Experments results Carne Village

After many tests with my magical abilities and spars with Cocytus, I concluded many things. When someone attacks me using slashing or piercing a non vital body part, I can control my cells to avoid the attack. Vital organs are too hard to move on a quantum level and causes damage from just attempting it. I suspect it has to do with the DNA and cells being more complex then humans or the god/gods meddling. Also World items hurt! I tried to phase my organs into my space pocket.....but I got damaged and lost 50% of my health just by trying!! The world item in question was Avarice and Generosity. It was a good thing I asked for a light punch or it be much worse.

Among the tests was of my reality altering abilities. I seem to be able to effect a one mile radius with it, IF and only if there is no powerful beings nearby. If they are at least 30 levels below me it applys, otherwise the area is reduced by around 166 feet by each level past 70.

I also tested my creation of all things, which allows me to make up to level 100 legendary items. This doesn't include magic items, scrolls, Ores,Crystals, and especially Gold coins. This made me very upset when I found out, but there was nothing I could do. I was just glad it made armour and weapons. Also if combined it with magical conjuration ,I could make even video games! Although I had to have, the extensive knowledge of the games I wished to play or consoles. This included specifications on said things, this of course required gold and metals as a medium. But, it was worth it and I made various games. Project MagicalScience is in its infancy. More testing is still required, right now I'm trying to recreate runes.

I was currently in my dressing room inside was a chaotic mess of items, with hardly any place to put one's feet. There were items like capes and suits of full plate armor. In addition to armor and other protectives, there were weapons ranging from magic staves to greatswords. This was truly an assortment of gear.

This was mostly because they were cosmetic items, they were used to make better stat items look better. Using their look as their own by the use of data crystals to do so. There was even a market for it. That was the reason for this room's state.

I picked up a greatsword from the weapons in the room. Freed from its sheath, the silvery blade sparkled in the light. The runes carved into the blade's body sparkled as well, etching themselves into any onlookers' eyes.

I inspected the runed with my eyes, with my connection to mana plus my Cosmic Mind job; I could understand it. I beleive it was also the work of my [All Speak] passive. I then swung the greatsword around ,with my outrageous strength it felt like it was made of air. Even if I stood with overlord, it would still at least be light; as a feather. This was the accumulation of strength, gained from reaching level one hundred. It was not an tiny amount.

I then placed the sword on the ground ,then took out divine parchment from my inventory. This was normally used for making magic scrolls that contained spells. I also took out a pheonix quil with giant kraken ink. My hand was as steady as a surgeon's hand, I then copied the runes onto each parchment. On one, I had them all on it; then the rest seperated in increments.

I then held up my hand "[Creation of all things]" I created a pair of legendary level 100 swords. The thing that shocked me ,was that it looked just like Momons swords.

I shook my head of these thoughts and continued, I took the first one with all 7 runes on it and slapped it on. I then analyzed the sword

"Gahh!" I was upset, not beyond pissed but it was like I just burnt a hundred dollar bill. It worked but now I felt like I wasted the rest.

'Damn I'll just use them aswell, I can just inspect more runes and mix and match them.' I thought while satisfied with its effect.

'The strange thing is that it's not as effective. The runes are at least twenty five percent more effective...did I create a new job? I'll call it runescript ,since I did base it off of runes.' I mused and began testing various things. In the end I found out, no more then seven runes could be used on the divine parchment. Also it requires a percent of my mana, to activate the runes; if at full capacity.

'At least with my job, I can accurately determine the depth to each rune. This means I wouldn't need a dwarf to start making it.....but without them production will be slow. Maybe if I study dragonic ritual magic circles, I can edit it to make my creation magic and ability stronger.' I mused then a thought struck my head!

I immediately looked at one of the rings on my fingers! The ring was none other then Shooting star! "Ahhhhhhhh!" I gripped my head in pain, at the endless amounts of information comming in. I immediately stopped looking at it ,as I reached fifty percent health. "[Greater Healing]" I healed myself. "Ainz-sama!" Said the maid who seen me get hurt and rushed to help me up.

"Haah haah. Thank you, I got a bit greedy and tried to recreate ;one of my most powerful items. So I am fine but do tidy this up for me."

I said pointing at the room, as I put the runescrips and materials back in my inventory.

After I directed the maid to clean up, I then took out my Endless Pitcher of eggnog. I Inspected it "Kukukuku!" my laughter was enhanced by magic and it boomed throughout the floor; of nazerick that I was on.

It didn't take long for Albedo to come and see why I was laughing happily. She seen me holding my pitcher of eggnog and I seen her raise eyebrow. I then said "I can recreate this item and mass produce it!" I said and she for once felt like facefalling. She wondered if all supreme beings, had an eccentric quality to them but this was scrapped as I then said.

"Cough more importantly, I created a new form off enchantments aswell." I said while inwardly thinking 'Truley the eggnog is more important.'

"Amazing Ainz-sama!" She praised me with widdened eyes.

I then showed her the sword increased with seven inscripted runes on it. The paper left a light blue on the sword ,but without the divot.

She inspected it and her eyes widdened.

"You enchanted the sword ,but this is more powerful then enchants usually do. This is like a paper hybrid of enchanting and runecrafting." Albedo elaborated.

"Yes that it is, but that's not the point I essentially created a job class!" I enlightened and her eyes widdened.

"A New Job class!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes I call it Runescripting, although it is powerful it's not as much as runecrafting. We will obtain ,the dwarf race apart of our kingdom soon... just give me six months or so. We will then use them to further science ,then I will work on a combination. Maybe study the magic guns the maids have." I mused and Albedo was very happy at the news.

"I see! Do you have a way to teach others this?" She asked.

"Unless they practice it, the others wouldn't be capable unless their part Machine. They just need to perfectly copy the runes ,onto divine paper. However that requires us to need a way to make more divine parchment." I said simply and she nodded.

"I see that is a problem we need to solve, but it's still a remarkable achievement. As expected of a Supreme Fairyking incharge of all nazarick Ainz-sama!" She praised me.

"Yes well I'm heading to find the mirror of viewing, you can follow me there; then get back to your duties if you want....." As soon as I said that she nodded and grabbed my hand. I then walked to where I remember it last.

I sat on a chair and looked at the mirror before me. The roughly one meter wide mirror did not reflect my face, but a patch of grass. The mirror was like a television set, showing images of a distant plain. The grass of the plains swayed in the wind, proving it was not a still image. As time passed, the sun slowly rose, its light banishing the darkness that covered the plains. This pastoral scene, almost poetic in its beauty, was a stark difference from the former location of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the desolate world of Helheim.

I reached out to the mirror and swiped my hand right. The mirror's image changed.

This was a Mirror of Remote Viewing.

This was a magic item used to display an image of a specific region. It was a very useful item for player-killers, or player-killer-killers. However, there were low level spells, which occluded information-gathering spells; that could hide people from the mirror's eyes. In addition, it was easy for users to be counterattacked by offensive barriers, so it was an average item at best.

However, for the present circumstances, an item which could show the outside world; was a very useful item indeed. I enjoyed the movie-like quality of the grass within the mirror ,as the image changed. 'This is like an 16k tv.' I mused.

"It would seem that I can move the image, with a wave of the hand. That way, I won't have to keep looking at the same spot. I wonder." I then make a triangle with my hands and expand it outwards. This causes the mirror to zoom into a rock, I then laced my hand with mana and inserted my hand into the mirror. I felt the space shift in the mirror. I then grabbed the rock out of the mirror.

Sebas eyes widdened as he seen what I did ,I made the mirror into a gateway. But my next command would shock his world. "Sebas I want you to jump into the mirror." I said. This was a simple command but this shocked sebas still!

"Y-Yes Ainz-sama!" Sebas said then walked into the mirror after I repositioned it. Now the image was displaying, a standing point of view of a village street. He walked in ,as I was still holding my hand on it with mana holding up the portal. He then immediately turned to look at me ,but he couldn't! This was an invisable gate! Although he could still feel the mana it gave off....it wasn't for long. I then shifted from using magic to just space control. Sebas now couldn't feel it anymore.

Sebas eyes widdened at not feeling the mana anymore but shrugged it off, as maybe

I stopped supplying it.....That was untill he tried to pass his hand through ,where the portal should be. He didn't pay attention to the shocked or surprised villagers and then reentered. Immediately exclaiming "You made a undetectable gateway ,that can bypass anyplaces magical defenses! That's brilliant, as expected of a supreme being like you Ainz-sama!!" He praised but felt a bit more worried about nazericks defences.

"Worry not it's thanks to my magical connection and space manipulation that I can do this." I elaborated and he nodded in understanding then sighed in relief.

Unlike Momonga with my magical connection ,I instinctively operated the mirror. Finally, an image of something like a village appeared on the mirror. It was located roughly ten kilometers south of Nazarick. There was a forest nearby, and wheat fields surrounded a settlement. It appeared to be a rustic farming village. By the looks of things, the village itself was not very developed.

As I zoomed in on the village, I seen the attack on the village commencing.

"…Looks like a village being annihilated but for what purpose?" I said as people were running in and out of their houses ,this early in the morning. They looked panicked.

"Indeed we can't rush into things such as this."

That steely yet reluctant voice came from Sebas, who was watching the display with a keen look in his eye; as he stood beside me.

There was an undercurrent of disgust in Sebas's stern words. This was a massacre, so the knights had to be commanded to do so. If it was bandits they'd just steal things, so this had to be orchestrated for the sole purpose of their deaths. But what would they gain from it, moreover this is simply disgusting behavior from those incharge. Ransacking maybe....

however killing defenseless innocents, that's domonic but at least demons gain from it. Unlike them! Or was this for some sort of sick kind of Greater Good! I knew one thing this needed to stop.

A villager fell with every swing of a knight's sword. The villagers could not resist them, and could only run away. They were pursued so clearly it was ordered for no survivors. It seemed like two knights, were trying to pull a violently struggling villager off another knight. The man was pulled away, his arms were held, and he was rendered motionless where he stood. Before my eyes, the man was stabbed with a sword. The blade entered his body and exited from the other side of him. It should have been a fatal blow, but the longsword did not stop. One, two, three strikes — the knight seemed to be taking out his anger on the villager ,as he hacked at the man's body.

In the end, the knight kicked away the villager, who collapsed to the ground while spurting his blood into the air. It was then that I laughed evily "Kukukukuku! [Time Reversal]" I said while holding the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown! The mans body came back up and reverted to his first position. He was alive again and seen the knights who killed him! His eyes filled with rage! He then leaped towards one of the stunned soilders and grabbed his sword. He then sliced of his head! The other soilders backed away in horror and surprise "Y-you What are you! G-get away!" They said scared but were met with his charging, he managed to slice one but the other got him in the heart.

"Blcough" He coughed up blood and fell backwards. This time the soilders went for his head ,as not even an undead can be raised then! Slice! Plop! His head rolled on the ground then I once again said "[Time Reversal!]" He was once again brought back to the same position, but this time the guards fell onto the floor

;backwards in fright! The man then sliced off their heads.

He didn't know what happened ,why it did or who did it but he knew one thing. Even if it was a god doing so, it was but a matter of time before it stopped. So he did what any father would do, send his daughters off ;while fighting to guarentee their retreat.

— Eventually when he was finally about to die for good he looked up straight to me and mouthed "Please save my daughter."

I nodded and he finnaly passed away.

Sebas seemed to have been waiting for this moment to speak. "What do you intend to do?"

"I will save them of course like Touch Me-saan would but not without gain. It is all for the betterment of nazerick in the long run."

"Sebas, put Nazarick on maximum alert. I will go first, and you will tell Albedo, who is trying to easedrop. She's leaning on the door, tell her to follow me after fully equipping herself. However, I forbid her to bring Ginnungagap. After that, prepare support units that are adept at stealth or have the ability to go invisible."

"I understand, but I wish to request the task of defending your body to be given to me."

"Then who will relay my orders? These knights are currently sacking the village, which means there might be knights near Nazarick. As you know the mirror ,doesn't display their levels anymore.Therefore, you must stay." I commanded.

The image changed, and now it showed a girl sending a knight flying with a punch. The girl was leading an even younger girl ,as they ran away into the forest. They were probably sisters, I immediately oppened a portal using the mirror. I then deactivated my wings ,so that at most people would mistake me for an elf; with heteromorphic glowing eyes.

Just as the girl planned to flee and was about to be slashed in the back. An earth spike raised from the ground and went through his heart, then out the other side of his body and armour.

The scene before the eyes was the same of what he had seen earlier, except they were now crying in fright absolutely frozen in terror.

The one who looked like the elder sister had a braid of straw-blonde hair ,that reached down to her breasts. Her skin, healthily tanned from working in the sun, was pale from fear, and her dark eyes were wet with tears.

The little sister — the younger girl — buried her face in her sister's waist, trembling in fright.

I gazed down upon the fallen knight, It would seem that even killing someone; did not stir any emotions within me. Also anyone I kill gets returned to the earth, if I have no use for them. I mused as the earth swallowed his body whole, leaving only his armour.

I activated my [Space Doman!] and silently used [Detect Life]. Unlike a normal player without the cosmic mind class, it displayed the stats of all people detected. I immediately controlled the earth in those areas to kill them. I then decided to make earth golems, I seeped my magic into the ground and created six golems. "Go capture the remaining four knights I kept alive, tie them up with this and bring them into the town square. One of you will keep watch on them while the rest return to me." I commanded handing them a Magically constructed rope. I had many thoughts going through my head. There was no guilt, fear, or confusion in his heart, which was like the surface of a calm lake. Why was it like this?

'I see… so it's not just my body, but my mind is also no longer human. Only the soul remains.' I mused. I then took a step forward.

The elder sister squeaked in confusion as I walked past her, probably in fear at the knight's demise. I had clearly come to rescue her. However, the girl was seemingly confused by my sudden appearance and actions. Was it my race and shes racist?

I looked towards them and held up my hand "Stay here." I then turned around and glared at a knight ,that escaped from the dumb golems. I could sense he was the only one though. The knight saw me as well, and took a step back in fear. He knew I was most likely a powerful elven magic caster, he was simple not a match for me.

"…So, you dare to chase girls, but not someone who can fight back?"

As I stared down the quivering knight, I considered what spell to use next.

"Since I've come all this way, I might as well run a few experiments. You shall be a test subject."

"[Mind Flay]" I casted the mind destroying spell, the knight foamed at the mouth and convulsed then dropped to the ground Plop!

"[Create High Teir Fae: Gravity fairy.]" I said after taking out a exp container from my inventory and immediately a Blue whip left my body. It then went into the ground. Afterwards a bunch of green whisps came out like fog and went into the dead knights orifices. The body was lifted into the air during the action, its body shriveled up like an old mans ; then turned to dust.

"Awaaaa" I could hear enri and nemu shout in fright.

Then there was a green burst of light from within the armour. The armour turned into projectiles, as it couldn't contain its form under this force. I used telekinesis to keep the projectiles from hitting people, by penetrating houses ;till it did hit eventualy hit someone. The preices then all hit the ground and I looked back at the once dead knight. Floating there was a small male fairy, with a leaf made tunic. There were also small rocks circling him, like an asteroid belt.

"Nova Driftvalley at your service my Fairyking Momonga-sama!" It said happily in a high pitched voice, that you'd think belonged to a small boy.

"I wish to go by Ainz-sama as for the order, I want you to collect the armour of all the dead knights and make sure their bodies ;are returned to nature. Try to be unseen." I said and it then took off ,while I turned back to Enri and Nemu. I immediately alter their memories, giving them information about myself; so I dont have to talk. After their eyes were glossy for a few seconds, they came too.

"Thank you Ainz-sama for saving our village." Enri immediately said ,while her little sister had stars in her eyes.

"Your a Elfven King?!" she exclaimed to which I snorted and said "A king I may be but of a race you know I am not. I am a being of nature, that's all you need to know. As for being an elf that's not that far of a stretch, so for now we can go with that. As I don't entirely know of my parents, so how could I be sure of my race." I replied truthfully ,while Albedo came through the still-open portal.

She heard what I said and smiled at my cunning tricks on the humans. She was clad in a suit of full-body black plate armor, standing before me. That suit of armor looked like a demon. It was covered in spikes and did not expose the slightest bit of flesh. Its clawed gauntlets grasped a black kite shield in one hand and a bardiche that radiated a sickly green glow in the other. A blood-red cape blew in the wind, while the doublet beneath was also the carmine of fresh blood.

"The preparations took some time. I apologize for my late arrival," Albedo's melodic voice spoke from beneath the horned helmet.

Albedo's levels were in the defense focused Dark Knight class. As a result, among the three level one hundred warriors of Nazarick — Sebas, Cocytus, and Albedo — Albedo possessed the greatest defensive ability.

"Think nothing of it, you came fashionable late as a beauty like you should do. Only when the occasion isn't anything to be worried about. Like it is now, otherwise I'd have already made a tactical retreat. Fortubatley they are all to weak, to care about the timeframe."

"Thank you. Then… how shall we dispose of these invaders? If you do not wish to stain your hands with their blood, I will gladly eliminate them on your behalf, Aimz-sama."

"I already killed them with my elemental prowess, all it took was but a second. I made some golems, to round up a few of them for interrogation. I also made a fairy as a test, it seems like if they are created by a dead body as a medium; they last forever. So we have a new member his name is Nova Driftvalley, for now I'm having him gather the...-" I was cut off by a mountain of floating armour, floating towards me. The small fairy placed the armour down and said "Nova Driftvalley reporting for duty! I have collected their armour and returned the invaders bodies to the earth. Is there anything else you require of me?" He said with his chest pumped up in pride, then asked me for further instructions.

"Return to nazerick by flying in that direction, there is a portal it will take you there. Tell the others that hes an ally Albedo ,through message. He will be assigned to the twins floor and will be running experiments ,on leveling in this world. He will be doing so by placing increased gravity on living beings in nazerick ,that are below level 50. They will do physical training under these conditions, do be careful to not kill them with too much pressure. Take the armour with you." I commanded of both of them. I then grabbed a sword of the knights first.

Albedo and the small fairy immediately bowed and said. "As you wish Ainz-sama!" the fairy flew into the portal, which I then closed and Albedo gave them a message.

"Now… shall we be introduced to the village elder?" I said looking at the two girls.

The two girls shrank under my unyielding gaze, and tried their best to make themselves; as small as possible. "Of course, Ainz-sama!" Enri said while lifting up her little sister. but I held up my hand.

"On second thought, stay here their might be knights arriving for reinforcement. Do you know of magic?" I asked

"Yes, yes I do. The alchemist who comes by our village… my friend, knows how to use magic."

"…Is that so. Well, that makes things easy to explain. I am a magic caster."

Momonga then cast his spells:

"[Anti-Life Cocoon]."

"[Anti-Magic Sheild]"

"[Wall of Protection From Arrows]."

A dome of light, roughly three meters in radius, surrounded the sisters. The second and third spell was not visible to the naked eye, but there was a subtle change in the air.

"I have cast a defensive spell that keeps living creatures from coming near you, as well as a two spells that weakens the effectiveness of shooting attacks and magic respectively. As long as you stay here, you should be safe. Ah, just in case, I will give you these as well."

After calmly explaining the effects of the magic to the two dumbfounded sisters, I then withdrew a pair of unremarkable-looking horns. Apparently, the magic did not obstruct them, since they sailed straight through the forcefield as I tossed them to the sisters' side.

'Maybe it considers me a ally so it doesnt effect the magic item like it should.' I mused

"These are called the Horns of the Goblin General. If you blow them, Goblins — in other words, small monsters — will appear. Order them to protect you."

In YGGDRASIL, electronic data crystals dropped from monsters could be slotted into almost any sort of item (apart from certain expendable items), in order to create just about any item a player could think of. In addition there were artifacts which could not be created by players, thus had fixed stats. These horns were examples of them, I Inwardly sweatdropped as my inventory had hundreds of them. Truley he was a hoarder of the highest degree.

Its summons are randomized but in ygdrassil he once used it to summon a Goblin Troop, twelve or so Goblins with some measure of ability. There were two Goblin Archers, one Goblin Mage, a Goblin Cleric, two Goblin Riders and their wolf mounts, as well as one Goblin Leader.It was a small troop by the standards of the word when used in war. There would only be around eight of them. This was a trash item for me. The surprise was why he had not disposed of them yet. Still, I felt quite good for being able to put this trash item; to good use. The best part is they only vanished apon death.

As I finished, he turned to leave, bringing Albedo with him as he headed to the village. However, after a few steps, a couple of voices called out to him.

"Ah… th-thank you for saving us and the village!"

"Thank you!"

Those words stopped me in my tracks, and when I turned around, he saw the two girls, their eyes brimming with tears ;as they thanked me. I simply replied:

"…Think nothing of it."

"And, and this may be thick-skinned of us, but, but you are the only one we can count on. Please! Please save our parents!"

"All right. If they're still alive, I will rescue them. However if they aren't not time can only be manipulated so much, before the world is destroyed." I lied.

The sisters' eyes went wide as they heard my words. Their faces reflected the disbelief in their hearts, but soon they came to their senses and lowered their heads in thanks.

"Y-you were the one who helped my father!Thank you very much Ainz-sama!" Enri said with worship and respect in her eyes. She didn't know what time magic was but she knew, what happened to her father was weird. Also he kept looking up in thanks,to whom ever did so ;as he was able to save them. She knew of his talent but at the time ,she was too panicked so she didn't notice.....but now it made sense!

"…Remember my name well. I am Ainz Ooal Gown." I declared with a royal tone, unlike Momonga since I was a Fairyking it was natural. All the mannerisms of a king, were evident in how I walked and the tone I spoke. It was like I did this all my life but truley I havent. I then departed.

[A/N As far as she knew her father was saved, even though tramatic since he was grateful. This could be seen as doing his best to help.] ___________________________________________

I raised my head as the sound of the horn reached him from the direction of the village.

'Ahh subliminal messages do wonders, I imagine the sight of her father being killed; over and over. Made her imagination shake at the thought of possible reinforcements. Kukuku Truley I am not human anymore, the thoughts of humans destroying nature disgusts me.' I mused

The area around me was covered with the bloodstains of the knights ,who had been standing guard here. The stink of blood hung heavy in the air, but I paid it no heed. I took a sword from earlier ,that Albedo didnt put in her inventory. I then cast down the sword in my hand. The sword which had originally belonged to a knight fell to the ground, its gleaming, razor-sharp edge now stained with dirt.

"…Well, I've said it before, but this physical damage reduction is quite something. It's too bad mine only works up to level 50, instead of level 60." I mused.

"…This name was intended to represent the forty one of us, and this includes your maker, Tabula Smaragdina-san. However, I ignored the feelings of your master and the others, and took that name for myself on a whim. How do you think they would feel about that?"

"…Although I fear to anger you… I pray you will allow me to speak. If my words displease you, then I will gladly take my own life if you command it. I feel that some of the Supreme Beings who abandoned us ,might object to that name being used; by the one who stayed with us until now. However, they are not here, so if you wish to use that name, all I feel is happiness, Ainz-sama ."

"…That might be so. All right, it's decided… this shall be my name. Until my comrades object, I shall be Ainz Ooal Gown. However I will be addressed as Ainz, as that would be annoying otherwise."

"Understood. The thought that our most exalted master… and the man I love most would bear this glorious name fills me with joy."

"…Is that so? Speaking of that, your race is a succubus no? Do you suck the life force, out of all those you bed or can you control it. Is it like a vampire where you cant control it?" I asked genuinely interested and concerned.

"Kyaaa!.....Cough it is as you say, I can control that part of my physiology; unlike vampires. Ainz-sama, would you like to spend some time here? Although I would be happy to stand by Ainz-sama's side, I… right, a stroll through the woods would be fine too." She said. As she seen me face palming, this is not the place or time for that.

"Perhaps it's my fault for bringing it up.." I was interrupted by Albedo who yelled "No! It's not your fault at all, but mine. I-I just couldn't hold back my desires for you, as my heart beats for no other more then you. B-But I will wait till you are ready and in a more appropriate location." She said hastily while blushing.

"Umu, well see to it." I said on the matter.

She then immediately nodded while blushing and said "A-As you wish Ainz-sama!" You could tell the happiness in her voice, but the thoughts she had would scare you.

'Kufufufufu Serves Shalltear right, I will take my position as the Head wife! We will be shaking all of nazerick, with our bodies intertwined. Although it sucks ,that he doesn't want me tasting some of his life force but....at least the Lampray wouldn't be allowed to either. He is a supreme being in sure he'd be tas-Ahhh. No I must control myself, I am not worthy for a supreme ones lifeforce.' she berated herself.

Just then five rock golems ran to us, I then spoke to them. "You will turn into a throne ,while the rest lift me up." I commanded and they immediately obeyed. I lifted up Albedo into my arms, getting a squeal of shock and pleasure "Kyaa!". I then sat on the throne ,with her on my lap. I then transformed my face to look like Nikola Tesla, the greatest scientist to ever live.

"I will be using this as a disguise, that only the humans will see. As when I become king of the world, I will be very famous and going out into public will become a pain." I whispered in her ear and she looked at my new face.

"Mmh! You look very intelligent with that face, n-not that you weren't before.-" I put my finger over her mouth and said "Shh I understand what you mean and that's why I picked it. I did make it more chiseled and refined though. It has to go with my image of a king." I said and she nodded then said "That's the cellular control ability right??" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes although I cant seem to make myself into other races, even though humans aren't that far off from looking like elf's. For now I will be known as an Elven king, as if they misinterpret my race then so be it." I said seriously and she nodded.

"I see let the lower lifeforms think what they wish, very clever as expected of you Ainz-sama!" She praised me.

"Don't call them that, we need to keep up appearances. You wouldn't want to ruin my master plan of clever ingenuity, because you misspoke." I said and her eyes widened in horror under her helmet. She then shook in fear of disobedience of my plan.

"Its It's alright things take time but I'm sure you'd adapt within a month to year." I said and she immediately replied "I will do so as soon as possible, for if you wish it so shall it be!" she said seriously while thinking 'T-this is going to be hard ,but for my Ainz-sama ;I will do anything! '

Next I took out a helmet, it was mostly for cosmetic purpose ;as it wasn't the original.

It was the [Helmet of Mischief], it was a replica of Loki the god of mischief helmet. Although it was a level 100 divine rank item ,it was more like a gag item. As its description was read : Wearing this helmet you are blessed by loki's likeness. While wearing it your magical affinity increases by 100%, but all your weaknesses increase by 50%. You also gain access to the passive [Master of disguise] ,any time you disguise yourself by any means. Even if the enemy can see through it, they will be unsure of it. This can only be negated, by the presence of a world item.

Only those who were logged onto YGGDRASIL for more than two hours, between seven pm and ten pm on Halloween, would possess this mask — no, as long as they were in the game during that period of time, they would automatically receive it. It could be called a cursed item. This was because of its weak stats and glaring weaknesses.

Once, when he wore this mask, he was flooded by messages. "Has the company gone mad? Is the company trolling us?! We've been waiting for this ,but this is what we get! Nobody in our Asgard guild has it, can I PK him? I'm done with being a human being~" and other such things in a certain large message board.

The reason I wore this was simple talents, this world was filled with people; born with natural talents. These did various things, including seeing through any illusion. After putting it on ,I placed an illusion on it. "[Greater Mind Illusion]" I made it just look like a monocle with a top hat.

"Take us to where the knights are tied up." Incommanded and we were off. The reason I did so ,is if there is a player that recognizes the helmet; it could be my downfall. 'It seems illusionscan be put on the helmet unlike in ygdrassil.

I then approached the location where the remaining knights where. The false knights stared at me with mouths agape. They had been hoping for a rescue, but what had come was the man responsible for everything, and his arrival shattered their hopes.

"Greetings, gentlemen. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown."

Nobody answered.

"If you throw down your resistence , I can guarantee your lives. Of course, if you would rather fight—"

"We wish to live." They immediately respond.

"…You seem quite tired. Although, don't you think your heads are held a bit too high, before the master of Earth?" I said while making their bondage disappear.

The knights immediately prostrated themselves before him without a single sound. They did not look like vassals before their lord so much as convicts awaiting execution.

"…I will permit you to leave with your lives. In exchange, tell your master — your owner — this."

I used the effects of the 「Fly」 spell instead of using my wings, to move near one of the knights. I then removed his helmet with the hand ,that was not holding the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. I noted the man's lifeless eyes, and our gazes met.

"Do not make trouble around here. If you make a disturbance here, I will slay you with the rest of your country." I then immediately silently casted [Mind Transfer] I transfered all their useful knowledge to my brain. I even learned their whole written language. This was because he knew small amounts of it ,but my mind figured out the rest. At least it was a approximation of it.

After I got the information that I needed, which mostly only confirmed what I knew. The trembling knight nodded ,as hard as he could in response to my prior question. He did however feel violated like the rest, but they dont know how. His frantic gesture looked quite comical.

"Get lost. And make sure to relay this to your master."

He jerked his chin, and the knights fled like rabbits.

"…Ah, It looks like the cheif wishes to greet me." I said looking at his direction, as the knights ran away. I then dismissed the earth golems back to the earth and after back flipping off ,along with Albedo in princess carry; I then walked toward the villagers. Albedo followed behind me, her every step accompanied by the clanking of metal.

As I drew closer to them, he could more clearly see the confusion and unease on the villagers' faces. It was not that they were not happy at being rescued from the knights, but frightened by the person before them.

I knew this as I was powerful, much more so than those knights. So considering this situation from nature wreckers, I mean a weak humans point of view. Therefore, I stopped at a short distance away from them, and spoke in a kindly tone.

"You have been saved. Be at ease."

"You, you are…"

One of the villagers was saying that, but even in the middle of speaking to Ainz, his eyes never left Albedo. As she was clearly powerful being, as she was accompanied by a king.

"I saw someone attacking this village, so I came here to help. As you can see I am a long way from home, before you ask I am not from that; nor any elf kingdom you know off. I come from very far away, some might say worlds apart. It is that far." I said with a snear at the thought, albedo seen it as another clever lie.


As the noises spilled out, looks of relief dawned on the faces of the villagers. Even so, they could not be completely at ease; as I was a king.

"…That said, this was not for free. I expect a reward commensurate with the number of villagers whom I saved. This of course won't be a nobels amount, as I am quite fair with my price. I don't want you guys to die of starvation after I saved you. Unlike those in the world who call themselfs nobles and do despicable unhonorable things. I am a Noble King true and true to the word. I am caring,fair,just,powerful, and most importantly intelligent. For if we have no honor or morals ,then what do we say to the being; that judges us in the afterlife. But just because I'm a good person ,doesn't mean I won't get a good deal. Luckily for you ,I mostly only require information that your able to provide."

After my long monologue with a caring heartfelt voice. The various villagers and cheif, felt alot more at ease. As if what I say is true, then the information provided about an unknown place; is very important even lifesaving at times.

I suspected this look was due to my helmets effect, I was glad it was helping this much. The villagers looked at each other. It would seem that they were worried about money. However, their doubtful looks faded away. This crass demand for little money and knowledge in exchange for salvation, seemed to have allayed their suspicions greatly compared to before.

"With, with the village in its present state…"

I raised my hand to silence the other man before continuing.

"We'll discuss that later. I rescued a pair of sisters before I came here. I will go bring them over now. Can you wait here for me?"

Without waiting for them to reply, I slowly lifted into the air and flew in her direction. Albedo followed soon after, we left behind a group of gapping villagers.


The Village Chief had a house near the village square. Upon entering, one would be greeted by a large living room, with a kitchen off to one side. A rickety old table and several chairs occupied the center of the room.

I surveyed the interior from where he was seated on one of the chairs. The sunlight which shone through the windows illuminated every corner of the room, so he could see clearly inside even without darkvision.

He took a look at the woman in the corner of the kitchen, I noticed there were no manufactured products to be seen anywhere.

The shabbily-made table shook under my palms pressure. I wasn't trying to do so but I guess my strength needs some fine tunning. 'Now that i think of it, basically all nazerick items/structures are enchanted with duribility and preservation magic.' It wasnt only the table but The chair too, it also creaked from me sitting on it.

"[Creation Magic:Fix All]" I casted this and a giant magical sphere, spread outwards fixing the cheifs house to tip top condition. This of course got a scream of surprise by him and his wife. This mattered not to me, as i was thinking over things.

A surge of pride came over me, when the villagers asked about the Staff. Which was made by the hard work of us all. But this feeling was suppressed by my passive [Fairyking Aura] which apparently also makes me, behave in a manner befitting a king. I could resist it, but when I know its right i give in. As I had to negotiate payment for rescuing the village, with the Chief.

Of course, my real objective was to obtain information, and not money. However, directly asking for only information would be strange. So I couldn't say so in front of the villagers.

While it would be fine in a small village like this, once the local lords found out, they would begin making their way to him. When they discovered that I knew nothing about this world, they will shamelessly try to use me. Of this I was sure. However, with the information I have; I'm not sure if the cheif can provide more.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, also could inquire what that magic was?" The Chief sat opposite of me and asked. While his wife stood behind him.

His skin was dark and covered in wrinkles.

His body was very muscular, and it was obvious that those muscles had been honed through heavy labor. More than half of his hair was white.

He looked was over forty five years old, but it could be because of his hard life of working.

The Chief's wife was roughly the same age as her husband.

She had been slim and beautiful once, but after long years of working on the farm, that beauty was nowhere to be seen. All that was left were the wrinkles that covered her face. Her shoulder-length black hair was mussed up, and she looked gloomy even under the direct sunlight.

" Oh that, I felt it unbecoming; if I accidentally broke the table or otherthings. So I felt it natural to fix it with magic, with a spell I made myself. Everything in this building should be fixed now, I don't want to step through a floorboard; now do I?" I said in a respectful but royal manner.

"Yes of course, thank you for your magical help. However, I would never blame you for such a thing. Please, help yourself." The Village Chief placed a crude-looking cup on the table. Albedo was not here because she was patrolling the village. Otherwise she would have a fit, I lifted my hand over the cup and said "[Creation Magic: Spring cleaning]" I then took out my pitcher of endless eggnog and poured it inside. As the cup that once was filled with hot steaming water, was now empty ready to fill.

"I thankyou for the cup and sorry that you went through all that work. Instead of refusing, I felt it more appropriate to accept the gesture ;by refilling it with my own drink." I said politely and after getting over the shock, his wife nodded first and said "I thank you Lord Ainz-sama for taking my feeling into the matter and helping me by fixing the place up. He was supposed to have the table and chair fixed ,ages ago." She said while giving him a slight glare, to which he coughed then said "Well it's best we don't waste your time and get to the matter at hand."

"Understood but I do apologize, especially since you went to all this trouble ;to prepare water for me."

"You are too kind. There is no need to apologize. If anything it is us who should be thanking you." she politely said.

Of couse I could simply have used [Mind Transfer] to get the information needed. However, where was the roleplaying in that also I didn't like it.It was like controlling the minds of others, it felt unnatural and wrong.

"Then, let us cut to the chase and begin the negotiations."

"Yes. But before that… thank you very much!"

The Chief bowed to me, his head so low that it nearly touched the table. After that, his wife bowed as well.

"Without your help, we would all be dead by now. You have our deepest thanks!"

I was quite surprised to receive such unreserved gratitude. It didn't feel right as it took me no effort at all.

"Please, raise your heads. Like I said earlier, I did not help you for free."

"We know that, but still, we wish to thank you for rescuing us and many of the other villagers."

"…Then, paying me more will be good enough. Come, let us discuss it. You must have many things to do, Village Chief-dono."

"Nothing could be more important than spending time with our savior, but I understand."

The Chief slowly raised his head, and I began to think. 'How Troublesome'

"…Let us get to the point. How much can you pay me?"

"We would not dare deceive our savior. I do not know how many silver and copper pieces, we can gather if we do not collect them from everyone....But that being said, I believe we can muster up ;at least three thousand copper pieces." he said.

First, copper and silver pieces were the basic units of currency in this village. Second, there should be other forms of currency like gold coins. Maybe even platinum for nobles.

"These small coins are hard to carry in large amounts. I'd like something in a bigger denomination, if you can manage it."

"Our sincerest apologies. If we could pay in gold pieces, we would. However… the fact is that our village does not use gold pieces…"

"Do the gold coins have the same design on their front and back?" I asked this strange question and the cheif replied honestly. Although didn't expect that question.

"Yes they do, although they are as small as the silver coins." He said.

"Wonderful, as you noticed before, in my country. It's quite common that we have the talent for diemensional storage. So for now

I plan to buy the produce of this village; for a reasonable price. So all you need to do is pay me in currency used for trading."

I then secretly opened my inventory under my robe, and withdrew a pair of gold coins from YGGDRASIL. Immediately I changed the depictions on the front and back.Now the front had me on it looking as I am ;with the illusion. With the back having Albedo with her armour, and underneath hers it said Ainz Ooal Gown's Queen. Least to say I was in my throne, while she was one but it was made of bones. It was also ontop of a pile of skulls. I then held up my coin.

"…If I used this gold piece to buy something, what could I get for it?"

He placed the gold coin on the table. As one, the Village Chief and his wife stared, their eyes wide.

"This, this is!"

"This is currency used in a land far, far away. Can it be used here?"

"I should think so… please wait a little."

I Then, he watched as the Chief left his seat, went to his room, and came back with something he had once seen; during his history class.

That object was called a balance scale.

After that, it was his wife's turn. She took the gold coin and put it next to a circular object, as though she were comparing their sizes. After she was satisfied, she placed the gold coin on one pan of the balance, and on the other pan went a counterweight.

It would seem the gold coin was heavier, and the standardized mass rose up. The Chief's wife put another mass on it, and both sides balanced out.

"It seems to be about twice as heavy as a regular gold piece… perhaps, perhaps if we could scratch the surface…"

"O-Oi! You're being rude! Please accept my sincerest apologies on behalf of my wife, for saying such foolish things…"

She thought it was gold-plated. I was not completely unoffended, but he was not angry.

"It's fine… if you want I can pour acid on it, should I pour it on this side or the other." I said holding up the coin with both me and Albedo depicted.

I was inwardly chuckling as I seen their paled faces. They both immediately paled at the idea, of pouring acid on their saviours.

"Ah, no… we are truly sorry for this."

The Chief's wife bowed in apology, and returned the gold coin.

"Think nothing of it. After all, it's only sensible to verify the bona fides of any money you're given. Still, what do you think of this gold piece? Don't you think it looks like a work of art?"

"Indeed, it is very beautiful. May I ask the name of the country from which it came?"

"It's no longer — yes, that country no longer fully exists. We have been under magical sleep, for most of my wife's life. It kept us from ageing so judging by the feel of the mana around us. I'd say about a few thousand years." I said nonchalantly to which their eyes buldged out and yelled "Nani!".

"I-im sorry but did you say a few thousand years or did you mean hundreds." The cheif said in disbelief.

"Thousands we were to awakened, from our slumber as we felt a great shift occur. I think a great calamity is to happen, so we need to find out what it is. You will keep this a secret right, we don't want the world in panic; because of a few words. " I said somewhat truthfully their eyes widdened.

"I see…" the cheif said with fear and determination on his face. He knew what he had to do, ensure his villages protection.

"…I don't think it happen over here though, at least that's what I forsee. Well, since you've confirmed for yourselves ;that it weighs twice as much as a regular gold piece. If you alsk consider its artistic value, this gold piece should be worth more. What say you?"

"That may be so… but we are not merchants, and we do not know the value of art…"

"Hahaha… well, that's not wrong. So, if I were to use this to buy something, it would be worth two normal gold pieces?"

"Of, of course."

"Actually, I have a few more gold pieces like this. What can you sell me for them? Of course, I wish to pay the usual market rate for them. I don't mind if it's the same ,as what a street vendor would charge. By all means, go ahead and inspect these coins. Please—"

"Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!"

The Village Chief's sudden shout made Ainz's nonexistent heart lurch. The Chief's determined expression seemed harder and more forceful than before.

"…Ainz will do."

"Ainz-sama, then?" The Chief seemed a little surprised at this, but he soon nodded and continued speaking:

"I fully understand what you want to say, Ainz-sama."

"I am very aware that you do not wish to be seen as cheap, and I understand that you would wish to request an appropriate reward. In accordance with keeping the public view of yourself, Ainz-sama. Certainly, it would require a great deal of money to obtain your services. Therefore, what else do you desire besides three thousand coppers?"

The Chief did not give I any opportunity to cut in and continued: "However, as I said earlier, this village can only produce three thousand copper coins in cash. Although you must be suspicious of us, we would not dare hide the truth from our savior, Ainz-sama."

The Chief's expression seemed honest and determined. He did not seem to be lying. I was dumbfounded thinking 'Your supposed to haggle a price not over cut yourself! I thought only Momonga is misunderstood! Is this the fate of being inside a anime?!' I thought

"No, I am certain that a great man like yourself could not possibly be content with that sum. Perhaps if everyone in the village gathered their wealth, we might be able to produce sufficient cash to satisfy Ainz-sama. However… our village has lost a lot of manpower, and if we paid more than three thousand coppers, we would not be able to survive the coming winter. The same applies with our produce. Many fields will have to be abandoned because we lack the people to work them. If we gave you our supplies, our lives would be very difficult. Although it pains me to have to ask a favor of our savior, perhaps… could we… could we pay by installments?"

"I understand. The payment will not be needed."

"Eh!? But… but why?"

The Village Chief and his wife stared at me, their eyes wide and their tongues tied. I raised my hand, indicating that I still had something to say.

"…I am a magic caster. I hail from a place called Nazarick, and I have only stepped outside recently. Now do you remember what I said about having a space pocket, to hold my stuff. Well the same goes for a good amount that our country had of long ago. I only needed one copper peice and silver coin. As I can transform it will magic. Here look." I then pulled out gold ore from my inventory, using Creation magic with creation of all things. I changed it into a pile of gold coins of this nation.

They couldn't beleive their eyes, their mouths were gaping as they clearly seen me; turn the gold ore into coins. Was this the power of magic! Normally it would need to be heated and refined, then finally molded into coins ;but I skipped all of that! This was incredibly amazing, they imagined if they could do that ,with wheat or other materials.

"Th-this!" The cheif exclaimed.

"Now before you think of it being used by others, it cannot be done. This is due to my special connection with magic and abilities. No elf or any other being of nature ,would be able to do so. I am special." I said and they looked like I threw cold water on them.

"I-I see, what a shame if only we could do this with wheat." The cheif said and his wife's eyes widdened at his idea...but understood it was impossible.

"Although it isn't a talent, it's known as a job class back in the day; their used to be tons of them. I am the only one of my race ,that choose certain jobs that led to me being able to learn this ability. Unfortunately with magic changing over time, the job class stone that would give you the job class choices; stopped working. I'm not sure if I could fix it, as the one who created it is long gone. It's a very intricate device, mana could explode causing a village sized crater. So even if it was done in a safe place, it would probably take years or centuries." I explained

He sighed then said "I see, that's a shame as the world would benefit from such a magic." his tone was one of solemnity.

"…I may have said that I did not want a monitery reward, but a magic caster uses many tools to achieve his aims, including fear and knowledge. These things are all tools for generating profit, as you could see before. Judging by your shocked looks ,it's best you dont burden your saviour by letting this ability be known. As my knowledge of current local matters is somewhat lacking. I would like to learn about the surroundings from the two of you. In addition, I hope you will not tell anyone about this sale of information. I will accept that in lieu of a reward." I said this as I knew that nothing was more expensive, than being free of charge. As political strings can even constrict the greatest of nations.

For someone who saved another's life ,was entitled to a reward; for their hard work. Yet, if the savior said they did not want a reward, anyone would find that suspicious. Then, the next best thing was to make the other side feel, that they had paid in some way. This works on earths research done with gambling, even if it was in an intangible form.The subconscious happiness is what causes their satisfied feeling

The Chief and his wife nodded, steadfast looks on their faces. "I understand. We will not let anyone know about this."

"Excellent. I do not wish to bind you with magic. I shall trust your good nature." I said then extended my hand. The Chief stared blankly at it for a moment, before taking the situation in, and he grasped my hand.

Of course, I did not fully trust them, but with opting for no mond manipulation. No method was better than a political nose. As I hope the Chief's character ,would keep his lips sealed. It would still be fine even if he did talk, this betrayal; would simply be more leverage.

However my instincts told me, that they would not betray me. After seeing the earnest gratitude of the Chief and his wife, I believed that they would be loyal. Plus you must know this, all people care about in the end ;is their lifes betterment. I fixed their house which costs money, I didn't as for money which saved them money. Money makes lives easier.

"Then… can you tell me more about this place?"