"There is a possibility. However, if this possibility is true, you are the only living human being who came out of the Bermuda Triangle." Ge Chen deeply looked at Lu Feng. His sharp eyes were like eagle's claws.

He leaned on the chair and put his left leg above his right one. After that, he clasped his hand. "Now, I want to know that you remember at least something after having such an adventurous trip."

Mu Liang and Mu Feng looked at Lu Feng. Lu Feng was speechless. What could he say? He remembered nothing at all. He had no idea what happened after the submarine turned upside down.

Lu Feng shook his head. "I don't remember anything."

"Oh, come on! There must be something…" Mu Feng snapped at him. "Damn!"

Ge Chen's grey eyes were sharper than any blade. He inquired, "Is it really an injury that made you lose your memory?"