Preschool Arc II : Cutely Knocking on the Door

Though Astraea ran ahead, she patiently waited for her parents at the entrance, and not wandering about like a child in a fun new place.

There were some minor administrative matters that her parents had to do but it didn't take too long, with Astraea waiting patiently while observing her surroundings.

When she had walked the halls of the school, she could tell that it was quite large and had a lot of students, and it also felt very high class despite the colorful and childish decorations.

She had known about this preschool previously as Kyris had talked about it and Tirana had recently started talking about it too as she had been enrolled a few months ago when she turned three.

She had gathered that the preschool they attended was one exclusively for the rich and high class, as they talked about things she would have never thought they would do or have at a preschool. It wasn't just preschool either as it was also a kindergarten as Kyris had told her that he had started attending it a few months before he turned five.

The things they taught in this worlds preschool seemed a little too advanced for kids their age but it made sense when she recalled their intelligence and maturity that could surpass many kids in her previous world, she didn't know if it was also due to their genes as the rich tend to have better genes from having better healthcare, or if the general talent and intelligence in this world on average is higher than the previous world due to the advances in technology and healthcare.

After her parents had completed the administrative matters, they walked her to her new classroom while reminding her of the things they had been repeated since earlier this morning.

"Remember to be nice to everyone, and listen to your teacher when they're talking alright?" Her dad Aereon told Astraea for the thousandth time.

"I'm always nice to everyone! And I never forget your lessons..." Astraea replied with a slight pout.

"Remember to share the toys when you play, and if someone is mean to you, don't be mean to them and instead go and tell your teacher alright?" Paela added on, making Astraea groan.

"I always share when playing with Kyris and Tirana... and I'm the one who makes them make up when they fight..." Astraea was a little annoyed that her parents had to tell her these things that should only be said to an ordinary toddler, especially since her parents already knew she was far from an ordinary child.

Her parents looked at each other as they heard her reply and felt a bit guilty when they realized that she was right and that she never needed these reminders in the first place, nor did they have to make an effort at trying to ingrain it into Astraea since earlier this morning.

"Sorry sweetie, your mommy and I just got a little nervous on your behalf, since it's your first day and all and that the kids in your class will all be older than you," Aereon spoke with an apologetic tone.

"It's funny, isn't it? That your parents are nervous when you're all excited to learn and make new friends. Were you ever nervous?" Paela asked her daughter.

"Never! Like you said I get to make new friends and learn new things! The house is also getting boring to play in, and now I get a whole school to play in!" Astraea explained, she truly meant all of those things as getting more people to recognize her cuteness was always a plus and a proper curriculum made by professional educators will always be better than what her parents could teach her.

She figured it didn't matter too much as most of what she'll be taught would be useless anyway since preschool and kindergarten are mostly about building morals, language, and social skills, as well as other miscellaneous things.

The most useful thing she could learn would be magic, as her knowledge about it was still quite abysmal.

Her parents saw her off at her classroom door, not needing to be gently led in while holding hands like a lot of nervous kids would do.

When her parents turned the corner and out of her sight, she gave three strong knocks to the door and immediately regretted it as now her hand hurt. 

"Can I come in?~" She said loudly, to make sure that it could be heard on the inside of the classroom.

Not long after, a gentle male voice spoke out, with a slight tone of confusion. 

"Oh, Uhm... you can come in!"

With the permission to enter the room, Astraea stood infront of the door, and it automatically opened once the security function had recognized her as a student.

She casually walked inside without a care in the world and took a look at her new classroom.

At first glance, it would look like any typical preschool classroom with colorful designs, short tables and chairs and shelves filled with toys. Upon looking closer, one would be able to see the quality of the objects of the room and the room itself that could easily surpass the quality of objects normal people possessed.

One would be able to buy a decent house just by selling all the objects in the room.

Having taken a good look at the room, she turned her attention at the occupants who were currently staring at her.

There were ten toddlers all sat on cushions on the floor who were all looking at her with innocent curiosity, all wondering who the new student was.

They all had varying features and hair colors that could only be found in fantastical worlds such as this one, as it was like looking at a rainbow of hair.

There were six boys and four girls as she could tell, having to guess from their clothes and hair length instead of their physical features as they all looked quite androgynous. There were no uniforms that students had to wear so everyone had their own clothing.

Another thing they had in common was their stunning looks that could rival her own cuteness.

It was no doubt thanks to their superior genes that they had acquired from their parents. She knew that their looks were way above the average child in this world as she had seen a lot of kids around her age for the past year while playing at the park and knew that this was the effect of coming from a family of high standing.

"Oh! And who might you be little miss? A new student?" The gentle voice from before spoke out, causing Astraea to turn her attention to the source

The source of the voice came from a kind-looking man that had youthful features that made him look like a teen, a handsomely cute one at that.

He had neat brown hair and lidded black eyes that gave him a sort of ordinary sleepy look. Despite looking like a teen, Astraea knew he was far from one guessed he was in his early twenties like her parents.

He was currently sat on the ground on a cushion in front of the ten toddlers he had been previously teaching.

"Yes! I'm a new student, nice to meet you!" Astraea waved her hand to him and her new classmates, with one of her signature smiles.

Though he was the one to ask the question, he was still surprised that it was true as it was a bit unbelievable.

When he had heard someone knocking on the door, he had assumed it was the parents of his new student, expecting an adult voice to call out. 

He was caught off guard when a cute voice spoke instead and became confused when a toddler that looked less than two years old entered the room without any adults.

Though Astraea was a proper two-year-old, she was smaller than toddlers her age and people would normally assume that Astraea was younger than she actually was.

Having enrolled in preschool at two years old along with looking younger than she actually was, the young man couldn't help but become shocked at the clarity that Astraea spoke with, along with the social skills she had just displayed.

Despite sporting thoughts of having a child prodigy in his class, he didn't let it overcome his responsibility as a teacher and had asked Astraea an important question.

"It's nice to meet you too, before you introduce yourself, could you tell me where your parents are?

He asked this as asides from accompanying their child to soothe their uneasiness, parents entered the classroom with their children in order to speak with their teacher.

Though it was not a necessity or a rule that required parents to see their child's teacher on the first day, it was only natural they would want to meet the person who would influence their child's growth in the early stage of their life.

They would want to gauge the teacher's personality and experience as well as telling them details and personal needs related to their children so that the teacher would be able to better care for their child.

It was an important requirement that preschool and kindergarten teachers were able to care for the personal needs of individual children, especially the children of the rich and influential.

"They went home!" She answered him, the smile on her face unchanging. 

"Oh...Since that's the case, how about you introduce yourself?" The young teacher asked her, deciding to speak to her parents when they picked her up.

"Okay!" With that, Astraea walked up beside her teacher and faced her new classmates. 

"My name is Astraea, I turned two not long ago!" Astraea introduced herself with a charmingly cute smile that could make your heart skip a beat. 

"Let's welcome Astraea as a class, follow after me. Hello, Astraea!" Her teacher addressed the curious toddlers, making them enthusiastically great their new classmate.

"Hello, Astraea!"

"Good job! I hope you'll be able to makes friends with the whole class. You can call me Mr. Aiden, I'm your teacher"

"How about you place your bag with the rest and get a cushion to join the lesson? We're learning about animals!" Her teacher gestured to the book he holding, which was currently on a page about a familiar yet totally alien animal.

"Okay!" Astraea placed her bag in a cubbyhole and got Valkyrie out from the small pouch at the side, grabbing a cushion from a corner of the room, and placed it next to someone familiar, plopping herself onto the cushion and sitting beside them.

"Hi, Tirana!" Astraea quietly greeted her three-year-old friend, who had their eyes shining and mouth in a wide smile the moment she saw Astraea enter the room.

"Hi, Astraea! We're classmates! We can play together a lot more now!" Tirana replied excitedly.

"Mhm! Let's play a lot!"

After greeting each other, they started to pay attention to the lesson, it was worthwile to listen as Astraea was able to learn about animals she'd never heard of before native to this world, though it wasn't completely new to her as some animals she knew existed here.

Every single student in the room was quietly paying attention to the interesting lesson, except a certain student in the back who was staring into the space infront of him with a shocked look on his face.

He had turned shocked shortly after Astraea entered the room and had been unable to recover since then, still staring at the cause of his shock.

In his vision, unseen by anyone else, was a floating rectangular screen similar to the holigraphic screen of a holowatch.

On the screen was something that looked similar to the status screen that characters had in RPGs, his eyes unmoving from a certain part of the screen.

Cute Skills : - Rank:

Cute Body Manipulation : Self - A+

Natural Cuteness - A+

Cute Charm - A+