
1933, the war is coming. In the last few years I had a few advancements in my plans. Not exactly what I was expecting, but it works. First, i got in contact with the government. Cool, but boring. Second, I met another guy meeting with the government, a teenager. They said the kid is a genius or something. Sixteen and he has a few patents on his name. I think I will try that too, constant money on my bank account.

Also, have been traveling a lot lately, trying my luck on getting my future skeleton coating. Or meeting a wild wolverine. I tried a bait on the Canadian border with cigars and scotch. Didn't work. I don't want to wait until the war, then will be too late. One of my travels have been to Kathmandu, Nepal. Didn't get what I wanted, just a cold. So I tried Africa. Now, there are three places of interest on the African continent. Two and a half, actually. The treasure stash of a giant black cat, on Wakanda. The last members of a bloodline descending from Gaia, in Kenya. And Krakoa. Krakoa is too.... complicated. It's an ancient organism that has existed before any type of civilization. It's been mourning and raging for the loss of its saviors and its other half. So, I will try to contact it, when I'm sure it can't kill me. Kenya and Wakanda? Well, Kenya I can try, but I doubt Wakanda will give me a satisfactory answer.

Its 1934 already, and I have been coming and going from trips to Kenya and Wakanda. It's a start, they know my face now. Last time they didn't even try to kill me at first sight. Kenyan tribes I mean, Wakanda is still the same, antisocial recluses. But I got to the Serengeti at last, with no conflicts. That's why it took so long, I didn't want to seem hostile. Now, there a dozen tribes in this part of the Kenya, so angering any one of them may be bad, cause I don't khow which is my objective.

Finally, after two months i got it. Should have asked for the Priestess. My mistake, more than two decades made me forget too much of the details. Why didn't I write it down somewhere? Well, remember how this story began? The "I fucked with everything that may happen, by existing" part. Yes. You are welcome.

Now, on this tribe, is the first time I have ever showed my powers in public. Why? The priestess can do magic. Tadaa. Surprise. So yeah, doing a few miracles here and there helped a lot, now they think I'm blessed by a God or something. Wait.

Oh, didn't think of that. Man, I'm blessed by two gods. This is the start of my awesomeness. "Come on, luck, women and riches, my lap is here!" I tried screaming at the sky. Got nothing, besides weird stares from the tribesman. Trying doesn't hurt, physically. My heart does. Stares hurt.

Well, got to say I was surprised. I knew that Storm was a mutant so she could control the weather, but seeing her grandma doing the same, even in minor scale, with no mutation, really made me believe that they have a connection with Gaia. Well, she appearing on my dream once helped with that, calling me her child, and asking me why did I accept the gifts of outsider gods. Interesting talk I had that night, learned some new things.

Well, continuing, after Kenya, I tried visiting Wakanda again. This time I wore a tribe's friendship token. I got to talk with their representative, yay. And then was grandly and respectfully escorted to meet the king. Okay, I was handcuffed and had to walk at the rhino's side. But I met the king. And stated my objective in studying vibranium. I was accepted, with conditions. I would not take a gram of vibranium outside the city. And I accepted, I mean, I'm still in research phase, and I don't have adamantium yet. If I'm going to go through so much pain again, I'm doing it with the best metal possible. I just need to discover how to make it. Until then, I'm a guest/prisoner/scientist. Wakanda forever!

~~~~~~end of chapter~~~~~~