seeing as how even he, who loved robots, was unable to teach to walk.

Astraea had grabbed Kyris' hand and led it right beside Valkyrie, manually extending his index and middle fingers to act as legs.

She then stood up and nodded towards him as he looked at her with a questioning and hopeful expression, silently asking for permission to do what he had guessed she had wanted him to do.

He looked towards the robot doll and saw it was looking towards his fingers just like it had done with Astraea, and slowly lifted up his index finger, and watched as the robot's left leg rose upwards at the same speed. Step by step, he slowly experimented on how accurately the robot could follow his actions and was amazed at how in sync it was with his fingers.

Though his own robot had 57 unique actions, it was actions that were set in stone that were unable to be changed or improved on, other than changing the speed at which it was done or a few actions that had some semblance of freedom.

It was certainly not able to do something like follow the movements of his fingers and imitate it to an extremely high degree and knew that even the robots that had over a hundred unique actions wouldn't be able to do the same.

It was already plenty of fun having the ability to make the robot do whatever he wanted, even if it was only limited to the legs at the moment, and his eyes shone at the possibilities of what it could be taught.

He had been playing with the robot for around ten minutes now trying various things, he had even stopped for a short while to get a small doll the same size as the robot and had it stand right infront of it, and proceeded to make the robot kick the stuffing out of it!

He had only expected the doll to fall over where he would then kick it some more but it had unexpectedly launched the doll through the air and into a small hill of stuffed toys where a certain toddler was napping, and it had gone into the pile, hitting Tirana straight on the head.

Astraea had been watching Kyris play the entire time and was satisfied at the happy expression he had while playing, he was also slightly surprised when the doll flew across the room and remembered that underneath the cute exterior, Valkyrie's body was a highly advanced piece of technology!

That kick it exhibited was probably at max power as she hadn't learned how to control her power and thus had launched her poor doll like a missile.

That missile had hit its unintended target, who made a noise of surprise, sitting up and revealing herself from the pile of stuffed toys.

Tirana rubbed her eyes sleepily as she had been abruptly awoken from her dream, she had been dreaming about laying on a fluffy cloud surrounded by cute animals, and they had all gone up to lick her face and nap while nestled against her body.

"Are we going home?..." She asked sleepily, assuming she had been awoken as it was already the next day.

"No Tirana, you just took a short nap, you wanna play with the robot Astraea got? It's really fun!! It's totally different from my robot." Though it was plenty of fun making Valkyrie do whatever he wanted leg wise, it was still severely limited in what she could do so he was quickly becoming bored.

He had tried making her bend her legs by bending her fingers, but Valkyrie had just walked blankly as she didn't know how to do it, she had also kept going in a straight line when Kyris had attempted to turn as she hadn't learned how to pivot her body yet.

Tirana looked over curiously at Valkyrie after hearing what Kyris told her. When she had first laid her eyes on Valkyrie the first time she was revealed, she already thought that she was very cute and had wanted to hug her. She then became a little frightened when she had suddenly stood up on her own after Astraea had said a bunch of strange words.

Though what Kyris had assumed about her interest in robots wasn't false, it wasn't entirely true either. Rather than having no interest in robots, she was actually terrified of them! She was scared about how unfeeling they were despite their ability to move and the feeling of lifelessness they gave off despite their movement.

There were different from cute animals that had warmth and could feel and breathe and different from the unmoving stuffed toys that are unable to move an inch.

She hadn't immediately labeled Valkyrie as a robot due to her doll-like exterior and how she didn't seem to sense the feeling of lifelessness in her that she felt in robots. She wouldn't have guessed that it was due to the artificial soul that Valkyrie had that would label her as 'living'.

Watching Kyris lead Valkyrie on with his fingers while a smile on his face, she could sense a similar feeling in Valkyrie that she usually felt around cute animals, or more specifically, her little kitten at home named Ponella.

Seeing as how Valkyrie seemed totally different from other robots, she decided to try playing with Valkyrie like Kyris had suggested.

"Umh, I wanna play... It's okay?" She asked nervously while fidgetting in place, her request was directed towards Astraea rather than Kyris as she knew that Kyris didn't own the robot.

Astraea nodded with a bright smile as she replied to Tirana, "You can play with her~ Her name is Valky!"

"Valky? What kind of name is that?" Kyris asked with a slightly mocking tone, thinking it was a weird name. He had named his own robot Zoron and he knew that was a cool name!

"It's the name of my name new baby sister! So stop calling her a robot! She's a baby!" Astraea replied with a strong tone, she wanted the two of them not to treat Valkyrie as a mere toy but as a living person, emphasis on person as she didn't want them to treat her like a pet either.

"What do you mean it's a baby? It's a robot! Not a gross baby." Though he wasn't the brightest, Kyris knew the difference between a baby and a robot, and what he was currently playing with was definitely not a baby!

Astraea put on a stern face and crossed her arms while looking in his direction, silently staring at him while exuding a threatening aura.

Kyris flinched in surprise at the aura he felt that he had felt multiple times before from his dad and could only sigh in slight annoyance, knowing that it was a bad idea to try to go against someone when they had that aura.

"Fine...It's a baby, little baby Valky..." Kyris said with a displeased tone, obviously not liking not only the name but also how the cool robot had been degraded into a dumb baby, though it was kinda dumb like a baby anyways, only knowing how to walk.

Astraea retracted the threatening aura and put on a big smile, happy that Kyris had relented. She went over to pick up Valkyrie and put her on the ground near to Tirana and started to teach Tirana how to 'play' with Valkyrie.

"You put your fingers like this and walk like this! And Valky follows what you do! You try~"

With a nervous nod, Tirana went down on all fours and did as Astraea had done and started finger-walking, making Valkyrie follow.

Like Kyris, she played for a while, trying various things to see if Valkyrie could do them and had a lot of fun while doing so, evident from her beaming smile.

Astraea watched her play with a small smile, glad that she was finally able to bond with her first few friends since she had arrived in this world.

Watching Tirana do more things that Valkyrie couldn't do yet left her with one thought.

'I have to teach her more stuff to do!'