When was I a threat ?

I wandered down the path, as I looked around I noticed that there were carriage tracks, this was most likely a stolen carriage from the group earlier. As I was walking, I decided to multi-task and read through the 'Book of Sorcerery by Zero' while walking since it was a very straight forward path.

As I read through, I noticed the excessively long spell names, one such example was, 'God of fire, denounce me with magic that is able to purge the wretch off this earth, I command you, the mage of fire!' , I thought of it as unnecessarily long, so I decided I would try it out later to see why it was so long and you denounced yourself. Perhaps this would raise the power of the spell?

As I was walking and reading, I bumped into something, as I looked up. I could see it clear as day, the halted back of a carriage that I had just walked into. Then I backed up only to feel something on the back of my neck, as I turned around, I noticed that I had a guard on each side of me and a carriage now behind me, and three swords to my neck.

So I quickly thought with the world slowing further the harder I thought, what do I do in this situation? Do I try and speak my own common tounge to test what they speak, but they will most likely speak first in questioning so I will learn there common tongue, playing all my cards early is not something I wish to do.

Therefore I decided to calm down and let the scene play out, that's when I heard it, " Sir, you are currently under restraint by the order of The Sun Empire Imperial Guard, state your name and intentions and proof of identity, or you will be cut down. ". I had it, they're of an empire called the sun empire, it is most likely located along this road somehow, either this is a secret path that the empire uses or they just don't understand that people can be on the same path without bad intentions, or there overprotective, too many possibilities to narrow down a proper response.

I slowly said, " I'm a... traveller..of the.. world ".

They quickly were estranged at my response, most of them thought probably thought I was mentally impaired for my speech was slow and melancholy. A soldier who had what seemed to be superior quality armor, so I assumed the leader replied, " If you are a traveler, then that is alright, but you must still identify yourself. ", I quickly thought, I don't have a name and I don't want to be an idiot and make up a bad name right now, so I must play it with strength, " I... shall not give you... theign name... ".

The captain tried intimidating me, for some reason, it didn't work, it even felt a bit... pitiful. I then tried releasing my own intimidating aura as he did, and I think it worked... too well. As soon as I did that, they had all jumped back, they all readied their swords, but I could see it, there wasn't even a slight quiver, you know why? Because the quiver was obviously noticeable, there was nothing slight to it! I could hear someone trying to rush out of the carriage, and just as I heard the door open. A man in green robes lined with gold rims burst out and kneeled before me. I was confused to say the least, but this man was probably also a mage, and sense whatever race I am seems to be deeply integrated with magic, my aura is probably more powerful the more you can sense magic power.

As soon as he kneeled, I decided to act as if I knew what I was doing, or they might take advantage of me behind the scenes and intice me with a pleasing temporary offer until they can handle me. " Tell... identities... why you threaten... where am i... ". The mage was temporarily startled by my way of speaking but adapted unusually quick, I assume as to not insult me. He then said, " We can talk over anything you ask m'lord, the carriage is soundproof and I assure it is a leisure ride that has no bumps, please do join me. " I decided that this was a good offer as I was just a random stranger, obviously powerful magic is respected in this world, or at least, on this continent.

As soon as he said that, the guards lowered their swords and quickly hed to the front of the carriage, to show their respect and to, hide there quivering limbs from the man in green. I walked with the green-robed man into the carriage, and the moment I stepped in, it didn't look wooden like it did on the outside. Compared to the basic and almost skinny frame like the build of the outside (A/N: It's just old west carriage) it was currently looking lavish with purple cushion seats and what appeared to be gold frames for the carriage seats. I took a seat on the opposite side of him, where a little girl sat with him, I assumed this is either someone hes escorting, or his relative.

I was about to speak when, " Uh sir, I'm sorry for the guard's mistreatment of you, I understand a traveler like you does not like being stopped in his path of research and travel. ", I then replied, " No.... it is.. protocol.., do not... plead for... forgiveness... ". The girl obviously noticed my strange speech, and just like all children do, they weren't stopped by there instincts but instead driven by there curiosity. She then asked me, " Mister, why do you speak so weird? " Almost immediately the man in the robes covered the little girls mout hand pleaded his head forwards, I didn't understand the head forward notion but assume in this culture it was a way to say sorry.

I then started to explain.