"Same cause. They died from the same cause. A small red dot on the neck," Xue Lin checked her third brother-in-law on the rooftop.

She explained, "Since I'm not a forensic specialist, I'm not one hundred percent sure. We have to wait for the police to handle this issue…. And I wished they would make less noise down there. It's giving me a headache."

Two young women lost their husbands. The wedding ceremony turned into a funeral house. Everyone was wailing. Xue Lin's two cousins fainted after hearing that their husbands were dead. They wanted to meet their husbands but thinking that it would ruin the evidence of the murder, uncles and brothers didn't let them get closer. 

It was indeed pitiful.

However, it was distracting Xue Lin and she couldn't concentrate on her thoughts properly.

"Lin… Xue Lin, you cannot say that. Our two cousins lost their husbands on the same day. Most certainly they would cry," Richard objected. He didn't look good either.