Dwarfs 2

In Feoh Berkanan the stately, magnificent former Royal Capital of the Dwarves, built during the flower of their civilization the largest building besides the Royal Palace was the Merchant's Guild, because it contained many rooms used during meetings and temporary vaults used to briefly store resources.

This building was used by many Dwarves, and it was larger than any other structure in the city. However, it was now the residence of the Lord of the Quagoa Clans, Pe Riyuro.

By the time Yozu returned, Riyuro was seated almost sinking into a large and soft cushion.

Yozu bowed, and described what had happened.

While the important details had already been sent via messenger, he was here to explain the details. In particular, he needed to thoroughly elaborate on the Dwarven Kingdom's possible trump card, the four beings who could also shift through the earth. Although they couldnt tell features ,they did sense the anomaly in the earth and could tell they weren't kin. This was because of how fast and diffrently they shifted through the earth. Instead of having some resistence they weren't receiving any speed reduction. At least none they could tell, it could be that the just move faster then everyone else. However, they would know if there was kin that could do this.

Riyuro listened in silence, and then he slowly moved his hand, reaching into a cage beside him. He withdrew a squeaking lizard; a fat, round and juicy lizard, a snack fit for a king.

Riyuro extended the hand holding the lizard toward Yozu.

"Want a bite?"

"No, no thank you."

"Really now," Riyuro muttered. Then he crushed the lizard's head with his jaws, and Yozu smelled the faint scent of blood and innards.

All 20 centimeters of the lizard disappeared into Riyuro's mouth within three bites.

Riyuro wiped his bloodstained hands and mouth clean with a nearby towel.

"And so you retreated, are they heading in this direction?"

"Yes. However they seem to be heading towards the Frost dragons lair in the royal palace. The reason I believe this, is because the dragons commanded us to let them come; as they sensed a fairy amongst them. We are sending scouts ,to check on this matter." He said nervously, as he thought if they could make the dragons command such, then their people would be a simple matter to deal with.

"Hahaha, Fools! If they think they can take on a dragons nest with a mere fairy of legend; then so be it! Even if they kill all of the dragons with elemental spells, we can take them down when they are tired. Prepare scouts for the area and the army to follow after their deaths are confirmed. If they don't kill them all, I don't want us to be noticed ;as we might be punished for invading their territory "

Riyuro seemed to have sensed Yozu's unconscious display of surprise. He poked repeatedly at the lizards in the cage, while lazily explaining his meaning.


Yozu felt that it was exactly as the Lord had said, and he was filled with awe at the wisdom of his Lord.

"Yes! If there aren't any more, then we must conquer the city as soon as possible no matter the losses we suffer."He commanded stepping up the attacks

"Umu" Riyuro nodded.

Riyuro thrust his hand into the lizard-filled cage and withdrew another lizard.

"...Would you like one?"

'Do I look that hungry?' he thought.

It was true that he had fled back here with all his strength, and he had not even eaten or rested properly so far. However, he was not thirsty or hungry enough to beg from the king's table.

"No, thank you."

"Really now?" Riyuro replied. Then, he chewed off the lizard's head like he had the previous one. After devouring it like before, Yozu asked Riyuro a question.

"Then, my Lord. Have you thought of any other methods of learning how they could travel so fast?"

"Ah, yes. We can ask that fellow. His wisdom is far beyond mine… Although, the troubling thing is that the payment he demands will be equally high. I will go meet the Dragons now." He said as he got up.


"Then… can you help me prepare some offerings for the meeting with the Dragons? They like jewels, so prepare some of them. I trust you also know that they're very greedy and won't agree to the initial payment right away. They'll surely raise their price. With that in mind, prepare some lower-valued items as well."

After nodding to Riyuro to show he understood, Yozu immediately began the preparations.


The mightiest species in this world were the Dragons. There were races which could adapt to the harsh lands ,where humanity could not reach. The Azellisia Mountain Range was no exception, and the Dragons ruled the roost here.

These Dragons were known as Frost Dragons.

Usually, Dragons had slender bodies. Those did not resemble the crawling forms of lizards so much as they did those of cats. Among them, Frost Dragons were even slimmer, like snakes.

Their scales were bluish-white, but as they grew older, they turned the white of snowfall. Having adapted to their environment, they possessed cold immunity, but in contrast, they were vulnerable to fire. In addition, there was the trump card of the Draconic races. They possessed the fearsome power of freezing Dragon's breath.

The Lord of these Frost Dragons, Olasird'arc Haylilyal, coiled around his throne, looking down on the Quagoa who craved an audience with him.

"So, you have come. What is the matter?"

"Yes, I am deeply honored to be granted an audience with the mighty White Dragon Lord, Olasird'arc Haylilyal-"

"-Dispense with the formalities. Get to the point."That said, Olasird'arc's eyes narrowed slightly.

Being a Dragon Lord had a special significance among Dragons. It was a title only given to those who had reached the highest age category (Ancient) among the Dragons, or powerful Dragons who possessed special powers, or those Dragons who could use exotic magic. These outstanding Dragons were awarded the title of Lord.Being addressed by such a glorious title was quite pleasing to him.

"Yes! Firstly, I wish to thank you for granting an audience."The Quagoa waiting behind the Quagoa Lord produced a beat-up old sack.

They opened it, and as expected, the glitter of gold spilled forth. It was not enough to satisfy him, but that amount should have been all the Quagoa could manage, so he had to bear with it.

"Alright then, what do you want?" The dragon king then asked.

"Yes! In truth, as you know there are some uninvited guests; with possible designs upon our homes. So I was wondering ,if we could call upon your matchless might; White Dragon Lord-sama."

"Hm…"the king pondered.

To Olasird'arc, Quagoa were an inferior species. They were beings who should revere the mighty Dragons, and they were comparable to his possessions. It was somewhat aggravating to allow them to be killed at will. However, it was equally infuriating for him, to have to take action on the behalf of such inferior lifeforms.

He already was going to kill the guests, if they didn't join him and the others. Although if it wasn't a frost dragon, they would be given the short stick in the hierarchy. Only to be slightly above the Quagoa ,in his regards.

Olasird'arc's gaze fell upon his glittering throne a small mountain of gold and precious stones.One habit which united all Dragons was the love of precious metals, jewels, magic items and related wealth. Olasird'arc was no exception in this regard.

However, while he might be able to dig tunnels and excavate precious metals or raw gemstones, he could not process them. In addition, the mighty should not be doing such things. That was what slaves were for.

Thus, it did not matter if he roused himself to labor on the behalf of his slaves. His heart surged with such generous feelings.

"And do you know ,who are these people are?"

"We are not sure. We have not grasped their true identity yet. However, they aren't dwarves but might be in cahoots with them. They had a strange ability to move through the earth, as if it was theirs to command. In fact I was surprised, when you said there was a fairy amongst them. Though it does explain how they could travel that way ,if the fairy is attuned to the earth. As we only detected four of them, unless the fairy could summon one or teleport them here. Perhaps a magical item? I dont know."

"Dwarves. ...Umu."

Olasird'arc glanced at the great door behind him. Behind that door was the Dwarven City's former treasury. No matter how many times Olasird'arc had attacked it, it had not opened or been destroyed. The protective magic worked on it by the Dwarven runesmiths had defended their treasures from all the attacks ;he had brought to bear on it.

His obsession with the contents of the vault had long faded, and that door was little more than a scratching post for his claws. However, when he heard about the Dwarves, the smoldering embers in his heart ignited once more. If it was a dwarf and they could make it here, perhaps they might have a way to open this vault.

Is it time to abandon the Quagoa? The Dwarves are more useful, in various ways, nevermind a fairy. Such a fairy would be able to create better living arrangements with their magic. Nevermind creating rock golems for servants. Yes that does sound much better then some measly Quagoa.

As Olasird'arc contemplated these matters, he glared coldly at the Quagoa beneath him, and the Quagoa Lord's pleas finally came to an end.

"I am sure that you will be able to defeat the Dwarves or whatnot with contemptuous ease, White Dragon Lord-sama. Please, lend your strength to us! Needless to say, when they are defeated we will offer up double the sum from just now, no more than that!"

His greed tickled by that last line, Olasird'arc's face twitched.

"...I see. I shall consider it."

"Please wait! White Dragon Lord-sama, the enemy is close! And the Dwarves seek to retake this city!"

Olasird'arc turned his keen cold and now angry gaze upon the Quagoa. "What do you mean by that? Are you implying that these measly Dwarves and one puny fairy; can evict me from my nest?!"

"I did not say that! But, there's no telling what the Dwarves intend to do! For all we know, they might have a way to destroy this city!"

"Do you not think they would have done so already if that was the case?"

"It is very likely they intend to destroy the city from the inside!"

"Hm," Olasird'arc thought. It seemed a little far-fetched, but it could not be entirely ruled out. As the fairy could simply use powerful earth magic to make an earthquake ;to destroy the place That wouldn't be good since he need's this place for the creation of a Draconic Empire.

After claiming the Dwarves' Royal Palace, he had ordered his wives to lay their eggs here, and then raise his children as they grew. In the past, they had randomly found a place to lay eggs and left them there, or kicked them out of the nest a year or two after they were born. That would not strengthen the Draconic race. 'I must increase the number of my offspring, and then subjugate the Frost Giants. Then, I can completely dominate this mountain range!' Olasird'arc had thought.

The Frost Giants and the Frost Dragons were the apex predators of this mountain range. Therefore, they had struggled for a long time to determine who was the top dog. The Frost Giants were immune to cold, which meant that the Frost Dragons' trump card of icy Dragon breath could not harm them. The power of the massive weapons which the Frost Giants wielded could not be overlooked, even by Dragons. If they came in numbers, the Dragons might well be defeated. Indeed, there were Frost Dragons who had lost to Frost Giants, and who were used as hounds by them.

Naturally, he and the others knew that too. If he was given an opportunity, he wouldn't let the chance to destroy them go. Before their numbers grow to uncontrollable heights. If he had to abandon this territory, then the Frost Giant tribes would surely unite to attack them before he could seize a new seat of power.

So he turned his head towards his concubines, that were sprawled lazily around ;the room.They were three female Frost Dragons. There was the youngest of them, with a single alabaster horn, Mianatalon Fuviness.

The one who had fought with Olasird'arc for territory many times, Munuinia Ilyslym. And then there was the only Dragon in residence here who could use divine magic (albeit only of the 1st tier), Kilystran Denshushua.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"...Why not help them? After all, the miserable little Dwarves and one puny fairy; are hardly fearsome foes for you. Nevermind our entire nest."

"I agree too. Frankly speaking, I don't care what they say. Aditionally with the rest of the fairies dead and spirit tree gone, I doubt he would know more then 4th tiered spells. It would take more then 6th tier, to run us out of the mountain without them suffering casualties. But if they attack, knowing that we're here, that would be equivalent to looking down on us. We ought to carve fear into the hearts of those cocky intruders."

He turned his gaze from Muninia who was scratching at the floor with a sharp claw and towards Kilystran.

"And what say you?"

After addressing Kilystran, she tilted her head.

"I oppose and approve of it. I oppose it because we cannot be sure that these attackers, really are with the Dwarves. Attacking the fairy might bring natures wrath upon us too. Expecially with that ability, although it could be a magic item; then why havent they done so before. It's more likley a 6th teir spell to control the earth like that. In addition, if they're attacking while aware of our presence, they must have surely taken our power into consideration. Thats only if they have a dwarf with them. However, while the very idea of destroying the city they treasure is absurd, then again this is if they are dwarves or have one. The fairy in this case might be the only concern but to be strong ;he must be old. We would have heard of him by now, as humans tend to try and subjugate things they cant control. Nature control has always been what they strived for most. Also a mechanism capable of doing so, is not out of the reach of Dwarven technology. It would be foolish not to respond to that." Olasird'arc smiled bitterly after saying this.

'She has such a twisted personality, I loved that about her.' he mused inwardly. Then turned back to the inferior lifeform.

"So, the ayes have it.~Well then. I shall accept your request, inferior Quagoa."

"Yes! You have our deepest thanks!"

As Olasird'arc glared coldly at the Quagoa kowtowing before him, he made a pronouncement.

"However, you must offer twenty times the previous amount of tribute."

"Twenty! Twenty times?!"

Olasird'arc snorted at the Quagoa Lord, who had raised his head.

"You do not even know who is attacking. That much should be expected. ...Then, what will you do? If you cannot produce the requisite amount, then you can deal with it yourselves. And if their of enough power to defeat us like you hope, then it goes to serve as a pentence; for your trickery. We will destroy the gold before you can get to it, if we fail; which I doubt." He retorted.

"Please, please wait! We will offer the tribute! Please let us offer the tribute!" he said immediately trying to please him, as the dragon seen through his scheme! Hell he had to command for them to get more gold! He didn't expect this!

Suddenly, Olasird'arc thought of something.

'Could the Quagoa actually pay that much gold? Or is it because the Dwarves are unimaginably powerful foes, which was why they were trying their best to get him to commit no matter how much they had to pay? Or is it their fear of being seen through that's making them concede?' He thought inwardly. He then shook his head.

'Well, it doesn't matter. If they can't pay, then just as Munuinia said, I will carve an indelible terror into the hearts of those weaklings. Quagoa.' He then thought in disgust.

"Then, begone." He commanded

"Yes! But… when can we expect your arrival?"

"Soon. Until then, wait."


As Olasird'arc watched the Quagoa leave, Mianatalon asked: "Will you be going in person?"

"As if. Of course not."He snorted as he replied.

Olasird'arc was the most powerful Dragon here. That being the case, it would be foolish for him to actually fight on the behalf of his slaves even if he was paid. 'Therefore.....'

"Who should I send over... Whose child would be best?" He then asked for their opinions.

They were all his children. Every Dragon here with the exception of his concubines was bound to Olasird'arc by blood.

"In that case, send my child."Kilystran said

"Yours? Who?"

Kilystran had birthed four children for Olasird'arc, and each of them was a Dragon of over a century of age. They were far more powerful than the Quagoa.

"The eldest, of course."she retorted as if he should know. It was the most logical choice afterall.

"Hejinmal, then?" He asked and frowned.

"That boy might look like that, but he has a good head on his shoulders and he will see the opposition for what they really are. If they turn out to be Dwarves, don't you think he'll bring about a most agreeable negotiation? You must be starting to tire of Quagoa slaves, no?" Kilystran replied simply.

"Can he do all that? Can the other children not do it?" He asked nodding in agreement.

"Better than Toranjelit, at least."she then said.

"...Kilystran. The most important thing for Dragons is the power of their bodies. One cannot defeat power and speed with one's head. Olasird'arc beat me because his body was stronger than mine. Remember that. Toranjelit's superior body is far better than that of Hejinmal's!" Munuinia retorted.

Toranjelit was one of Olasird'arc's children by Munuinia. In terms of raw strength, he was the best among his offspring.

"But things will turn out poorly if you don't think. If you send out your child, who might kill the Quagoa for no reason, who knows what they'll end up doing?" she objected.

"That's enough." The Dragonking commanded ending their squabble.

Olasird'arc halted Munuinia, who was about to say something, and then looked at Mianatalon's face. She seemed to find all this squabbling terribly boring.

"Let's go with Kilystran's idea and call Hejinmal over."

"It's no use. He won't come."

Olasird'arc sensed his plan falling apart right from the start.

Munuinia chuckled, a thin, unhappy sound. It would be troublesome if they argued again, and their king once again raised his voice:

"Just break down the door or whatnot and drag him out."

"Ara, I didn't destroy your fortress because you asked me not to. Does that mean you're giving me permission? Although, it may not just be the door that gets destroyed."

Indeed, he remembered saying those words. While Dragons were skilful, they could not rebuild a door once destroyed, and they did not know magic which could do that. Therefore, if they destroyed something, they would leave it where it was. Also there's the fact he owns it so it would be a shame, if he did such a thing every time and end up living in a castle ;filled with holes. Therefore, he had demanded his concubines and his offspring adhere to that rule.

Although his concubines would probably go if he ordered....he didn't think the boy would listen.

"It can't be helped. I'll go, then." He sighed then said.

"Please." Kilystran pleaded.

He just looked at Kilystran with a 'Are you serious' look on his face. The fact that he had to go in person despite being a Lord did not sit well with him.

In response to that, should he allow a few Quagoa to live here and let them work for him?

However, Olasird'arc abandoned the many possibilities which appeared in his mind.

He could not bear the thought of having inferior lifeforms like the Quagoa running around his fortress. Someday, when he defeated the Giants, he would have them work for him as slaves.

Until then, he would have to bear with it.

When one considered the height of the Dwarves, their Royal Palace was of a staggering size. It was because it was so large that the Dragons could live here, and it was a long distance from one end to the other.

Olasird'arc climbed and climbed, until he reached the door on the highest level.

Then, he shouted:

"It's me, open up."

He waited for a while, but there was no movement from the other side of the door.

It was impossible that he was not in. The son who lived in this room was a weebo. He had not recalled him ever leaving his room. Even his meals were sent to him by his siblings. And.....It was deeply aggravating that he would dare pretend he was not in, in front of his own father, a Dragon Lord!

"I'll say it again. It's me. Open up." He yelled angrily.

Dragons had very keen senses. The way he was shouting, anyone inside should have heard it, and they would have woken up even if they were sleeping. However..... the door did not open.

The anger which blazed up turned into motion.

He lashed out at the door with his tail.

Struck by a tail that was the thickness of a big tree and sheathed with scales that were harder than steel, the door creaked as it twisted. The Dwarves who had built this door had probably not expected it to take a Dragon's tail slap.

There were signs of movement inside, but this was not enough to quell Olasird'arc's anger.

He slammed the door again, breaking it half down. Shattered and scattered stones flew inside like buckshot. A classical weebo sound resounded from within: "Hieeeeee". It wasn't a pleasing sound.

"Get out of there, right now!" He roared angrily.

In response to the angry shout, a Dragon sprang up. Frost Dragons had slender bodies, but not this one. Simply put, it looked obese. It had a pair of tiny glasses on its nose, and it regarded Olasird'arc from head to toe with a nervous look in its eyes. It was a unique Frost dragon an otaku dragon. This was his son, but this shameful display made Olasird'arc sigh.

Well, given that he was standing in front of a ruler like himself, cringing and twitching like this was unavoidable. Still, he had hoped to see some strength in his own son's eyes. And then there was that disgusting fat body of his. He was more like a swine than a Dragon.

In truth, having to send a child like this out to fight on his behalf ;might damage his reputation. Being such a weebo even if the term wasn't understood by his father. You didn't need to know it to see that the dragon was pitiful!

As Olasird'arc contemplated this, his son, the disgrace. Who seemed afraid of the way his father was staring right at him...got a question out him. What audacity! What now your willing to listen to my commands?! How shameless!

"F-father, what, what do you wish of me?" his son Hejinmal asked.

That said, he might not be much of a Dragon, but he was still a Dragon. Dragons grew more powerful with age. With that in mind, perhaps even that flabby frame of his ;could still be of use.

"I have a job for you, Hejinmal." He notified after sighing.

"A, a job?" His son said, detesting the very idea of getting out; of his abode. It pained him emotionally to do such a thing.

"Ahh. The Quagoa seem to have been invaded by the Dwarves or something. Repel them." His father commanded.

"Hieee." Another weebo sound escaped his son's lips.

"Hieee?"His father asked quirking a dragonic brow.

"N-nothing. It's nothing, Father. J-just, I, I'm, er, how shall I put this, I'm er, not very confident in my strength…" His son said clearly trying to divert him from the fact it was 'his unwillingness to leave his weebo-land.'

"Then what are you confident in? Do you feel you can defeat the enemy with magic?" His father retorted, sure he could deny the command but when your weak; you can only obey!

Dragons slowly gained the ability to use arcane magic during their maturation, but those were little more than innate abilities. They could not be compared to magic casters at all. However, there were some Dragons who had learned to use actual magic. For example, there was one of Olasird'arc's own concubines, Kilystran Denshushua. There was also one of the Republic's Councillors, the "Blue Sky Dragon Lord" Suveria Myronsilk, who had the powers of a druid and could use divine magic. It was also said that in the far east, there were Dragons who had attained the Paladin class ; and could use magic from other systems.

"...Well, that's one thing. I had to learn by myself because I had no mentor to teach me…"His son admitted his uselessness without much same. Just fear....does he have no pride?!

"Then what the hell have you been doing in there all this while?" His father finally started losing it.

There was a forceful gleam in Hejinmal's eyes.

"Learning. I've been gathering knowledge."

"...What? Knowledge? Weren't you learning how to use arcane magic?" His father asked while already knowing the answer. But he did this to point out that power is what matters not useless knowledge. Unless it makes you more powerful then even as a dragon, you will be walked on outside the mountain.

"No, it's not like that, Father. The knowledge I sought was not to use magic, but to further my studies, learn how this city was built, what sort of races live in this world and so on. I was learning about that sort of thing." His son tried to "enlighten him" to what his father considered , his own life consuming entertainment did actually "hold value"; but to his father it was a waste. So his weebo "preachings" went on dead ears.

"...I don't understand at all. Does learning these things make you strong? None of that matters if you don't become powerful." His father pointed out.

There was nothing more important in this world than becoming stronger. Since this was a world where only the strong survived, one needed to grow stronger to live. In contrast, one could say that not wanting to become strong was essentially rejecting life. So to this world without internet, this was essentially their "weebo" equivalent.

Just then, he spotted it. Hejinmal had tried to cover it up, but he saw that his son had done something, like a wordless gesture.

"What is it? Spit it out."His father commanded.

His son remained silent. That disgraceful attitude of his made Olasird'arc flare up again.

Just as he was about to begin bellowing at him, he thought of why he had come here. While he did not care what happened to the Quagoa, debts had to be paid.

"It doesn't matter if you lock yourself up in your room until you lose your agility, but there's no point losing yourself in books. If you want to acquire knowledge, leave this place and travel the world." Olasird'arc said as he had already begun losing interest in Hejinmal.

He had abandoned his body in exchanged for something utterly useless. There was nothing else he could say about this, and he had lost any semblance of concern for his own son. He was a lost case and he needed to show tough love. If his kingdom was already established ,he would have abandoned his son already. He cared but within dragonic limits and those were of his own interests.

"I, I was preparing for that. If I don't know what sort of people there are in the world, I might die before I manage to see it." His son replied.

"Then why don't you die? You're being too foolish. Why not seek strength from the beginning? Once you're strong, you'll be feared even when you leave this place, no? Like me." His father went vicious and responded coldly.

"But, Father. Knowing what sort of powerful beings there are in the world is very important too. It's the same with you, isn't it, Father? Aren't the Frost Giants strong? If you went against them without knowing anything-" his anger peaked and inturrupted his son.

"I'm not afraid of those Frost Giants" He stated immediately.

"F-forgive me, Father." Hejinmal said kow-towing.

As he glared at Hejinmal, who had his head plastered to the ground, Olasird'arc rounded his shoulders powerlessly.

"That's enough. I command you to complete your task. Then, I will kick you out after a month. You can live as you please from then on." The Dragonking responded with vice.



Hejinmal was currently in a tunnel which led to the Royal Capital. He sighed, the way his father had.

"I'm not good at fighting…"

"Not being good" did not cover the whole of it. In all honesty, he was so weak that if he went up against his younger brothers, he might end up losing to them. Thus, he was uneasy, which resulted in him muttering to himself.

"The enemy… hopefully they'll be scared of the way I look and run away." Hejinmal inhaled forcefully, sucking up his protruding gut. Then he splayed his claws and opened his maw. That way, he would look more like a proper Dragon.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Hejinmal gingerly removed the glasses on his nose. They were not a magic item, but if they broke, there would be no replacements for them. Thus, he had to treat them with care.

And so the lazy otaku dragon took off to do as his father requested.


"Haaa… Dragonscale makes for strong armor… but all I can do is pray the Dwarves aren't savages…"

But what if they were?No, that was almost certain to be the case. That was because Dwarven libraries were the source of much information about Draconic materials.

Hejinmal forced himself to stop trembling.

He knew all the Quagoa in the Royal Capital were watching him. If possible, he would have preferred to fight in a deeper tunnel, where he would not have an audience. However, if that was the case, the Quagoa would not be able to see him do battle, so his father had forbidden it.

Father had told him to investigate the enemy to the best of his ability, and take them as servants if possible. But this was not a sign of friendship. Instead, it was an order to display his strength and dominate the weak as one of the strong.

Therefore, defeat equalled death. He would die if he was defeated in battle. Even if he survived a defeat, the Quagoa would lose their respect for Father. That would displease him, and then Hejinmal would be killed by his father anyway.

Then, how about fleeing right away? After all, he would be exiled in a month, no matter what he did. It was a good idea, but he needed a month to prepare for it. Hejinmal expelled his breath. The supercooled suspire froze an entire wall into an expanse of solid white.

"Good! My breath is normal, and its power is consistent with my age."

This was one of a Dragon's trump cards ─ Dragon breath. Frost Dragons possessed freezing breath, and its power grew with age. Hejinmal's breath was quite well developed, and it was more reliable than his own physical strength.


Dragon breath was a frightening thing. Anyone who knew even a little about Dragons was aware of that. After all, this was a fundamental ability of all Dragons. In fact, the Dwarven libraries had said just that. There was no way the Dwarves coming this way would not be prepared for it.

Hejinmal sank further into despair.Although Father had already said so, if he could really use magic or whatnot, things would surely be different─

"I'm just a sacrificial pawn."

His brothers faithfully obeyed his father in a very Draconic way. The fact that he had not given this task to them but to Hejinmal was a sign that he did not care if the hikkikomori of his family died off. He did not resent his fate.

If he had not encountered books, if he had not known the satisfaction of seeking knowledge, he would not be what he was today. There was no point regretting that now.

Suddenly, Hejinmal's nose twitched. He turned his ear to listen, and picked up multiple footsteps approaching from within the tunnel. Those were not the sounds of Quagoa feet, because they were clearly wearing shoes.

Are those Dwarves?! There's only a few of them, which means… They're very confident of victory with just those numbers? Or are they an advanced scouting party? So if I defeat them the job's done and there'll be no problem if I go back? Strictly speaking, he would have fulfilled his orders even if he only defeated that scouting party. The question now was whether an excuse like that would be accepted.

Illuminated by glowing stones, three silhouettes ─ though he could not be sure as they were still far away ─ emerged from the cavern.' Is the smaller one a Dwarve? Then that smallest one is the fairy? But what of the biggest one with wings? Even the Dwarven subraces shouldn't be that big nor have wings! What is it? Oh that's just great, there is a human with them too....i hope their weak, since a human would likley be the cruelest of the bunch. Then, did the Dwarf beg that bigger winged being for help? Is he the most powerful, much like the Quagoa did with Father requesting for his assistance? Why do I feel weird looking at him?' Hejinmal thought.

Whether or not the Dwarves had requested it's help, he had to be wary of the bigger shape.

Still, while it was a large silhouette, it was still much smaller than a Dragon. 'Should I strike first with my breath?' Hejinmal immediately discarded that notion.

'No. I should ask them what they want and try to complete this task through negotiation.' he then thought.

Regular Dragons would immediately launch into a fight. However, Hejinmal had no confidence in himself and did not want this encounter to end in tragedy. Therefore, he sought a way to safely resolve the situation.

Finally, his keen Draconic vision ─ although Hejinmal's was somewhat subpar for his kind ─ finally verified what he assumed before. That the one walking at the head of the group was not a Dwarf. 'Haven't I read about Fairy's in a book before? No they are supposed to be smaller then that and the fairies where all wiped out. What kind of fairy is that?! If-if it is more powerful then the smaller one and can use fire magic of 6th teir....what do I do?! This is bad.' Hejinmal thought panicking.

Being a dragon its magically resistant but faries are known to be very inturned with nature. It's said unless their babies, they can cast their 3 spells off the bat! Nevermind how much stronger they can get with time! At the least in a hundred years they could learn up to 6th teir, if their diligent! At least that's what Hejinmal assumed.

'My best bet would be to invite him to an audiance with the king. Nevermind, if he can use fire magic then I'll need to flee and warn father....but that won't work! Father wouldn't let me live for running away from such a small lifeform. Yes I'll take it friendly first this way I live.' Hejinmal thought panicking.

Fire was the weakness of Frost Dragons. In other words, his most powerful attack could be useless against the big fairy like being, and his opponent could grievously wound him from a distance!

'And… What's that? It looks like a really expensive robe...' Hejinmal thought.

Dragons had a keen nose for treasure. They could roughly sniff out the value of any item, no matter how valuable. Right now, his nose was telling him that the 'Royal Fairy?' before him was wearing an unimaginably expensive set of spellcaster's robes. 'I've never seen something as valuable as that before... he must be royalty of his race. This isn't good! If a powerful fairy could cast 6th teir, for a king to come out with few guards....he must be able to cast 7th teir magic!' Hejinmal thought and began to sweat.

Hejinmal was a weebo of this world, so the only thing he could value was the Dwarven libraries. Thus, his nose for valuable treasure might have lost its keenness. It might have been a natural ability, but it would still atrophy if it was not used. However, he did not think that was the case.

Finally, he saw the Dwarf at the rear of the group didnt have any weapons and Hejinmal was relieved. Just a regular Dwarf, and he's not wearing anything valuable. Then, Hejinmal shook his head.

'That's being too naive, right? If I remember correctly fairies have always been neutral or friendly, only when upset would they attack....but with father wanting them subjugated! Yes...maybe even this Dwarf is special too. Carelessness is dangerous and I can't sense any mana from the big fairy; compared to the small one. This only confirms my guesses thus far!' Hejinmal thought through the situation and made up his mind.

After that, the fairy pointed towards him, as though to tell everyone that he was there.

Although he thought he might be suddenly attacked by a fire spell, in particular the opposition merely paused to confer, and soon they were headed towards Hejinmal again.

'...Should I prepare myself for the worst?' He thought

If they had attacked immediately, he would have gone on his guard. But that was not the case. What should he do now? 'Nggg ─ my stomach aches. I hope that's just a kind-hearted fairy being who's come to negotiate!' he then thought.

He could be killed. To Hejinmal who had lived in safety all his life the time until the group stopped was interminable torment. The group finally reached Hejinmal's vicinity. Hejinmal took a deep breath, and then careful not to seem too imposing but if he was too scared or cowardly it could get him killed too! So he spoke.

They were a group who had approached Hejinmal, a Frost Dragon, without any hesitation. Therefore, Hejinmal sensed that trying to appear threatening ;would be very dangerous. Thus, he went for this course of actions. Diplomatic negotiations one that won't lead to his death.

"The area from this place on belongs to the Quagoa and we the Frost Dragons. Why..... ahem may I ask you fine folks your reasons for coming here?"


I stepped infront of Hejinmal with a hand raised and said "That wont be neccessary." I said this, while using my elemental control; to increase the temperature of the room.

Hejinmal could feel the heat in the room raise by an obserd amount ,considering the fairy didn't even cast a spell yet it was frightening; expecially since he felt no mana used!

"We're about to launch an attack and they only sent one Dragon here? Surley you can see, that I am a Fairyking, master of magic to the highest degree possible. The strongest race of fairies that ever has and will walk on this world. I can use all elemental magic, even holy and necromancy magic. Normally I wouldn't interfere in such affairs but clearly the Quagoa, seek only the death of the dwarfs. Seeking the demise of a sentient good race is against my interests. NOW BOW BEFORE YOUR NEW KING before I treat you as an enemy. Trust me there are worst things then death!" I said. While taking out my halo and Fairyking Aura.

As the aura spread outwards, Hejinmal was pressed into the floor. He could feel his blood and muscles being suppressed by this aura. He was now in bowing position, this caused him to be more scared of this Fairyking; then his father! This was no mere fairy king either! This was a god!

Right now the Frost dragon is as weak as Enri from carne village. Even Gondo's pickaxe could now pierce its scales as it was now.

"Hrumph, he's far too weak to be of worth, I say we should just kill him Ainz-sama." Narberal said.

"WAIT!!" Hejinmal yelled in fear.

However, he seen this aura made him alot weaker; then he should have been. He never felt this weak even as a baby!

Hejinmal pressed his head to the ground multiple times; he was kowtowing.

This was the greatest degree of respect and forgiveness a Dragon could show, the posture of servitude, while harming oneself. A fate a weebo like him is bound to be subjected to, if he was a human in Japan.

"He can be of use to us." I said while a mischievous glint in my eyes occured. Nova noticed and thought 'This poor dragon will soon find out ,there are worse fates than death.'

Hejinmal desperately pleaded with me,

"Please wait! My name is Hejinmal! I live to serve your holiness Ainz-sama!"

Looking around, I saw the Dwarf's jaw drop in shock. However, Narberal just huffed in annoyance.

Hejinmal was certain his new plan, of serving and living another day is best.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown you can call me by Ainz-sama, I am known by mortal beings as the God of Balance… where did you learn how to kowtow?" I introduced myself.

"God!?Yes of course you are! To have such a magnificent fairy and woman under your command; is most becoming of a god. I learned that from the manuscripts, the dwarfs left in their capital's library." He said immediately while kissing @*s.

"I see." I said in acknowledgment , as I was a bit baffled because it was a Japanese custom. I knew this was the case ,but to think the indoctrination of the previous godkin and gods; as this world calls them went so deep.

"Could I possibly take any other course of action for asking forgiveness....before a mighty being like yourself? No, I could not!" This was a huge gamble. Hejinmal had bet everything on it.

The Dwarves used "heated steel" to describe the burning sensation when gambling, but what Hejinmal felt now was a chill that froze him to the core. Time seemed to freeze over for several seconds, but finally...

"So you have seen your mistake....good. ...You intend to submit to me then? You will do whatever I command you? Of course, I will make sure you will never feel too much pain; under my command. I doubt most, will even be able to damage you outside the mountain anyways. Unless your sent into a big battle but I will make sure you are well armoured and ready; for such a thing in the future." I then said.

"Yes as you command! And If you allow it, Ainz-sama!" He said in a worship like tone.

Narberal then spoke "Ainz-sama...there are many uses for Dragon flesh, hide, teeth, scales and the like. To have such a weak dragon without using it, would be such a waste. But Im sure you already thought of that....but would you be willing to enlighten Ainz-sama?" Narberal said.

This caused Hejinmal to immediately piss himself as he was now shaking in fear.

"N-no that would be unproductive and inefficient. Most of all, he will make a good mount as he isn't a prideful mindless beast; like most dragons." I said causing Narberal eyes to widen, as she finnaly caught onto my purpose.

'Healing potions or spells! Kufufufu as expected of Ainz-sama!' Narberal thought.

I know this fat tub of lard calling himself a dragon had alot more skin, then all dragons his age. So im going to skin him alive and reheal him. But I will alleviate his pain and possible memories with a spell.....Guh disgusting he just wet himself.' I thought.

Meanwhile Hejinmal Thought 'What should I say now? If I dont say something fast, the hu-no-no human looking woman; might kill me on the spot! I need to explain myself and fast! It is also possible that i have already displeased them and I will still be killed'

"I, I was so overjoyed that I peed a little!" said Hejinmal

He had abandoned all delusions of control. Though he had the strong feeling that they would not believe him, it was better than saying that he had pissed himself out of fear.

"From today onwards, this one shall serve and attend his New king and henceforth be Aura's pet!" I proclaim ignoring what he said then silently casted [Spring Cleaning] on him.

"Ehhhh…" Hejinmal replied in disbelief that I believed him and then noticed he was now cleaned up by magic. He wasnt happy though as he thought 'This is bad. If he felt I am worthless, I might be discarded like a piece of trash. The mighty could do that. In fact, had his father not done the same thing? However, help came from an unlikely corner.'

"About the pee… Well, that can't be helped, it's also already fixed by my magic." I said.

"Eh? Really, Ainz-sama?" Narberal said in disgust that the lowly being would do so, in my presence.

"Mm. I once heard about something like this from a story. It was said someone had a pet dog and the dog peed out of joy. It seems this sort of thing happens ,when dragons of your race get too excited." I explained while Nova knew I was messing with them both.

"I see. So Dragons that live in these frigid environments store fat under their skin. Although, I thought Frost Dragons were immune to the cold… Or could it be that you were storing up nourishment ;in case you couldn't obtain food? Also does your body just grow more skin or stretch it ,to accommodate the extra space it needs to spread over?" I then asked

Hejinmal had read about legendary fairies from his books. They were said to be the most powerful magic casters of all. As they were more intuned with mana then any other being. They were said to be mischievous but good in nature. So he knew there would be no true harm; that would befall on him. Even if it did, he would at least live a bit longer. So he answered truthfully.

"No I'm the only one like this and I guess so? I don't really know, I would have to guess so; as otherwise it would restrict my movement moreso." He replied honestly.

"Wonderful. At least I am not talking to a block headed dragon ;whom only believes in power." I praised while Nova knew I was diverting the subject and he thought 'I wonder what scrolls could be made with this....7th teir maybe?'

"This one doesn't deserve your praise Ainz-sama!" Hejinmal replied humbly.

"Well since your such a unique specimen of your king and your smarter then them. It would be quite a waste to kill you." I said with finality.

"Yes you will be put to good use, for the Supreme One. As Ainz-sama always keeps his words ,he will make sure you won't feel harm; untill battle is needed." Narberal remarked while inwardly laughing while thinking 'I wonder what he will do to accomplish this... how deceptively brilliant of Ainz-sama kufufufu.'

"Y-yes I live to serve....I didnt get your name my lady and lord." He said while bowing to Nova and Narberal.

"Hurumph remember my name well, for otherwise you will not live long. This ones name is Nova A Gravity fairy Summon of lord Ainz-sama! Lesser Guardian of Nazerick!" Nova said extravagantly. I nodded at this while Narberal raised an eyebrow at it but nonetheless nodded.

"I am Narberal Gamma a royal maid of Ainz's court." Narberal said with pride.

'What is this, the knights of the round table?' I wondered incredulously.

"Yes! Nova-sama! Narberal-sama!" Hejinmal replied while bowing.

"Are they any other Dragons? If so how many and whom of which are stronger then you?" Qyteidyrth inquired hoping to get a decent fight.

"Yes, there are. There are four Dragons older than me, six around the same age as me, and nine who are younger than me.The four who are older than me are all stronger than me. The Dragons of the same age as me are also stronger than me." Hejinmal replied.

"I see. Then, what tier of magic can these elder Dragons use? Are they only capable of arcane spells?"

"The strongest of them can use magic of up to the 3rd tier. As you have said, it is arcane magic." Hejinmal replied and could feel his new dragonkings disappointment. This worried him.

"What?! They only have 3rd-tier spells?" Narberal exclaimed in disbelief, while thinking 'Is this what we should expect of a dragon in this world? Such useless wastes!' she thought angrily.

"No, you should probably ask. Is if this is just a ruse? They say that a true opponent his his strength even from family, only in dire need is it revealed. Is it possible that the strongest Dragon there, can use 8th-tier spells?" I asked trying to defend him, while I knew Nova-kun will catch onto my true meaning. I just didn't want a petrified dragon as a guide.

Novas eyes flickered in a mischievous light nodding in agreement. Seeing this Narberal also nodded, thinking Ainz-sama is speaking something profound.

"No, it's impossible...but u have never seen my father use his full strength." Hejinmal said after careful thought.

If he believes 8th-tier spells exist, then that means he can cast it. So it would be very bad to deny the possibility.Also this way he isnt lying, but more information would help cover it up.

" I once heard that he had learned a 3rd-tier spell of flame resistance."

" I see. Well, it's only natural that one would want to cover up one's weaknesses and strength." I said

This nonchalant tone made Hejinmal feel uneasy.

"Say. What will we do next?" Gondo The Dwarf who had been watching the proceedings in silence.....finally spoke up. Hejinmal sensed that this Dwarf was unlike his three companions, in that he was not powerful.

'Had the Dwarves hired them as mercenaries and sent this Dwarf; to keep an eye on them? If that was the case, I need to show this Dwarf respect as well. Still, where did he rank as their subordinate? What sort of orders would he be given from now on?' These uneasy questions flew through Hejinmals mind.

"You have a point. We'll leave the Quagoa to a summon. I shall go with this Dragon and eliminate all the Dragons opposing us."

"[Fairy Magic: Summon Supreme Spirite]" This was a teir 10 racial spell, it summoned a level 90 randonized elemental sprite. They were the embodiment of their element, so they could control it freely. Casting up to teir 9 elemental spells instantly and silently.

The mana and natural energy in the area condensed. Then out of the earth emerged a small male sprite. Brown, perfectly groomed hair neatly coiffured to reveal a lean, radiant face. Glowing green emerald eyes, set handsomely within their sockets. A small tattoo of a boulder reaching from under the right eyebrow , first running from his lips and encompassing his entire cheek.

"Fairy king! I am yours to command!" He said in a cheerful voice while liking the mischievous aura I gave off. Hejinmal's body shuddered again ,as he felt the power radiating of this small sprite. Since it was a summon it didnt bother fully hiding its aura and it wanted to get reactions anyways.

When he spoke about this as a simple matter in a casual tone. This surprised him a bit ,but it was his action of summoning a strong being; like it was nothing that shook him. He now believed in every fiber of his being, that he was a God. Hejinmal hesitated about what to do. It would probably be wise to beg for the lives of the other Dragons.

After steadying himself, he spoke: "...Ainz-sama, Nova-sama, and lady Naberal-sama: may this one be permitted to speak?!"

"Very well. Speak." I nodded while they also nodded.

"Understood! A thought occurred to this one. The people here do not know the greatness of Ainz-sama. Would you be willing to extend your mercy to those fools? In other words, the other Dragons should know of the glory of Ainz-sama!" Hejinmal said.

"I agree but if there is great disrespect from the smaller dragons...well I always wanted to taste a dragonic Filet mignon." I nodded while

Hejinmal felt a shiver down his spine.

"In any case, all we need to do is chase the Quagoa out of the Royal Palace, right? Ahem. Dragon, may I ask you a question?" The speaker was the Dwarf.

Hejinmal glanced at his masters' faces. In all honesty, he had no idea what sort of attitude he needed to take towards this Dwarf. That said, acting arrogant would be very dangerous. However, a servant who bowed and scraped before others would devalue their master.

"Please do." he said respectfully.

"Umu… Still, It's strange seeing you completely dominate a Dragon, it's expected, but unbelievable. I would never expect to see such a thing in my lifetime. Um, sorry. Are there any other Dragons around, besides the ones in this place?"

"There might be." Hejinmal responded.

"There might be, huh. Then, if there were, could you order around those Dragons as well?" Gondo mused then asked.

"I could not. They belong to a different tribe." Hejinmal responded.

"That wont be neccessary ,as if they decide to disobey I will slay them were they stand. Besides, Ainz-sama as a being of nature can easily control such lower lifeform beasts. If he wanted to, he could just command them to do; as he says. As they should do to begin with, Naturally." Narberal said getting a bow from the dwarf.

"Yes sorry for me not understanding your full majestic nature." Gondo said in respect and a truley apologetic tone: Towards me.

"Of course, it's more amusing seeing their reactions without showing them my aura." I replied while chuckling.

"Then we shall, fulfil the request, to put the Dragons under your control first. After that, we'll tell them that there are other Dragon tribes around. Surely they would not easily surrender this land ,which they took so long to reclaim. Is that not the most profitable course?" Gondo then elaborated.

"Are you alright with your race being squeezed dry and used up?" I replied.

'What are you saying', the shamless Dwarf shrugged, seemingly conveying this.

"Your Majesty has chosen me....us. Is it not natural that I would pick your side, in any dispute?Besides what's the others to do against a god." he replied shamelessly.

'I thought dwarfs had some semblance of pride in their kin or people, or is this the greed inside of their nature....I'll look into this later.'

"Your considerations, will be taken account of; as its agreeable. Gondo." I replied.

"The pain that has plagued me all this time, has been wiped away by the few days I have spent with Your Majesty. Truly, you are my savior." He said then prostrated followed by the dragon just in case.

"I am pleased, we have forged a mutually beneficial relationship." I then said.

"While I do not feel Your Majesty may benefit from this, I shall surely repay the kindness you have shown me." Gondo said.

Even Hejinmal the outsider could understand their relationship. The Dwarf was deeply indebted to the 'FairyKing?' It was a debt that he would pay, even if he had to betray his race.

"If you feel that way, then I don't mind…" I shrugged and turned to Hejinmal.

"Alright. Then, take me to the Dragons you say are stronger than you. Also, where is the treasury of the former Dwarven Royal Capital?"

Hejinmal knew where the treasury was, and nodded confidently.

"This one feels that your question is quite fortunate, because both of them are at the same place. If you would allow me to sate my curiosity, what is your supreme beings race?" He asked me.

"Fairy King, and I am the ruler of the Nazerick, don't try speaking its name as you cant. My Magic forbids it, its hidden from those unworthy; which you will be spending some time on the special floor. After this venture is over that is, after that I might gift you away to Aura; as she always wanted a dragon ;for a pet." I said not hiding part of my plan. He then began to shake and couldnt help but ask.

"E-elf you say....will your friend take good care of me?" He asked me. 'Kukuku you will be begging to go with them.' I thought with a smile.

"Yes I'm sure you will remain alive in their care and we wont knowingly let ,any undeserved harm; come to you." I replied and he felt relieved when be truley shouldn't. He needs to pay the entrance fee of course, it will be a land of gods, afterall.

"Then I will be sure to follow his orders to the letter!" He said with eyes filled with determination to serve to his best capabilities.

I then turned to my new sprite and said "You will follow us and when we part ,you will ensure the

Quagoa either obey or pay the consequences. They will be ordered to stay with you till I return, and they will be transfered via gate later on. Narberal will also be going with you, this is an order. You are not allowed to kill them all but enough to make them see that; resistance is futile. Make sure to block all escape paths beforehand.-" I paused then remembered.

"Oh also make sure there is at least, ten thousand left of them. You are allowed to use any pranks you can think of." I said and Narberals shiver which didnt go unnoticed.

"Truley I feel bad for their existence right now, Sprites are said to be more mischievous then fairies." She said in a sweet voice that was hypocritical to what she said. This shocked gondo and the frost dragon causing them to be stiff.

"A-are Sprites truley that bad? I mean how bad can a prank be...."Gondo said.

"Pfthaha I am the Fairyking. Believe me when I say ,there are pranks out there worse then any demonic information gathering ;torcher sessions known to demon kind." I said after cackling and my statement caused the Sprite and Little Nova to laugh too.

"You could say....pranks are magical~" they both sang in unison and laughed somemore.

The dragon and Gondo both shivered.

'What have we gotten ourselfs into?! No I'm sure it won't kill us..." The both thought then shook their heads. They were certain they wouldn't die and just hoped they wouldn't be pranked if not provoked.

"Enough! It's best we be going." I commanded as I didnt want the dragon peeing again.

'How can dragon pee smell that rancid! I mean if rather hug zombied and smell their rotting flesh!'

"Yes sir!" They all said at once and then we were off.