Chapter 2 - Blue Lightning

It was peaceful for a long time, but the King broke the silence immediately. "And you are?" He said it in a nasty tone "I can feel much power in this room"

My first thought was that he maybe could feel my power which I already had before I died?

Since I could remember did I note that I wasn't an ordinary person. I had the power to change positions of things around me and I had the power of a Blue Lightning. I always believed that it only was my imagination, but it was real. I never even knew where my real family was. My mom told me the story that she found me in the woods when I was about a day old. So I never got to know my real parents. Do I belong here? "I asked who you are!"

Suddenly I woke up from my thoughts... "I-I'm... Sky" I almost whispered. I never liked my Name Yuri... I'm sorry mom.. "Sky? Never heard of that name" did The King say "Whatever I have a job to do" He left the big room with 2 guards, but before he got out of the room he looked back to me and then left. I was a bit surprised that he felt my power. I wished that no one ever will know about my power. I don't want to be a weapon. "I'm sorry about that The King is always like this." he smiled "Oh I haven't even told you my name yet... I'm Sakuski" "What a nice name.."

I slowly stood up. Peeking around confused. "Where am I? I can't remember anything would you please explain to me?" He looked at me worried and kept quiet a minute but then he spoke out. "This is the Taranaki Palace, we live in a demon world with evilness so you need alway to be ready if a demon shows up." I was ... speechless. What and How is this possible? "Could you Train me?" "Train?"

"I want to stay here and protect the palace is there a chance I can make that?" He looked at me amazed for a long moment, but he chuckled. "I really like to hear things as you said now because you did hit the right person. I'm a trainer in swordsdom" He took my hand and pulled me out of the area. Wow, this place was really beautiful. It was right by the river and the palace was amazing. He pulled me to another room, through the Palace. Of course, I got a lot of weird looks, but that was expected. "You can stay here, it is yours. I'll discuss the situation with the King later, you take a rest."

I looked at him surprised and amazed. "Why of all the sudden? I mean don't I need to talk to The King myself and all stuff.." "No, I think you'll fit in like a Knight. I feel the power of yours" "Huh?"

He giggled and left the room. I turned around and looked through the tiny room I was in. It had a bed with a wardrobe and a tiny table for one. I hopped into the bed. It wasn't that comfortable. I looked out of the window from the bed. A lot of stuff did appear... Mom are you alright? Tears came out and they didn't stop. Mom... Suddenly someone came in.

"Who is there?" I rubbed away all my tears fast.

The person came right to my bed. It was a girl.

"Hello I'm Sakura, I'm ordered to give you this"

She had long golden hair with green eyes, wow she really was a beauty. "Oh, you can leave these on the table" She walked to the table and left a box there. I stood up and welcomed Sakura. "Hello, I'm Sky... Nice to meet you.." She greeted back.

"D-Do you want to talk?" She smiled shyly, but she nodded "I don't have much time, but I'd love too!"

She took a seat next to me on the bed. "So what are you doing here? What purpose?"

"Well... Sakuski found me in the Woods and I woke up here in the Palace.." "Oh, I'm so sorry..."

It was quiet for a long moment... kinda uncomfortable. I thought about my mom a lot. I hope she isn't too sad about my death...

Suddenly Sakura glowed "From today I'm your servant here, Sky. I'm looking forward to being your servant!" She stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow, Rest well" I waved and Smiled. She closed the door and it was already dark outside." Demons... huh?"