The mysterious car protection unit Part 1

Part 16


While the city has been busy for two days about the mysterious person, even the underworld became interested, Joe Wang, on the other hand, is also busy in making more talismans. After four days of making talismans, the amount of natural Qi inside the house of Melissa Krin became thick.

This made her body feel warm and relaxed. All the stress she had for the day would always be washed away after coming home.

Although it is a school break, Melissa Krin would still go to the university and do research on her papers and some other school-related stuff.

But what made her happy is that, when she gets home, dinner would already be ready. It's like having a chef at home since Joe Wang's cooking is very special and really good.

"Little brother, the container that you made is really amazing. Sister Angel told me that it is really secured and protected, she can't wait to start advertising it… umm… she… she also told me that she wanted to talk to you tomorrow." Melissa Krin said while they were eating dinner.

Joe Wang has already packaged the talisman inside a small palm-sized box. And since he is busy making them and at the same time cultivating, Melissa Krin would be the one who would deliver it to Angel Mei Ong's car shop while on her way to the university. Hence her relation with her friend has gotten closer in these past few days.

"Hmm… if my guess is correct. She is going to tell me the real price of the paper talisman right?" Joe Wang said with a smile.

When Melissa Krin heard this, she felt a little hesitant. She didn't know if Joe Wang would ask for a higher price, or if he is going to demand something from her friend. But she also knows that making the talisman is very hard for him, hence she felt a little conflicted.

"Umm… actually she already told me how much she is going to sell it…" Melissa Krin said with a hint of hesitation.

"She is going to call the product, the Car Protection Unit. And from what you have said, there are two. And she learned that the level-one talisman can last for only five seconds. She would sell those for 10,000 credits. And the level-two talisman would be sold for 100,000 credits. And this would only be sold to those rich people." Melissa Krin said while observing Joe Wang's expression.

When she saw that he seem to not care at all, she heaves a sigh of relief.

Upon learning of Angel Mei Ong's plight after marrying and receiving such a bastard fake husband, Melissa Krin wanted to help her become successful. This way, Angel Mei Ong can return to her family with her head held high. But at the same time, she also didn't want Joe Wang to take a loss. She herself is already contented with the income they are having right now. In these four days, Joe Wang has earned more money than she has ever seen in her life. This is because Angel Mei Ong would always add more to her payment. And Joe Wang didn't bother checking his own money.

Although it has not yet reached millions, it is still enough to rent a bigger apartment.

"This guy is really relaxed and is like a hermit. I don't understand how he could just stay inside his room the whole day." Melissa Krin thought.

"Little brother… tomorrow is actually the day Sister Angel would present the new product and she invited a lot of people in her circle… she… she asked me if you can come because she would feel safe if you are there." Melissa Krin said.

"Okay… We can go together." Joe Wang said as he continues eating while looking at his phone.

Right now, Joe Wang is busy trying to look for hints if cultivation exists in this world or not. And from his searching, he discovers something very important.

Several thousands of years ago, this world practices cultivation. But something happened that stopped this practice and made it hard for those who remain cultivating continue.

They called it 'the breaking of the skies'.

The records are not clear how it happened as it seems that those are now just stories and myths. But as he continues reading he could see the clear evidence of their existence.

Hence, Joe Wang knew that there still are many who practices cultivation in this world. This is also because he can feel Qi in the things of this world.

"I must find more about this so that I can prepare myself. I thought that cultivation would be nonexistent on this planet, but I guess I was wrong. Hmm… if the jades and antiques have Qi, then I'm guessing that the medicinal herbs also have, right?" Joe Wang thought.

That night, thee two busily prepare for the upcoming event tomorrow.

The next day…

Inside Angel Mei Ong's car shop, many people have already arrived. The number of people present is not less than 100, and many of those people wore expensive clothing. This means that they belong to some influential families.

Although Angel Mei Ong has already separated from the Ong family, she is still a member of the Ong's. Hence some of her friends have a very powerful influence.


When Joe Wang and Melissa Krin arrive at Angel Mei Ong's car shop, they felt a little out of place.

This is because; Joe Wang is wearing simple black jeans and a printed gray shirt, while Melissa Krin wore a light blue mini skirt dress with elbow-length sleeves.

When Joe Wang saw her dress that morning, he was stunned. His eyes almost pop out of their sockets, as he truly admired her beauty and figure. But this is not the natural reaction of a young man who has erectile dysfunction, which made Melissa Krin a bit confused.

Upon arriving at the car shop, many of those male customers outside can't keep their eyes off of Melissa Krin's figure. This is because the people at the shop are wearing formal clothing which made the two clothing stand out a little.

Everyone began to murmur while looking at them, making Melissa Krin feel awkward.

But for Joe Wang, he didn't care. All he cared about right now is his plans after this.

Before leaving the house he already plans to visit the antique street once again and try his luck if he can find something good from there. If he can ones again find those fake jades which contain an abundant amount of natural energy or mana, then his trip would be worth it. Hence he feels excited and didn't mind the awkward atmosphere.

Suddenly a sweet voice attracted their attention as a young woman wearing an expensive blue mini-skirt dress walks towards Joe Wang and Melissa Krin.

"Why... if it isn't our school beauty… Melissa Krin." The woman who looks elegant with full make-up said in a sarcastic tone.

This woman is followed by a man who wore a suit.

The man looks at Melissa Krin and squinted his eyes.

When he saw her beauty, he was really surprised. This is because for him, even without make-up Melissa Krin has a good looking angelic face.

"This woman is actually a rare pure beauty," the man thought as he admired her deep in his heart.

"Oh, umm... school mate… you're here. That's nice." Melissa Krin said calmly as she tried to recall the girl's name.

But Joe Wang can see that she didn't recognize the woman in front of her.

This made him began laughing inside but just showed a relaxed smile.

When the woman heard Melissa's tone and saw her reaction, she felt anger deep in her heart.

"Does this bitch not recognized who I am? This damned tramp. Although you are beautiful, you're still a beggar. You're no match for me." the woman thought while gritting her teeth.

But before she can say anything, two men approach them.

"Well, if it isn't Miss Krin. Nice to see you again." The young man said with a smile.

Following behind the young man is a middle-aged man who wore an expensive-looking gray suit.

When the people noticed the two figures, a cacophony of whispers could be heard from the crowd. Everyone is curious who those two young couple is that has attracted the attention of the two very famous men.

Everyone knows that the two men are not simple. They can be called part of the top elites in Delta city. Each of these two men is richer than all of the people in this car shop, combined.

Hence, the people are now curious about who the good looking woman is and the boy beside her.

The other man is currently looking at Joe Wang trying to figure out who he was with a curious gaze.

This is because, when he walks near the two young simple looking people, he suddenly feels a warm air entering his body. It was like a tender morning breeze making his body feel light and relaxed.

This immediately shocked him because, for the past few days, he has been busy working at his company because of a multi-billion credits project. Hence his body was feeling a bit stiff and tired.

But once his body came in contact with the wisp of aura covering the body of Joe Wang and Melissa Krin he immediately felt the effect.

When Joe Wang and Melissa Krin saw the guy who greeted Melissa, they showed a surprised look in their eyes.

This is because they recognized the guy.

For Melissa Krin, she could not forget the handsome young man who wore an expensive shirt and fought against some thugs. Although he was also badly beaten up, yet he won against those thugs.

"Mr. Vincent Lee… Nice to meet you again." Seeing that Melissa Krin didn't remember the name of the guy, Joe Wang decided to give her a helping hand and greeted the young man first.

When Vincent Lee saw that the young man recognized him and called his name, he showed a smile.

Although he could not remember the name of the young man who just greeted him, he can recall his handsome young face. This is because at that time Joe Wang was wearing some robe which truly made him stand out from the crowd at that time.

Vincent Lee immediately extended his arm and shook Joe Wang's hands. When Melissa Krin extended her fair white hand and wanted to shake hands with Vincent Lee.

She was really surprised when Vincent Lee suddenly flipped her hand over and carefully kissed the back of her hand.

This gesture made Melissa Krin blushed, while Joe Wang raises one of his brows.

"Hmm… interesting." Joe Wang thought.