The cultivator’s society Part 3

Part 38

Two figures slowly walk inside the showcase area of the car shop where are two sedan cars are displayed. The two are a pair of a man and a young woman. The young woman has the look of elegance and charm in her appearance but her body is well-built and toned. She is wearing a simple body fit blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans. While the man walking behind her wore a black suit which means that he is her bodyguard.

As the two walks forward, Joe Wang has already determined their cultivation level. It seems that the bodyguard is only a martial arts practitioner and is not a cultivator. However, the woman is actually a 1st level spirit refining realm.

What Joe Wang discovered is that it seems that the people in this world don't know how to use spiritual sense.

Because although his movements are stealthy if the old man or the young woman can use spiritual sense, they could already see his action and would immediately be vigilant towards him. But he has almost finished what he is doing and the two seem to be oblivious to him. They are acting like he is just a bystander and is powerless to interfere with their business.

"Well, this is to my advantage. You two can just keep on looking at each other and fight to all I care." Joe Wang thought as her smirk in his heart.

"Master Wang came for the car protection unit, right? Well, this young miss also came for those, and I want everything." The young woman demanded haughtily.

When they heard her voice, the crowd frowns while looking at her.

"Miss Qin, although your Qin family is very powerful within this province, you must know that the government still controls you as a cultivator. If you go overboard, I as an adjudicator would not sit still." Master Wang warned.

"Che, you people always wanted to control cultivators. We have the power to rule over these mere mortals, why do we have to be kind to them? They should be the one fawning over us." she said in disdain.

"If you want to be unhindered why go and bully common people. Go back to the cultivation land and show your prowess there, not here."

When she heard what old Master Wang's said, her face turned unsightly. How can she, a mere spirit refining realm cultivator be arrogant in that place? That is the place where tigers and dragons exist. Although it is still a part of the country and the continent that area was very special and only cultivators exist there.

That is a place where the strong rules and the weak are being trampled.

"I don't care! I want those things now. If you give them to me I will leave immediately." She shouted like a spoiled little brat.

Seeing her action Master Wang felt pity for her. But he still wanted to stop her from being too atrocious.

He didn't want another mishap to happen just like ten years ago when two cultivators suddenly fought in a small town near the capital. The town suffered a lot of damage with many casualties, in the end, the government sent him and two others to subdue those cultivators. Later they found out that the two belongs to a government sect and were then punished.

Their cultivation was destroyed and was thrown out of the cultivation world and back to normal society.

Master Wang's regret at that time was the potential of the two young people. Because of their haughtiness and was spoiled by their clans, the two became too complacent and caused a lot of destruction. The government ruled the cultivators with an iron grip, and would not tolerate the masses to suffer under their hands, hence the great punishment.

Right now, he can see the same arrogance from the eyes of the young miss of the Qin clan and he can almost see her having the same outcome as those two from ten years ago.

Shaking his head Master Wang walked forward and stood before the young woman.

The young woman showed an angered look but she could not say anything. Though she didn't fear Master Wang because of her clan, she was also warned not to cause too much trouble outside. Hence she just stays still and looks straight in the eyes of Master Wang.

"My master will not forgive you for bullying me," she muttered showing an aggrieved look on her face which suddenly looks cute.

When Joe Wang saw this he almost laughs loudly. But his sudden smile and the people around her, did not escape the young woman's eyes.

Though she can't use her power, she can still use her bodyguard to cause trouble for these people. With a signal from her, the burly man in a black suit suddenly steps forward in an imposing manner.

Melissa Krin noticed this and she too wanted to step forward but saw the old man shook his head.

From the short conversation of the two, it seems that Master Wang is the person the government sent to control the cultivators from causing too much damage and attention to normal people. Since she is also a cultivator, she is included in his control.

Hence, Melissa Krin turned her sight to Joe Wang who calmly leans on a railing.

Seeing her gaze, he just smiles and assured her that everything is fine.

Hearing his words in her mind, she immediately calms down but didn't drop her vigilance and guard towards the young woman and her bodyguard.

"You've heard what my mistress said. Hand over the items and I will not cause more problems." The man said with indifference.

He knows that Master Wang will not attack him because he is just a normal man, but his skills are superb. He is trained to be able to fight against cultivators with strength at the 1st and 2nd levels of the body refining realm.

Hence he is stronger than normal men, but of course, he cannot use Qi and his energy is limited.

Angel Mei Ong just squinted her eyes and didn't move.

When the man saw no reaction from the people around him, he suddenly rushed forward to grab Angel Mei Ong.

Master Wang wanted to stop the man but saw that the young mistress of the Qin family suddenly took out a small blade from her back. This is an outright provocation, she is actually not afraid to provoke an adjudicator from the government and Master Wang knows why.

Even Melissa Krin didn't move after seeing the sharp blade in the hands of the young woman.

However, as soon as the man was about to reach Angel Mei Ong who has already closed her eyes while shielding her body with her hands in fear, a small object indiscernible with the naked eye flew towards the man's knee.


Suddenly he tumbles down the ground with a loud thud hitting his face squarely to the floor.


The man was stunned and he slowly picks himself up. His face is now bloody with his nose looking crooked. Because of his fast speed and momentum, it caused him to fall heavily to the ground.

Everyone was stunned at this scene which looks laughable.

The employees of the shop laughed silently while other bystanders and customers have already recorded this scene on their phone.

But of course, no one dares to go near these people because of the dangerous aura they are producing around their bodies.

"What the hell is going on? You big buffoon! How did you trip on yourself? This is truly infuriating!" shouted the young miss of the Qin family.

Suddenly, because of the humiliation she felt, she brandished the small blade in her hand which suddenly turned into an arms-length dagger.

Her judgment is now clouded as her pride was crushed by the mocking gaze around her. Ever since young, she hadn't suffered such humiliation. As she would get everything she wanted with just a word, hence she is truly angered at this time and wanted to cause this small shop to be ruined.

"I advise you to stop young lass before it's too late. Though I and your family are acquaintance, if you cause trouble in here I would not turn a blind eye," warned Master Wang.

But she ignored him and just charged towards Melissa Krin and Angel Mei Ong. With a quick reaction, Melissa Krin threw herself in front of Angel Mei Ong which immediately causes the later to have a warm feeling in her heart. She now knew that Melissa is truly her best friend willing to offer her life just to save hers.

When the young miss of the Qin family's dagger was about to hit Melissa Krin, Angel Mei Ong suddenly hugged her friend from behind.

Then a thin golden barrier flashed and stopped that dagger.

This made Master Wang, the mayor, and the young miss of the Qin family stupefied.

A glint of excitement can be seen in Master Wang's eyes, while greed and desire filled the mayor and the young miss of the Qin family.

Joe Wang on the side saw everything and immediately gave high evaluation for the old man in his eyes. He knew that the old man just wanted to meet him and nothing else. Hence he decided to step forward. Plus he has already made his move against the bodyguard.

Taking care of this 1st level spirit refining realm cultivator who could not even use spirit sense and Qi field is just a cinch. Because like any cultivators in this world, she is just faster and a bit sturdier, having a metal-like toughness for skin and abundant Qi, than those lower level than hers. So he is not worried now.

But of course, this would consume half of his total sphere energy inside his dantian.

Before Joe Wang would move, he was alarmed to notice another old man appearing in a flash behind the young woman of the Qin family. Then he sent his Qi flowing towards the young woman's back and into the dagger still stuck in the barrier.


The airwave erupted outwards breaking the glass wall of the showroom.



The employees and the customers shouted and they were all thrown to the ground by the blast wave. Even Master Wang took a few steps back, while the old man, the young miss of the Qin family, and her bodyguard were sent flying outside.

Joe Wang also didn't escape this blast wave and tumbles to the ground in a sorry state.

When he recovered himself, his worried gaze immediately turns towards Melissa Krin and Angel Mei Ong.