"Sweetie, don't regret letting go of a man who doesn't appreciate your value. For such an amazing woman like you, you deserve an equally amazing man. Like me, for example."

Luo Jingyi stared at him before rolling her eyes and tugging her hand away from his grasp.

"Is that what you said to your ex-girlfriends?" Luo Jingyi put forth in between lifting her chopsticks and reaching for the fish.

"I don't have exes."

 Luo Jingyi gave him an are - you - kidding - me - expression and reminded him,  "It says you had 2 girlfriends on the file you gave me."

Yun Jinghan crossed his arms without taking off his gaze on her. With expectant eyes, he teased, "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Me? Tch. No." Luo Jingyi scoffed.

'But why did I ask the question in the first place?' She questioned herself inwardly. Seemingly unable to find the answer, she let it go.

Her quietness made Yun Jinghan watch her from how she reached for the food and place it in her mouth to how she chewed slowly. All her movements were calculated and graceful. His heartbeat raced again. Faster and stronger this time.

Yun Jinghan found himself explaining to her.

"I dated them for the sake of my grandmother. The first one, she's the granddaughter of my grandmother's friend. We grew up together. We went out because of our grandparents. She broke up with me after 6 months. The second one was because –" He halted when she raised her hand, gesturing for him to stop.

"I don't want to know." She told him, pursing her lips.  

Her disinterest felt like there was a needle slowly pricking a part of his heart. Hiding it behind a smile,  he pointed out, "Why? Knowing my dating history is better. So you know how to deal with them in case you meet them in the future."

"I don't need to. Why? Because I am too busy to be having coffee or tea meetings with your past girlfriends. Plus, we will be breaking up after a year, so what's the point? You can explain it to your wife in the future." She retorted.

"You wound my heart sweetie." Yun Jinghan complained comically as he pressed the left side of his chest to give the impression of his heart being hurt. 

Luo Jingyi paid no mind to his antics and simply enjoyed her food. A lesson learned in both lifetimes, never trust a man who wears a mask. Albeit interacting only for a few days, she was able to understand a bit of him. He smiles and acts cool all the time yet there is always that look that makes him cold and dangerous. How much truth and lie there was in his actions, she didn't want to be bothered. Thus, she doesn't take him seriously.


Yun Jinghan volunteered to wash the dishes. Luo Jingyi only relented because he pushed her out of the kitchen. Turning the television on, she occupied the sofa. She shifted from one channel to another, looking for something to distract her because she seemed unable to restrain herself from stealing glances at the Yun Jinghan who appeared to be taking his task seriously. Settling with a historical drama, she kept her attention glued on the screen.  At times, she hated watching this kind of show because of the misinformation they instill to the watchers. Most of the time, the costumes they used were different in the era in which the story was set in. 

The space beside her sank. Retracting her gaze from what she was watching, she turned. The first thing she noticed was the small cut on his wrist. Worry crossed her face. 

"What happened?"

He rubbed his nose uncomfortably. "Nothing. It's just your knife is sharp."

Sprinting to her bedroom, she grabbed her kit and returned to the living room.

Yun Jinghan observed her closely as she scooted closer to him, placed a pillow on her lap and settled his hand on it then she started disinfecting the wound.

"You should be careful always." He heard her remind him. This was the first time he'd seen her talk to him gently. There was no defiant chin or stubbornness in her eyes. Discovering that his opinion of her was proven right,  he smiled. Albeit the coldness and heartless attitude she gave to people, she was in fact very sympathetic and warm.

Luo Jingyi sensed something and glanced up. She caught him studying her like she's a specimen under a microscope. This gave her a very uncomfortable feeling.

"What are you looking at?" She deterred her eyes while uncapping the lid of a small tube she took out from her bag. She squeezed a small amount and applied it to the knife wound.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. I was too busy staring at you that I didn't see the knife sticking out."

"Huh?" Her forehead creased.

"Did someone ever say to you that you are pretty?" He blurted out offhandedly. 

Feeling baffled as to where the conversation was leading, she paused her actions.

"In my eyes, you're the prettiest woman I've ever met. That's why I couldn't take my eyes off you."

'Tch. What a smooth-talking man.' Luo Jingyi couldn't help letting out a scoff. Ignoring him, she ripped the seal of the adhesive bandage and stuck it on his wound.

"Done. Use this if you don't want it to scar." After capping the lid, she passed the tube to him. But he held her hand tightly.

"Let go before I'll hit you in the groin." She threatened him.

"Can I kiss you?" He looked into her angry eyes and asked for permission. But without waiting for her approval, he bent forward and planted a kiss on her forehead before releasing her.

"Let's settle with this for now. Of course, I wanted to taste your lips but we are still at the beginning of our relationship so let's take baby steps. At the same time, I want to protect my chastity. I'm afraid you will get addicted to my kisses that you'll jump and take advantage of me."

"What?!" Was all Luo Jingyi could mutter because her brain must have frozen and unable to decipher his actions and words. When he gave her a playful wink and there was that stupid grin on his face, her reaction was to reach the pillow at threw it at him.


A/N: Yun Jinghan, you are in trouble. Luo Jingyi had psychoanalyzed you already. You've been judged, tried and sentenced before proving your point.