"Really? Can you handle it? There is a high chance you will vomit or get sick. I don't want either to happen to you. That will be terrible."

Ge Chen also thought about this problem. "Give me three months to prepare."

Xue Lin became excited. "You bet I will! I'm looking forward to it."

Later, Xue Lin went to the washroom to wash her hands. Ge Chen was alone with Professor Ivanov.

"How long have you known Lin?" Professor Ivanov inquired.

Ge Chen answered, "Two years. We stumbled into each other while we were with our friends."

"I'm sure you are interested in her." Professor stared at Ge Chen, reading his subtle change of expression and movement. "You like her. You are very curious about her."

"…" Ge Chen stayed quiet. He didn't like it when others read him like an open book. 

"I'm sure you don't know that your wife has an eating disorder."