Unaware of Ah Mo's thoughts, Xue Lin waited for her husband in the parking lot. She leaned against her car and yawned. 

'Could it be 6 hours of sleep is not enough?' she wondered.

She felt drowsy while waiting for Ge Chen. When she saw him approaching her, she straightened her back.

"What took you so long?" she complained with a passive expression.

"Sorry for the delay. I had a little chat with the target," Ge Chen calmly stated.

He unlocked the car and opened the door for his wife. She got in and leaned against the seat.

Curious, she asked, "Did you? What did he say?" 

"Nothing much. I think the fish will take the bait soon," saying his line, he started the engine.

Xue Lin smirked. "That he should. Ahh, Chen, take me to the nearby café. Someone is waiting for me there."

"Who?" Ge Chen casually asked.