When they heard a howl of a wolf, Xue Lin instantly stopped walking and prevented Ge Chen from going further as well.

"It's okay, they won't harm you." Ge Chen's voice was as calm as water. He wasn't afraid at all.

"Are you sure? They are carnivores." Xue Lin still hesitated. 

Ge Chen assured her, "Yes, I'm sure. They are my pet after all."

Xue Lin frowned. "Why are you acting like they are some kind of domestic animals?" She pulled him back as he tried to move forward.

Ge Chen chuckled. "I'm impressed that you know that they are carnivores."

"This is the basics of general knowledge." Xue Lin grunted. She still didn't move.

"Are you having a hard time walking? Why don't I carry you?" Ge Chen exactly knew why she didn't move but he wanted to tease her a bit.

"No need! I can walk just fine." Xue Lin tightly held his wrist and pulled him with her.