Chapter 172: Bunny and Dragon

I sat Indian style on the edge of the building overlooking the fight scene between Mirko and some random criminals. I didn't necessarily have to fight to drain energy, I could just collect it after she is done but it would be better if I did take their energy before they are beaten down. If I drain them while they are defeated I lose out on more energy and could possibly kill them. Mirko is not known for being gentle, so she will beat the shit out of them.

I saw that the criminals were calling out for back up. Like insects, they were swarming around Mirko, some were even carrying weapons. I jumped down and landed as silently as I could, I flashed to the back of the swarm of criminals and began to drain them. Like flies, they began to drop. The more I drained the further my reach. I drained all the criminals surrounding Mirko to the point of them collapsing. I realized then and there why Moro drains the entire planet with its inhabitants, because draining them like this is very inefficient. Mirko looked at the enemies before her falling to the ground without even touching them, then looked at me. She was not wary of my presence there, the look she gave was one of confusion. I put my hands in my pockets and simply strolled through the fallen bodies of the criminals as I smiled at her.

Sage: Just passing through.

It seemed that she snapped out of her confusion because she ran after me and threw a round-house kick towards my head. I fake sneezed and slightly bent my body forward, completely dodging the kick by a small margin.

Sage: Must be cold out today, the wind sure is blowing.

Again she kicked out but with the other leg. I bent down quickly like I was pretending to pick something up…

Sage: Must be my lucky day, 500 yen!

With a swipe of her leg, Mirko missed again. As she tried to ready herself for another attack I flashed behind her and whispered close enough so she can feel my breath on her ear…

Sage: You know, (Her eyes widened) it's very rude to attack someone for no reason.

Mirko jumped away from me and took a fighting stance…

Mirko: Who are you? How did you dodge my attacks? What did you do to those criminals?

Sage: So you admit to attacking me first?

Mirko: Answer me!

Sage: No introduction? Just attack first and interrogate later huh?

Mirko: I find it hard to believe that you do not know who I am, I am the Rabbit Hero, Mirko.

Sage: I'm new in town and received my temporary hero license today. I'm Sarunokami Sage. (Showed the paperwork)

Mirko: So you're a hero as well. No wonder I didn't recognize you. What did you do to the criminals back there?

Sage: Just drained them of energy.

Mirko: Interesting power, but that doesn't explain how you dodged me.

Sage: Easy, it just means you are too slow.

Obviously Mirko didn't like the answer and stomped the ground hard enough to crack it. When she did that the police finally arrived to haul away the drained criminals. When the sirens were heard people gathered, I blew a kiss at her before slipping away within the crowd. I flashed away back to the top of Tokyo Tower to sense around for more energy to drain. After sensing some malice from a different direction from Mirko's, I flashed near the location where the malice came from. When I arrived, the surroundings were already damaged and in the middle of it was a woman in a Chinese dress. It looked like the Dragon Hero, Ryukyu.

I am either a pussy hound, giggity, or I'm just good at finding women. The enemy she was fighting was a minor villain but a villain none the less. From what I saw, the villain, by himself, had as much or maybe a little more than the group I drained with Mirko. I immediately jumped down and flashed behind the villain. I put my hand on his right shoulder and drained him into fainting.

Ryukyu: Who are you?! What did you do?!

Sage: I told him to lay down and he did, like a good boy.

I tried to open my pocket dimension but only a flicker came out. Fuck! Not enough energy. I will have to meditate and hope the planet allows me a bit it's energy. I do not want to drain the planet forcefully because of the repercussions of the negative impact I can receive. Either that or hunt down All for One, killing him in the process. I didn't realize how much energy it took to open a pocket dimension, even if it is small enough to fit a few beans through.

Ryukyu: Hold it! For suspicious actions and with my authority as a Pro Hero, I am detaining you!

Sage: This (Shows temp. license) is my temporary license. It tells you my identity.

Ryukyu: I am still bringing you in.

Sage: (With a grin) You can try but you will have to make me. And trust me, you don't want this fight.

Ryukyu: We will see about that.

Ryukyu was attacking despite me having proof of who I am so taking some energy from her shouldn't be a problem. Like Mirko, her attacks hit nothing but air. I wanted to test where my power was and there was no better opponent since she can transform to a dragon and can take hits, to an extent.

Sage: (While dodging her flurry of attacks) Since you didn't care about my identity papers and proceeded to attack me, I assume you are prepared to be hit back, right?

Ryukyu: Like you said, you can tr…

Boom! A short left jab dug deep into her stomach, causing vomit and spittle to leave her mouth. She reeled on the floor from the pain. I felt bad thinking she can take it. I bent down…

Sage: Breathe slowly.

I put my hand on her back and began draining her, even though it should be the other way around, haha. She had 5 times more energy than the villain and other criminals I took energy from. I got a little excited that I had enough energy now but I caused her to faint and I stopped immediately. I picked her up and tried to carry her to a nearby clinic princess style until Mirko showed up.

Mirko: Hey! Put her down, now!

Sage: She fainted. I was just seeking help for her.

Mirko: Liar! If you were a normal Hero theres no way you would be at my location then here in less than 10 minutes.

Sage: (Thinking to myself) I forgot she was a battle junky. (To Mirko) I'm just trying to help, if you wanna stop me you are welcome to, but, know that I will fight back this time.

Mirko: (Licked her lips) I was counting on it.

I smiled inwardly as Mirko leapt to me. I used my tail to hold on to Ryukyu as I dealt with Mirko. Every time Mirko made a wide kick towards me I would slap that legs ass cheek and by the time she realized that her kicks were what I was aiming for she stopped kicking completely. By the time the local law enforcement came to put the villain away, Mirko's ass was swollen with two distinct hand prints.