Life’s to hard for me!

I was calm even though there was blood dripping down from my mouth, "My lord, you have blood dripping all over your mouth."

I wiped away the blood as I smiled.

"The empress arrives!" Shouted A servant.

"Greetings to your majesty," I spoke.

"You've got blood all over your hand, improper of you." Her voice spoke.

"This concubine is very Sorry, for offending your majesty's eyes," I muttered.

She looks not all that strong for one of the highest positions in this place.

"Your majesty, this servant will clean off the blood, if this servant may be granted so," Kai spoke.

"You may." She spoke again.

Kai wipes the blood off my hand, with a cloth in his hand. He left after that leaving just the empress and me in my little palace, as he calls it.

"I came here to tell you something simple and honest, As a mongrel such as you don't deserve his praise, at all! I'm warning you to never cross me ever or so help me you'll die in a pit far deeper then any hell you could imagine!" Her sharp voice shouted.

"My my, Empress your quiet so daring." His soft voice spoke.

"Hi," I replied.

The servants spat blood at that very moment, it was funny to me.

"My, My, What is it your talking about?" He asked.

"Her majesty said something about how I'm a mongrel, mama always said 'If a woman calls you a mongrel my sweet child, have her head chopped' don't know what that means though," I replied.

Aki was snickering in the background softly, "Boss is so innocent sometimes it's funny but scares me."

"Aki, I don't get it, Your weird as ever." I smiled.

He snuck from behind, wrapped his arms around me, "Hmm, I get what he means, you really are innocent, how funny."

"So do I follow mamas saying and chop her head off? But if I do that I'll get in big trouble, and you won't play with me anymore either." I complained.

"You should just behave and stay here with me." He whispered.

"Mama was right, love can be in the weirdest places." I replied "Also I have to ask a question, Why are you espoused to additional than one individual? I unwilling, from what I recollect, You only adore one individual, so shouldn't you give away only that one individual. Or so that's how I reckoned it was, I guess I could subsist wrong."

"I surmise your right." He countered.

"People will think your crazy if you try to pass a law such as that," I mumbled, "Don't ever say something stupid as that again, agreeing with the ideals of someone lower then you, shall cause a revolution or even war, beware of that."

He smiled, "Your far more interesting then I thought, Now that I think about it, I wanna know, how you have blood on your lips?"

"Ah...I fell down that's all." I replied, "There's nothing to worry about, at all!"

He sighed, "You really fell, I hope you did, you really can't lie to me, now can you?"

"I didn't lie, To your majesty, I really fell, that's all," I replied.

"My lord, Eldest lady has come for a visit," Aki replied.

"Hmm? I mean she's not my mother's kid, so why do I have to care?" I sighed.

"Cause, boss if you don't Remember, ya have to be polite in this world, for all ya know, they could kill ya," Aki explained.

I sighed, "Alright let her in."

I sipped of my coffee, in relief, "Greetings to your majesties, dear younger brother."

I ate some food, "Hmm, I mean, Nice to see ya, big sister."

Emma twitched, [He sounds exactly, as his mother, how scary]

"Well little brother, I'm here to inform, you that father is setting up and banquet and We would like you to attend at well." She talked to but died every second she could.

"Hmm, ya? What's in it for me?" Emma succumbed again for the exact correspondence.

"Well there would be a lot of food, plenty for you, also your mom is coming as well." She spoke.

"Nah, my mom's traveling in Kyoto right now, with my little brother, there's no way she'll make it in time." I smiled "Thank you for offering anyways, Stink."

"This Miss shall take her to leave then." She spoke.

"This empress will take her to leave as well." She spoke again.

They both left leaving him and me alone ya know.

"Ya think one of them wants to kill me or both?" I asked.

The servants almost passed out when they heard this!

"Maybe both." He countered softly, "If they even try to kill you, I'll have them massacred a fate far disastrous they have suffered."

"Okay, You don't have to go that far." I replied, "I'll be fine, I won't get hurt that badly."

"Will I be sleeping here tonight? Or wish not?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter to me anyway, idiot," I muttered.

"Alright, I'll stay, silly little boy." He whispered.

He walked into the other room to get changed for bedtime, as I felt distressed from behind, "Damn, someone shot me, with an arrow at worse."

"I'm back—"

"Get the imperial physician now!" He shouted.

"I'll be..okay, don't worry." I softly muttered.

I blacked out, "Your majesty, someone wanted to kill him, not only was there an arrow, it had toxin on it, with his weak body as it is, how my lord survived is a great miracle on its own."

"I'm fine," I whispered.

The great thing is my body can tolerant a lot of different toxins due to when I was little!

"You have a lot of hope, for your weak body." He replied, "Find out who tempt do this, I want the report by tomorrow."

The imperial doctor left, "You don't need to make this a big deal, there are far worse things to worry about then me. I would be troubling you for such an insignificant matter such as this."

He smiled, "You may be cold, but you have a sweetheart."

I blushed a little, "No! I don't, I..This ain't something we should talk about right now! What about all those papers you left on your desk! That poor servant of you has to deal with you all day for a job!"

[Your majesty should know my son, is like his mother, says things that sound mean when he gets embarrassed or blushes, his mother does the same thing to me even now, only his little brother isn't like that, he's blunter.] Basically his mother and his mom and him are tsundere is well his brother is a kuundere.

"Alright then you get some rest, I'll come back in the morning to see you." He replied.

"Ya? What does it matter nevertheless, stupid bunny." I muttered.

He smiled as he walked away, "Boss, Your shy as ever around him, I don't even think he remembers the first time you to met or that he took your first kiss."

"S-Shut up! Aki!" I shouted.

"Alright boss whatever you say," Aki replied.

I had slept, it was the next day, "The Noble consort Qi is here!"

I sat straight up in my bed, supported by a pillow.

"Greetings to your highness," I spoke softly.

"Your doing better I see," Qi replies.

"Yes, I am, Your highness. May I ask what are you doing here for today?" I asked.

"I came to deliver this tea as a gift from her majesty," Qi spoke in a blunt manner.

"Thank her majesty for me, Your Highness," I replied.

Qi had left, a servant made me the tea, "Your drinking tea today? You normally make your "coffee" what's wrong today?"

"The imperial physician said I couldn't have any until the wound heals, I had nothing else to drink right now, so I am, drinking this tea." I explained, "Though I don't like this at all, it's to bitter for me, well I think so."

[You should know, Ku puts lots of sweet stuff in his coffee]

"Hmm, That's interest to understand, There's a princess appearing in a pair of moments, she here because her region wants to earn an alliance." He explained.

"The Princess has arrived!" Exclaimed a dependent.

"Your highness," I spoke softly.

"Greetings to your majesty, greetings to my lord." She enunciates.

"Rise." He replied.

While he was sitting on the bed, laying down while I braid his hair.

"So how does your empire plan to have an alliance with us?" He inquired.

"Through marriage or trade, Your majesty." She countered.

"Hmm, that's cool there would be another person Chen Chen can play with," I muttered.

"That's if she could survive ten minutes with him." He asserted.

"That's a good idea, maybe they should play, they will see how it turns out." I replied "Chen Chen!"

"Here, Big brother!" Chen Chen shouted in response.

"You will play with her highness here, for as long as you like okay," I said.

"Kay, Big brother, This way to my playroom, it's huge ya know. Big brother had five guys make it themselves." Chen Chen replied.

"Okay." She replied.

They were in there for not even five minutes, before an explosion was heard, The Princess came out with her dress covered in dirt, her hair all a mess, her shoes were torn to shreds.

"I told you not to play with Snow, he doesn't like new people ya know."

[Snow is a white wolf, who's also Chen Chen's pet]

"This is absolutely crazy, whys there a wolf in the playroom! Who keeps a wolf in their palace?" She asked.

"Well it's Chen Chen's courtyard, he's a responsible little kid, he's fine," I replied.

'Eh! We almost died feeding that wolf you call a pet!' The servants thought in their heads.