Speed take down

Part 14


The dragon gang is a notorious gang that exists in the shadows of Delta city. They operate through many illegal means and gain money by exploiting the corrupt and the innocent people of the city.

Their grasp in Delta is iron tight that no other gangs have ever tried entering the city. The police are helpless in stopping these people and so they coexist as each compromise with each other.

The rule is that the Dragon gang should not kill in public or else the police would deal with them with force. Although the police force is not afraid of head-butting with the gang, yet the casualties would not be good for the leaders. Hence the cooperation and the compromise stood for many years now.

Yet, not all of the gang members would follow these rules. Many have found a loophole, and that is, hiding the evidence. And so with this in mind, some of the Dragon gang members had actually committed murders, yet the police force is unable to do anything to them because of the lack of evidence. And sometimes those judges would side with the gang making everything turn into chaos.

Many of the normal citizens could not feel this, especially those in the higher positions. Yet, for the poor and those unlucky few to be targeted, they would just suffer in silence or die in pain.

In this way, one can say that justice in Delta City is only in letters and not at work.

Right now, this thing is happening in front of a small car shop.

The Dragon gang members have surrounded three people. And it seems that they are going to assault these three. What the onlooker fear is the fate of the two beautiful women.

As the Dragon gang members made their move. Joe Wang stood unmoving in front of the two women.

"Look at that shit head. He acts like a hero and yet froze in fear after seeing us. What a coward!"

"Haha… We will let the others take care of that weak guy. That way, they can bend their frustrations."

"Hey, what if they kill him? We can't have that right?"

"Don't worry, our boss can handle it. We have already done something like this a lot of times before. As a newbie just watch and learn."

"I hope I can have my way on those women. Keke…"

"Buzz off, do you want our boss to kick your ass? Those girls are his… for the time being. After he had his fun, maybe we can share… hahaha…"

The scandalous and nonchalant way these people are talking about lives made Joe Wang reevaluate his opinion of this world.

"It seems that this world is no different from the cultivation land and the immortal world. Thee strong would rule the weak and can oppress them." Joe Wang thought.

Right now, with his speed, the approaching people are moving in slow motion. Since he is three times faster than a normal human, he can see the action of the people in front of him as he controls his thinking speed.

With a smile, Joe Wang also made his move.

The first one to arrive near him is a young man wearing a red loose shirt and has a tattoo on his neck. The young man's punch is directed towards his head. Since everything is in slow motion, Joe Wang easily dodges the incoming fist by calmly tilting his head to the right.

Then he sent a rapid quick punch towards the young man's stomach.

Joe Wang didn't bother with the young man and move on to his next target.

The next one to be near him is a bulky man wearing a loose black tank top shirt. His head is bald with many piercing on his face, two on his nose, and four on each of his ears. The man also has a tattoo of a snake on his arm. When Joe Wang neared the man, he suddenly sensed a strong stench of blood. This means that the man has already killed many people.

So with this, he didn't hesitate as he faces the incoming fist towards his face. Lifting his hand, Joe Wang parried the incoming fist a little to the side and formed his finger like an eagle claw. After that, he quickly grabs the man's elbow and with a little force broke the joint with a loud crack.

Joe Wang's figure appears behind the man and immediately did the same thing to his other arm before the man could scream in pain.

After hitting the two, Joe Wang found himself in the middle of another two people; both are wearing a t-shirt, one blue, and one black. One of them wore a ball cap on his head, while the other one is a checkered bandana. And like the others, they too are covered in a tattoo.

The two were already in a tackle formation, on towards the top and the other on towards Joe Wang's feet. But of course, because of the slow-motion effect inside Joe Wang's brains, he immediately calculated his attack points.

He immediately jumps back and lay horizontally on-air while two bodies flew towards him. Now his body is in the middle while facing one at the top who looks at him in surprise and the other one's back at the bottom.

Before the man could react, Joe Wang sent a rapid fist on the man's stomach.

Because of the hit, the man bends like a shrimp and Joe Wang uses this opportunity to use his feet and bend his body while grabbing the man's arm. With a controlled movement, the man is now on Joe Wang's position while he is now stepping on the man's stomach.

Pushing hard, Joe Wang used the man as a stepping stone as he lunches himself towards the other guy below him who has already passed by.

Before the guy could stand, Joe Wang has already reached him sending a flying kick on his waist.

After that exchange, four people are now lying on the ground, while Joe Wang stood unhurt in the middle.

Upon seeing this scene the others didn't continue their attack. Instead, they slowly backed away.

Although the fight seems complicated, it only lasted for a few seconds. This made those who watched it shiver in fear.

No one knew how Joe Wang did it but it seems that the four men are already unconscious.

The number of people trying to assault them is eight. And now that four are already down only four was left among that four is their leader.

"How… shit… this is trouble. Escape! Escape!" the leader immediately realized that the man they are facing is a fighter and very good at that.

So he didn't hesitate to escape and call for back up. They would just trash the car shop in revenge for their brothers.

But, how could Joe Wang not know what they were thinking? In the cultivation of land and the immortal world, those kinds of people are the same. If they could not take care of their problems, they would call for back up and fight back.

So with a quick movement, Joe Wang's body suddenly disappears from where he stood. This made the gang members scared out of their brains.

But before they could react, a shout of pain from a man who is already running away broke their line of thought.

Joe Wang is already standing behind the man who has fallen on the ground. The man is writhing in pain while holding both his thighs.

This is because Joe Wang broke both of his feet.

When the other three saw this, they began to slowly back away.

Joe Wang wanted to spare some of these people, yet he smelled heavy blood and can see strong dark aura on their bodies, hence he decided to punish them so that they could not return to their life of crime.

Hence he didn't hesitate and appear in front of another one, while sending a chop towards each of their arms, breaking their arms and tendons in the process.

After rendering everyone unconscious, Joe Wang began inspecting their pockets and found something that made him a little angry.

"These people are truly immoral and unlawful." He thought as he found weapons and some illegal drugs in their pockets.

Although Joe Wang is new to this world, he already knew of the substance called drugs from the general information he read from the internet.

Those weapons are very dangerous, however, because of his speed, those thugs are unable to use these weapons before being knocked out by him.

While doing this, the onlookers who have already run a few distances started to record the fight that had happened. What they saw dumbfounded them. Some have already called the authorities in panic.

In didn't take long for Joe Wang to take care of the group and gather them in one place. He then approached the two women who are still in shock and smiled.

"Big sister, everything is fine now… Big sisters Angel, if these kinds of people come back and bother you again, don't hesitate to call me. And for your own protection, keep a level-2 talisman on you at all times, okay?" Joe Wang said with a smile.

"We will come back tomorrow and deliver another 5 talismans." He said as he waved his hand while dragging the still speechless Melissa Krin.

After hailing a taxi, Joe Wang saw many police cars going to the area. He didn't care what happens next and is confident that Angel Mei Ong would not be in trouble for this.

In a worst-case scenario, the police would just be searching for him.

While inside the taxi, Melissa Krin has already recovered from her shock. She didn't know what to say to the young man who seems ordinary but can do many extraordinary things.

She just gazes at him and tried to figure out what made him special.

"He looks handsome alright, but his physique is a little slim. Tall, nice skin, hmm… How come he can do many of those things? Is it really true that he has a hidden master?" Melissa Krin thought.

Joe Wang didn't bother with Melissa Krin as he has already closed his eyes and tried to gather the natural energy in the surroundings.

In that fight, he learned that his body is still weak. This is because, in just a little amount of time, he already felt weak and drained.

"I need to get stronger, tomorrow morning I need to go to the street where they sell antiques. Maybe I can find more natural energy in that place, enough to create more spheres in my dantian." Joe Wang thought as a smile crept on his face.

As the taxi silently travels towards Melissa Krin's home, a commotion is already happening in each of the news centers of every TV station in the city.