"And what's your name, lover boy?" Xue Lin suddenly had an interest to know his name. 


"My name is Xiao Rong. I'm in the second year and at the D – section with Susu." 


"At least you name isn't Bubu or Ruru." Xue Lin mumbled. She said, "That makes the two of you classmates." 


"Yes, we are." This boy was tall and had a handsome feature. He was well-built, it meant he was good at sports. He was wearing a white t-shirt and white shorts. He was wearing a tennis cap and tennis hand bands. 


From the look Xue Lin could tell that the boy was playing Tennis and heard about Susu being bullied; he forgot about changing his clothes and rushed to look for her. 'It looks like he was genuinely worried for her.' She said, "And you like Susu." 


Xiao Rong answered without hesitation. "I do."