Chapter 4 - Jealousy

"Sakura you may take your leave now" She quickly stood up and greeted. Then she left. There was only me and the King. He saw my red face and my red puffy eyes. He came closer to me and looked down in my eyes. I blushed and stared at him. His look on his face was serious. "What was this about?" Huh?! Why would The King ask ME of all a sudden, what I am doing? I quickly stood up and greeted.

"It was nothing, My Lord" The King didn't believe me, but he accepted it. "I don't want to see that again" He looked at my surprised face a while and then he turned around. He looked up in the sky.

"Don't let your guard down, We need you"

I looked up surprised. Did he just say... Do they need me? "Why did you let me wait that Long?! I lived a live who was fake!" I screamed at him

He turned around and smirked at me "Did you Forget? I'm the Devils King. I AM Evil"

He left me all alone and all I saw was the beautiful sunset over the lake. I was still angry at him, but why would they need me? Will i .. be a weapon. I panicked. As soon I hear somebody calling me a weapon I get a panic attack. It is really my biggest fear of being a weapon, but I knew I needed to snap out of that fear. As soon I chilled out I stood up and left the lake. It was a long day and using Kukimara takes a lot of energy of mine. When I arrived at my room a saw Sakura cleaning my bed. I stod there all exhausted and so I collapsed. The last thing I could hear was "Sky!!" It was black for a long period. Did I dream of.. this world? "Sky you need to learn how to control yourself!" Huh? Is that me? There was a little creature with brown-blue hair. It looked just like me, but I don't have blue hair. "You need to learn how to control yourself!"

"Sky" Huh? Who is calling me?

"Sky!" Then I cleared my eyes. It took me a long time before I really saw who has been standing next to me. Sakura. "Where.. am I..?"

Sakura patted my head. "Your fever went down... I took you the nurse"

"What..happend?" My head was still fuzzy. I think I collapsed because of all the things that did happen in the past three days. It really was too much.

Suddenly a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes appeared. "Hello Sky, I am the doctor here. My name is Ruri" I slowly raised my back and greeted her. She really was kind. She was the one who showed me the other half of the enormous Palace. "I think you are alright to go now, but you need to rest, so please no training until tomorrow"

I nodded and Sakura was on my side. Sakura closed the door and showed me the way to my room. This palace really was Huge. How can people not get lost here? When we arrived in the room did we see Satsuki in there sitting and waiting for us? We greeted and he pointed at the other pillow. I sat down and Sakura stood next to me. "I have something to talk with you" I nodded nervously.

"I and The King talked and we decided that we'll train you to a Knight who'll protect the Palace"

I looked at him. Saying these words. I really will be able to build up a life here? I smiled at him weakly. "Great News" He smiled back. He really was a kind one. Sakura served us tea so I and Satsuki talked a while. "When will my training start?"

"Tomorrow in the Arena" Satsuki was really strong but so kind. "So I need to take my leave now, excuse me" He stood up and greeted, then he left. I rubbed my eyes and also stod up. I ordered Sakura to take away the tea. I hopped into my bed and lost myself in my thoughts again. I'll be a knight... I really need to build it up, but my fears take it always over. Not this time! I reminded myself of my mom. Of her smile, her voice, and her kindness. She really was the best. "I don't want to see this again" The king. What is he up to? Does he really need me? I mean the Palace? I looked out. I heard people talking to each other. "Did you hear that Sky returned?"

"He is so handsome"

"He'll protect us"

Protecting you from what?

What is going on, are they hiding something big?