In my past life, most types of beasts in the city were rats. The next most common were dogs and cats, mostly house pets which turned. In a borough like Manhattan where the whole city is filled with skyscrapers with next to zero trees the most animals who live there are pigeons and rats as well as pets, the others are mostly food which could be brought in live. As well as animals that are locked up in Zoos.
So the places which I should search for animals are mostly in the sewers and the zoo's so pets stores and animal hospitals.
The dungeon possibly helps capture the sewer rats and help tame them while I only need my men to capture the unmutated animals on the streets.
Right now I have a team of 53 people whom I could trust. But only 40 of them are going to be able to actively go out and fight the Zombies the remaining 13 are Doctors so there a support kind of job.
These 40 men are people who stayed with me through the first day of the apocalypse so they know what I can do. Due to that, they are less likely to betray me. While the rest of the 150 or so people are just people whom we picked up along the way.
Therefore I'm going to use the most effective method of training soldiers in the apocalypse. Forming good old teams.
I'm going to form teams of 5. In each team, I'll have 1 member I can trust, while the remaining 4 will be civilians. I'll hand each one of them a gun but give each of the team captains a Steel Armor which I bought from the DP store. These Steel armors have a special skill which is an energy shield. The armor itself is also able to withstand physical attacks below Tier 1, the people with me also killed quite a few Zombies along there way here with me so their stats should also be higher than the civilians here so the chance of the group of 4 being able to beat the captain is low. So unless some civilian awakens his power and wishes to kill the captain the teams shouldn't have any problems.
I'll use collective punishment on each team.
I'm going to give out punishment to the team which is in the last place of doing a certain task I'm about to give them.
I'll also make a point system which they can use to exchange for equipment and food. This type of organization method should last until the team grows into the thousands. So, for now, let go with this.
I hand each of the Captains an AR-15 which is a fairly high powered gun, this will be their main arm. I also give each of them 1 shotgun, 1 handgun, 5 pocket knives, 1 Riot Shield, 1 Molotov and a lighter.
The captain can do as they see fit with the equipment I pass down to them. There are only 3 guns total so it means that two of the 5 squad members will have to go at the Zombies empty-handed.
This will motivate all the team members to work hard to not be the person in their team to be without an arm.
What a great idea right!? It's not because I don't have enough guns to pass down to each of them! I'm just trying to motivate them to strive harder and be stronger!
Although I am low guns and ammo.
I only took all the guns in a police armory after all.
If I was to pass each team 5 guns then I really might not have enough guns for each of them.
But by lowering the number of guns I give them I help motivate all the team members to work harder to strive to get a gun.
Am I not a genius!?
I'll put the remaining 34 handguns on the points exchange menu along with ammunition so when a team gets enough points they can exchange them for points to help arm up there remaining members.
This also means if they don't strive to get points then at least a couple of teams won't be able to get another gun if they were all to be taken away.
I still have some heavier guns but I won't put those on the Exchange menu for those will be for War preparation use.
I'll price each of the Guns at hmm... 1,000 PT?
Yeah, let's go with that for now. If I was to chance upon a gun store or another police station then I would be able to get more but for now, this is good.
Wait I think there is a police station nearby in Chinatown if I remember correctly.
It's been a couple of years so I'll search the net later to find where it is.
But for now, I'll form these teams.
I hand each of my men all the equipment I mentioned before and had them pick the people they wanted on there team first, they were all to pick 2 people first. The remaining 2 will be given to them randomly, meaning the ones who are randomly given to them are likely to be the ones who will be without a gun.
I let the officers pick first for they were with me the longest and they have the most experience in picking men and they naturally picked the fittest looking and buffest people. The truck drivers also picked the remaining next best option.
The people that remained were the fat people, the skinny people, women, and children.
People naturally have a bias towards those whom they consider stronger. They also naturally have a stereotype towards those who are weak.
I first pass out the children for they are going to be the weakest link. I pass them to all the stronger teams which are the teams with the officers for because they had first picked on the strongest link they should naturally have the first pick on the weakest link. Each get a single child aged around 13- 16.
Children small then they are of course not going to be part of the list of people who will be fighting for they'll be too weak to fight off zombies and will be more of a nuisance than a help.
I then split the 3 remaining groups of unwanted people evenly among the teams and there we have it, 38 teams of 5.