Chapter 103: Time with the other Saiyans

I knew that they would be defensive about my presence there but I was a little hurt that they didn't take my words a little more seriously. The closer I got to them the more Kale pulled away, blushing behind Caulifla. Despite her massive power she is still a shy person that doesn't want to outshine Caulifla.

Sage: So, how have you ladies been? Did you think about me after the tournament?

I sat down on a nearby rock as I stared them down while I asked my question.

Caulifla: Hmph! (While blushing) Wh…wh…who would think about some other universes Saiyans soft lips?

Kale: Nee-san. (Kale tapped Caulifla on the shoulder)

Caulifla: I mean, I don't remember anything about the tournament other then the fighting.

Sage: Really? Because your red faces tell me otherwise. Maybe I need to rejog your memories.

I got up from the rock and walked towards them again.

Caulifla: The only way I can ever find a mate is if they are stronger than me.

Kale: I will protect Nee-san. If you can't beat us then you can't have us.

Sage: Aww, thank you for offering yourselves to me. This makes it much easier.

Caulifla: You think winning us over is going to be easy? We have been training ever since the tournament so that we won't lose again.

Since they were Saiyans of course I knew that they wouldn't let a loss get them down. I knew that they would try their hardest to get stronger. Unfortunately they have no way of controlling Kale because I doubt she ever went Super Saiyan again due to her lack of control. I can help with their training but for a little while. Since they so generously served themselves to me, how can I not partake their offer?

Sage: Well then, are you going to come at me together or one at a time?

The girls rushed at me together. In a flurry of kicks and punched between the both of then, they have yet to make block. I dodged all of their attacks while feeling them up. I also don't like heavily muscled ladies but that was only Kale by herself when she transformed into the Legendary Super Saiyan. When Kale fused with Caulifla their stature was more toned than Miss Universe huge, it creeps me out. That was why I waited to have them fused. While in their normal state though, they are quite petite, Caulifla is 5'1 and Kale is 5'2. I believe that they share he same trait as the Saiyan women of Universe 7 because I have yet to see a taller one.

The more they attacked the more I felt them up. Not every touch was sexual though. I felt to see where they can work more and what they were doing too much of. It didn't take long for them to start getting mad.

Caulifla: You bastard! We are not yours yet, don't go feeling us up! HHAAAAA!!!

Both Caulifla and Kale backed away and started firing Ki blasts at me. They still couldn't hit me but it was fun watching them try while embarrassed. Because they were blasting everywhere I finally moved from my spot.

Sage: At least you acknowledge that eventually you'll both be mine. I can tell that the both of you have been training though. Those well toned bellies, your supple asses, your tender skin and even your breasts have gotten bigger since the last time I saw you girls.

When I told them that they got angrier. Caulifla went into her Super Saiyan form as did Kale. I found it surprising that she didn't lose her reasoning but since her hair was still blonde and not green then it made sense. I took the fighting into the sky so that no accidental blasts hit the planet.

Sage: Come on girls! At this rate you might as well undress yourselves. Come at me!

Caulifla: Asshole! You don't understand a warrior's pride! The moment you held us and kissed us, you made us confused, you made me confused!

Sage: All I did was treat you like women. (Said while flicking away their attacks). Why would that hurt your pride much more than losing a fight?

Kale: Nee-san and I have been together for a long time. We were never treated like the way you treated us. I've never felt so confused. What did you do to us?

Haha what can I say? Am I too charming or are they too innocent when it comes things other than fighting? Either way they are not exhibiting much power, just barely any just to keep their Super Saiyan form up. I guess being treated nicely or as a member of the opposites sex that legitimately wants them is a new experience for them. Being stronger than the king of Sadala and Kale being stronger than both but hides it, Caulifla may have followers or admirers but none may have tried to woo her or Kale, maybe not in the way it mattered. Their attacks were too weak for them be angry so I let them hit me. Whatever they felt was more of an inner turmoil between being a warrior and a woman. I never got their exact age but I know they are more likely in their early 20's. Love or feelings of liking someone is new to them.

Sage: Ladies, if I did do something how could I have done that with a simple kiss?

Caulifla & Kale: We don't know!!

Caulifla and Kale were on my chest looking as if they were hitting me when in reality they were just holding on to my shirt. Trembling out of fear, not from an opponent but the fear of confusion. To ease that fear I held them close, but tightly enough to not let them get away. At first they were thrashing but not a substantial amount. I brought them closer to me and kissed them one by one. After that their thrashing stopped and they just stared at me with expectant eyes. I couldn't be rough and ravish them, because they will assume the worst. I floated down and asked Caulifla where her bedroom was, after slight hesitation she pointed it out to me. Once there I undressed them slowly showing no rush.

After a couple of hours of first time hot sex I woke up in the morning with Caulifla and Kale in each arm, their heads on my chest and their naked bodies wraped on my sides and legs. It reminded me of the nights I spent with Mei and Tsunade, which reminds me I have to go back home to get me some more.

I wasn't going to be an asshole and leave them so I waited until they woke up. Once they woke up they didn't know what to say or do. I suggested breakfast, which they didn't refuse. I cooked for them and they found the meal extremely to their liking. I stayed for a few more days, had sex within those days and also trained within those days. I told them that I needed to get back and now that I know where they are it would be a breeze for me to return.

In a way the both of them had the personalities of both Hyuga Hinata. Kale had the original story line personality where she is shy while Caulifla had the alternate, which is the current version, where she freely speaks her mind and acts upon it. I kissed them good bye and traveled back to universe 7 Earth.

When I arrived I saw Goku and Vegeta heading to Satan's house. I always hated the name Hercule, good thing it was an American version of his name. I flew with Goku and Vegeta to Satan's house to see who had the nerve to kidnap Buu. When we got there we saw the Galaxy Patrol symbols on their person. This was the beginning of the Moro arc.