"Don't you find it unfair that God created you to obey Him like a slave?" Legion tried to instill some uncertainty in her mind so that she would mistrust God.

"Hah, if you were the only thing alive in an empty space for eternity, what would you do? Certainly, if we live alone in a room for decades, we will become mental patients. God was lonely and He wanted companions with whom he could spend some time with. And He had the power to do so. So tell me why would I be upset when He created me and let me live in such a wonderful universe? I should be thanking Him instead, don't I?"

[A/N: I would like my beloved Readers not to take this religiously. It's a request. It's not about religion but Xue Lin's personal fight against evil.]

Yes, Xue Lin has a rude personality. She doesn't care about those who are around her but have nothing to do with her. She doesn't even feel upset when her relative who isn't close to her, dies.