The campers

Part 3

"Ahh! Ahh!"

"Umph! Umph! Ha… harder… more… more!!!"

Thwack! Thwack!

Sob… sob…

Upon hearing these voices, the face of Joe Wang froze. He didn't know what's going on in that part of the forest, but he became a little curious. Though he has lived for thousands of years as an immortal and has been with many women. But when he got married, his wife is too abstaining when it comes to sensual leisure.

So upon hearing the sound, his heart was shaken. But what he didn't expect is that his little brother is like a tortoise inside its shell. It didn't even react to the lust he felt in his heart.

"Damn this body! This congenital sickness is too troublesome…" Joe Wang shouted curses in his mind.

"I agree that since my beloved wife didn't want to have sex with me before and in our thousands of years being together we had only done that twenty times, but this body is too hateful… I don't want to be a eunuch! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Joe Wang continues shouting deep in his heart.

"Maybe… What if I see the action at close range, maybe this little thing would react!" He thought as he quickly wanted to rush in towards the camp.

He then stood from the small pond he made.

As soon as he stood up, he immediately saw his naked figure and squinted.

Since he already formed a sphere in his dantian he decided to make his own clothes as a practice. Using the unique crafting skill he learned from his master, he began to craft a simple robe out of a tree bark nearby. Combining crafting and natural energy control, he turned the hard bark into a wearable single piece cultivator's robe.

After making the brown robe, he then quickly jumps high up to the trees and vanished like a ghost.

Meanwhile, 400 meters away from where Joe Wang was, two camping tents can be seen. One of the camping tents is actually shaking violently as two figures inside are in a hard fight with the stench of their love juice and moaning pleasure permeated through the air inside the tent.

Not too far from the tent stood a figure of a woman; her eyes are filled with tears as she tried to numb herself from the noise that the two people close to her are making.

Melissa Krin is a 19 years old university freshman to be. She and her first boyfriend along with her best friend went camping. That night, her boyfriend wanted to make his move and have their first time together inside the tent, but she resisted and said that she wasn't ready yet. She was shocked at the change of reaction of the kind young man who wooed her patiently for eight months while they were in high school.

She thought that the young man is very decent along with his good family background. But that night she discovered his animalistic side and tendencies. Grabbing the chance after pushing him away, she immediately ran out. As soon as she was able to escape, she mindlessly ran and ran until she was lost. Her mind was muddled and wasn't able to think straight.

But soon she realized that she too made a mistake. The guy was her boyfriend; she should have talked with him about her plan before just bolting out of the tent. But then, recalling the expression of the guy she started to learn to love, she could help but shudder. At that time he looks like a mad man.

Then she remembers her best friend who is left on the campsite. So she decided to go back.

She grew up in a snowy forest in the northern country. And from young, she was taught about wildlife and survival. So after a few hours of carefully finding her way, she was able to return to the campsite. From the time she ran until the time she return took her a couple of hours and now it's already almost dawn.

When she approaches the area, she was thunderstruck and was shocked at what she heard. She can clearly hear two voices that are very familiar to her. But their conversation and action is a sharp knife stabbing her heart.

She could not believe that the two are having sex inside their tent. The moaning and grunting sound of the two made her mind turn blank as unstoppable tears began rushing out of her eyes. From their bed talks, she can clearly understand that the two had already known each other for a long time. She knows that her boyfriend is a rich young man, but she didn't know that her best friend is actually one of his women.

"I… I didn't love him, right? We… we have been together for only 2 months." Melissa Krin thought, but her heart seems to still be bleeding as it feels like being grip by someone's hand.

And she cried and cried behind a tree trying to stifle the feeling of being wronged. She didn't know how long she had cried because when she came through the run is already high up in the sky. But what baffled her is that the two are doing it again for the third time.

"The both you should go to hell." She muttered as she wiped the tears on her beautiful pinkish face.

"I'll just leave this place and walk to the main road. Hopefully, I can get to the city from there." She thought as she began walking without thinking of anything anymore.

Her heart was frozen and now she resolutely said to herself that all men are beast.

Unintentionally her gaze turns upwards as she squinted her eyes upon meeting the sharp golden rays of the sun. But when her vision cleared, she saw a figure of a young man calmly sitting atop a tree branch wearing a strange brown robe.

She wanted to jump in fear but his gentle smile seems to make her beating heart relax and feel warm.

Joe Wang signaled for her to come closer and she unconsciously walks towards the strange youth. When she was near the tall tree, she saw him suddenly jump down.

With a wide eye, she showed a shocked expression as the young man landed lightly on the ground.

"He… he was sitting high up there. How can he be unhurt upon jumping in that high place? This is impossible." Melissa Krin thought as she couldn't say anything.

"Hello, sister! My name is Joe Wang… I'm just a bit curious as to what happened in this place." Joe Wang said with a smile.

Her face showed a little blush as her attention came back and immediately heard the moaning sound of the two people from inside the tent not too far from them.

"Those are just shameless people. I wanted to leave this place but… but my things are still there." Melissa Krin said as she forces herself to calm down.

"Oh, do you want me to get it for you?" Joe Wang asked.

His purpose is to see test his little brother's reaction.

"No need, I just want to leave. I'm… I'm Melissa Krin, nice to meet you, little brother." She said while extending her hand as a greeting.

Joe Wang was about to cup his hand and bow but remember this greeting so he immediately stretched his hand and the two shook.

Though a little defensive, Melissa Krin still walks with Joe Wang towards the exit of the forest. But she didn't know why, because her heart feels calm while she is with Joe Wang, but he clearly is a stranger.

The two reached the main road by noon. And they have talked about a lot of things. Joe Wang told her about himself and that he is about to attend the last years of high school. And that he was lost in the forest because of some circumstance that he didn't expound. With him opening himself up to her, she also told him about why she came to the forest.

Upon hearing her story, Joe Wang felt sorry for her. He too experienced this when he was immortal before meeting his wife. He had many interactions with women and relationships. Most are happy but there are those times when he was cheated upon. It was only when he met his wife that everything has changed. He stayed loyal to her until her lifespan reached its end and he guided her to the path of reincarnation.

After he lost his wife it seems that his standard when it comes to women became too high. But the problem is that they didn't have any offspring. This is his only regret in his long-lived immortal life.

"Older sister, I… I wanted to return, but I don't want to see some people which can cause harm to my family… can… can I go with you for just a day?" Joe Wang said in a shy tone.

Seeing the young man's reaction, Melissa Krin could not help but smile.

"Not only is he handsome, he too is sensible. I know that he is not a bad guy, because if he is, he could have taken advantage of me when we were walking out of the forest." She thought.

With a nod of her head, she smiled.

"But you must behave yourself okay? I live alone and having a younger brother to talk to for a while is also a nice idea. Oh right, can you cook?" she said with a teasing tone.

"Senior sister, I promise that I will behave." Joe Wang said with a serious tone.

He didn't want to do this at first because it is below him as an immortal to ask for help from a mortal woman, but he needed a shield and a place to learn about this world for a short while. And being away from his parents would be a good idea to consolidate everything. He didn't want them to have a suspicion about their son.

It didn't take a long while until the two found a cab and went straight to the city.

Ring, ring…

The phone on Mei Lu's hand suddenly rang and her gaze suddenly turned curious at the unknown number calling her.

She didn't want to answer it as she is waiting for the police to report the whereabouts of her son. But there is a nagging feeling inside of her that tells her to answer the call.

"Hello! Who's this?" Mei Lu's mature and calm voice was heard on the line.

"Mo… mom… this is little Joe." Joe Wang answered.

When she heard his voice, she immediately burst out in tears.

"Why? Where have you been? Do you know how worried we are?" Mei Lu said while crying.

"It's a long story mom. I'm now staying with a friend. I will return tomorrow, please don't worry okay. I… I love you, mom." Joe Wang said with his tone sounding like someone holding themselves from crying.

Though when he was on Earth he lived without a mother, as she died while giving birth, he was raised by a father who is very strict. Then, when his master who returned to Earth found him, he decided to follow him and travel to another world. There he met his master's mother who treated him like her son too.

Well, his master's mother is a mother to all the disciples of his master.

But in this life, he has a chance to have his own mother. Though he wanted to go home and feel the warmth of being with her, he knows that it is not time yet. He needs to learn more and accumulate enough resources to advance his cultivation.

"Son, please… please come home now… mom is really worried about you. I promise that I won't get angry. I know that you went to a place where you're not supposed to go. But mommy understands… please…" Mei Lu pleadingly said.

"Sigh… mom… the truth is… I. I was gone to the forest these past 2 days, where I met someone. He is a very strange old man and gave me something, something good. After I follow him today, I will come home tomorrow, okay?" Joe Wang said as he dropped the call.

Mei Lu was stunned upon hearing what her son told her. He was in the forest for two days following a strange old man.

Before she can react, her husband who is currently beside her, stretched his hand and held her in his embrace.

"Honey, let him be for now." Jin Wang said with a caring smile towards his worried wife.

Since he knows that his sone is already fine he is already satisfied.

He knows that his wife is worried about their son as he too is worried. But upon hearing the voice and the determination in his son's voice he was truly happy.

He knows that his son has now grown up to be a real man.