A Christmas Resurrection

It took a few seconds what was going on to register. Finally it was Kim who acted first, running over to the old man with tears of joy in her eyes. She gave Artie a big hug squeezing him as much as she could, afraid that if she let go he would disappear and it would all be a dream. But it wasn't her imagination; her father was alive and well and in her arms. A few of Kim's kids had come into the dining room to discover their grandfather was still alive, which resulted in them all screaming with wide smiles as they all ran up and gave their pappy a hug too. Artie had a tear in his eye as he gave the rug rats a good hug, one he had not given to the kids for years. When he finished hugging the kids, he looked them in the eye with a smile on his face.

"There are presents under the tree," he said to them, "Find the one with your name on it and open it up!"

The kids all raced off back into the living room, looking for their presents under the tree. Since it was Christmas Eve, no one seemed to protest the idea. Kimmy was just happy to see her father again as she hugged him a second time.

"I'm sorry, Dad.' She said to Artie as she kissed him on the cheek.

After she finally released the old man, he turned to face the three men who hadn't moved since they learned the truth. Dick finally stepped up and offered a hand for his father to shake, which the old man did immediately.

"Well played, old man." Dick said and with that he also left the room. He was still processing what was going on and preferred to hang out with the kids than stay in the dining room and observe what he knew was coming next. He closed the doors between the living room and the dining room, making sure that the kids were not able to hear what was about to be said next.

"Malcolm," Artie said to his middle child, "It's good to see you again."

Malcolm took a deep breath. "You gutless son of a bitch."

"Malcolm!" Kimmy said as she couldn't believe it, "What is wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with me?" Malcolm said as he gestured to their father, "I would suggest you ask him the same question! Who the hell fakes their own death to trick their kids to coming home to visit?"

"Obviously this man does." David answered for him.

"David," Artie said as he turned to face his youngest child, "Are you all right?"

"No, I'm not," David honestly answered, "But Malcolm is doing a fine job so far so I'll give the floor back to him."

Malcolm couldn't believe what he was hearing. He and David never got along that much and were hardly ever on the same side. Tonight however was one of those rare moments.

"Do you have any idea the trauma you put everyone through?" Malcolm asked but he didn't wait for an answer. "Those kids had to have the life and death lecture from their parents, only to find out that grandpa really isn't dead. So the next time someone really dies, they're not going to believe it and hope that the next person is faking it too. That's going to make the next death in the family a little harder to manage, unless it's you again."

"Now that's unfair..." Artie said as he didn't like the tone he was given.

"I don't care what you think!" Malcolm chided back as he then gestured to the man beside him. "This man is a surgeon! Do you have any idea how many procedures had to be postponed so he could be here today?"

"Seven." David answered.

"Seven!" Malcolm repeated as he pointed an accusing finger at Artie, "Seven lives that could be lost because this man wasn't there to save them! Seven people who didn't deserve to have their doctor taken away from them when they needed him most! You put their lives in danger for your own selfish gains!"

"Boys," Artie said as he couldn't believe they were angry at him, "I just wanted everyone home for the holidays."

"Well here we are!" Malcolm said as he waved his arms about in dramatic fashion. "Enjoy it while you can because this will be the last time you'll ever see me again. This was a new low, even for you."

With that Malcolm stormed out of the dining room and down the hall towards the main door, put on his coat and had every intention of getting back into his car and leaving for good. When he opened the main doors he learned that fate had other plans for him. It was blowing snow outside as a storm had rolled into town just after the wake. The weather was so intense that you couldn't see more than five feet in front of you. It looked like a blizzard and there was no telling how long it was going to last. Since all the hotels in town were still sold out, it meant that Malcolm and anyone else there were trapped and forced to spend the holidays with their father, who was no longer in an urn.

David walked up to Malcolm and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't want to stay either but I'd rather put up with Artie and Kim for a day or two than risk going out in that weather. Let's do our best to make sure no one attends an actual funeral this week, alright?"

"Malcolm," Artie said as he walked out into the hallway, "I'm sorry."

"So am I," Malcolm replied, "Sorry I ever cared enough to show up."

"At least come in for dinner." Artie pleaded, "I made a turkey."

Malcolm's stomach grumbled a bit after hearing that and he turned to look at David who was still standing beside him.

"Put on a good face for the kids," David whispered into him, "We'll start round two after they're all tucked into bed for the night. Then you can let him have it with both barrels, metaphorically speaking of course."

Malcolm smiled at his brother and then turned to face Artie. "Did you at least make the stuffing I always liked?"

"Of course I did." Artie said as he was pleased to hear the question.

"Alright then," Malcolm said as he took his coat back off, "Let's eat."