Two Sides of The Same Coin

So I just wanted to give you all a quick heads-up about it. So I was heavily inspired by the drama HIStory3: Trapped. Honestly, after finishing the drama I became obsessed with the idea and premise of a cop and a mobster falling in love so here we are. I just wanted to clarify that I do not mean to copy nor rip-off anything from the drama and that there will obviously be some similarities. I will try to not make the stories too similar as the plot progresses, but if it starts becoming way too similar please let me know so I can improve on myself.

(Also I don't know if I want to put a mature rating on this just yet, since I'm not 100% on how I want this to play out buuuut there is cussing so...yeah)

(Original picture used for the cover is not mine. I simply edited and played with photoshop on the original image which was taken by photographer Brent Chua)


"At least we're not-"

"Don't," Jian let out a low fuming sigh, his chiseled jaw clenched tight. At the moment he was conflicted as to whether he should stew in his frustration or soothe his temper so he wouldn't let out a slew of curses towards the man strapped to the chair behind him. The cold, slightly damp back room of some godforsaken abandoned factory only adding salt upon Jian's annoyed wounds. "Why does it seem like anytime you're involved, my life seems to become much more difficult?" He opened his jaw wide moving it from side to side, adjusting it to his liking after the punch he received. A bright red bruise tarring his usually pristine face.

"How is this my fault!?" Westly let out a huff. Even without seeing him, Jian knew that there was an obvious pout on the other's lips. "Do you think I enjoy being strapped to a chair with you Mr. Tall Dark and Grumpy…" Westly grumbled under his breath. "Anyways, because we got captured we found out that someone else is running the shots of this drug ring and that he has someone infiltrated in the Yamadachi's. If anything, I'm your lucky charm, hmmmmm?" Jian scoffed at the obvious prideful tone in Westly's voice. Like a puppy waiting to receive a treat.

-2 weeks ago-

"Le, you're going undercover." Captain Park casually announced in the disastrously organized bullpen of Division 9, not even sparing a glance towards Westly as he went through his papers.

"What!? No way, Cap! You know I hate stuff like that?" Westly shot up from behind his piles of paperwork in protest.

"Yah! You're the one that has been nagging me non-stop like a mother-in-law to get you off desk duty!"

"But not like this! Last time I went undercover, a grandmother beat me with her purse thinking I was some weird pervert! Can't Garcia do it?" Westly shot his eyes at Garcia, who simply put her hands up in surrender and spun back in her chair to face her desk. She wanted nothing to do with the quarrels between Captain and Detective Le. It was already bad enough having to listen to them.

"No, she can't. You wanted fieldwork so here you go. Do you even remember why you were suspended from fieldwork in the first place?" Captain began rubbing his forehead in exasperation. He could already feel the wrinkles beginning to form on his forehead. The phrase Asians never raisin had apparently not encountered a Westly Le, cause the detective was definitely making the Captain raisin. Westly went silent, crossing his arms and mumbling under his breath, reluctant to reveal the answer. Captain ran his palm over his face before going into his office, only to return to the bullpen with a stack of papers, dropping them on Westly's desk. "These jog your memory?" Captain went through the papers one by one. "Complaints about trespassing. Harassment. Disturbing the peace!" He threw the papers back into the large pile. "Do you know how many complaints you have against you from Jian Wang?"

Westly pursed his lips, his eyes now staring at the floor. "32…"

"And how many apology letters have you written?"



"I mean, I'm working on it…" Westly nervously chuckled.

"Westly, I know you. You're exactly like Scotty. And that's a good and a bad thing. I can't let you loose on fieldwork if all you're gonna do is chase after Jian Wang. We're the major crimes unit, our job is to arrest criminals, not stalk them like some fanboy." Captain sighed, rubbing his temples.


"I know you want to understand what happened 2 years ago…" Captain's firm demeanor relaxing for just a moment. The mood of the room began to shift from hectic chaos and a heavy somber cloud hung over the room. Westly immediately tensed at the mere mention of the incident. "We all do. As you much as you and I don't want to admit it, the evidence showed that Scotty was trying to procure drugs from Ouroboros's leader Zemin"

"We don't know that! I was there, there was no way that Scotty-"

"You were passed out with blunt force trauma to your head," Westly's lips formed a tight line, understanding what Captain was insinuating, which left a bitter taste in his mouth. "Hell, the one that saved you from burning to a crisp along with Scotty and Zemin was Jian, himself. Instead of bothering him, you should let him be. He made it perfectly clear that night that he did not want to cooperate with the police so I don't want you anywhere near him or Oroborous, got it?" Captain walked back into his office, not wanting to continue the argument.

Westly gently caressed the back of his head, feeling the ridges of his scar from that night two years ago. He understood the words leaving Captain's lips. They rung loud and clear. But Westly refused to believe what the evidence had told him. What the passing murmurs and sly remarks of the precincts echoed in his ear. Scotty was no dirty cop. There was more to the story and he knew that the first chapter began with Ouroboros's former leader Zemin and who would know more about him than his own younger brother. He was gonna find out the truth no matter if he had to climb trees and jump fences to get to them, not that he has done that already...

"Sucks for you." A tuft of pastel pink chuckled as he popped a lollipop out of his mouth. Westly rolled his eyes, spinning in his chair to face a toothy grinned Katsu. Westly wrinkled his nose at the very fluorescent, rainbow glitter unicorn he called his best friend. The tech analyst being only two years younger than Westly yet nearly a head shorter donned a pair of black loose shorts with neon purple leggings under and an oversized pastel green dinosaur hoodie, spikes and all. The entire ensemble was topped off with supernova style contacts.

"Wooooow, such words of encouragement." Westly snorted, pressing his cheek against his fist that rested on the armrest.

"Only here to help." Katsu flashed a cheeky grin.

"If you want to help, why don't you go undercover for me?"

"Pfft," Katsu nearly spat out his lollipop. "Please, if I went undercover someone would lose their head within 2 minutes. I can't stand dealing with idiots," Katsu scoffed, taking the lollipop out of his mouth and twirling the sugar stick in his hand. "Which is a wonder how I put up with you?" He innocently chuckled.

"I can say the same thing about you, you diabetes monster. Don't come crying to this idiot when you need to be shot with insulin every day." Westly grumbled, stretching himself out of his desk so that his face was smooshed against the cool metal surface of the table.

"Well this diabetes monster has brought you a gift," Katsu plopped a small set of papers on top of Westly's head. "Merry Christmas."

"Satan doesn't bring Christmas presents," Westly snickered as he grabbed the papers, only winning him a smack on the back of his head. "Abusive Gremlin…"

"HMMM?" Katsu dared the other to repeat his words.

"Adorable Grape?" Katsu huffed, satisfied with Westly meager attempt. "What are these anyway? Don't you see I have enough paperwork as it is?" Westly nonchalantly gleaned through the papers.

"Your undercover profile," A devilish grin spread across Katsu's face. "Good luck, bunny boy~" Katsu skipped away gleefully back into his computer haven.

Westly's eyes grew wide in disbelief as the papers staring right back up back him mockingly."I'M A WHAT!?"


The man crumbled on the marble floor with a groan. His hands bound behind his back, one of his eyes bulging from swelling, his face a nice shade of red blue from the bruising, and blood trickled from his bloody lip. Breathing was difficult and his legs practically felt like jelly at this point. In that moment, all of it felt like a prick of the finger in comparison to the pair of cognac eyes piercing through him. A predator waiting to shred his prey until it was nothing left but bones.

"P-please I will tell you anything…just don't kill me." The man on the floor whimpered, fearing the worst was about to come.

The young boss in the dark navy suit casually adjusted his gold Rolex on his wrist, his legs crossed as he sat on his white plush leather couch. It was as if there wasn't a bleeding battered man in front of him, begging for his life. After adjusting the position of his watch and cufflinks, the young boss removed himself from the chair and squatted down in front of the man. The young boss's eyes staring down at the groveling man with a bored expression.

"It's a waste of my time to interrogate you," The young boss simply grabbed the man's chin, harshly tilting it up to ensure that the two were staring eye to eye. "Go back to your boss and tell him that Jian Wang wants to have a little chat," Jian raised one of his hands, his right-hand man tossing him a small square ziplock bag that contained two pastel purple tablets. "About this," Jian waved the bag in his hand before dropping it in front of the groveling man. "Got it?"

"Y-yes!" The man began frantically nodding his head, lowering his head in submission like an animal baring its neck. Suddenly a tight grip wrapped around his throat. His pharynx closing in as fingers pressed into the soft tissue of his neck. Claws ready to rip out his jugular. He looked up, choking on the breath that tried to reach his lungs, to see cold, uncaring eyes glaring back at him.

"I'm saying this once," Jian tightened his grip on the man's neck. "If I catch you selling drugs in my territory again, there won't be a second warning." Jian threw the man back. The drug dealer's body fidgeting on the floor, gasping for air to enter his deprived lungs like a fish out of water. Jian nodded his head in a small gesture, signaling to his men to take the mess on the floor back to where it belonged.

"Going soft? I was expecting a shattered shin or two?" Yuelong snickered, handing Jian a warm towel. The latter taking the towel and wiping his hands. "Without your favorite pup bothering coming to visit maybe you don't have enough aggression built up in you anymore?" Jian turned around shooting him an annoyed expression.

"If you jinx me, I'll let you deal with him next time." Jian scoffed, tossing the towel back to Yuelong.

"Sounds like too much work. Wouldn't want to break a nail." The right-hand man just shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face.

Jian picked up the packaged pills, lifting them up so that the natural light from the windows peered into the cheap plastic bag. Jian's eyebrows furrowed. Marion. What was his brother's relationship to these strange purple pills that had suddenly become prominent on the streets? What was its connection to the incident? Jian scowled, quickly tossing the bag at Yuelong. "Put that in the safe and we'll just wait for the mice to come out and play."


The blaring music bounced off the walls of the dimly lit club right into Westly's eardrums. The multicolored lights flashed against the scuffed dance floor and alcohol reeked pleather seats. The DJ playing some incoherent noise as sweaty bodies ground against each other to the beat. It had been 3 days into his undercover investigation and he already wished he was back to his desk job. At least there he could get some work done and just so happen to 'coincidently' run into Jian while not being in the field. Technically not breaking Cap's rule.

Westly fidgeted in place as he waited for the bartender to complete the order. Internally praying to every deity. God, Buddha, Ronald McDonald, whoever the hell that was listening, to get the job done as soon as possible. He could feel the perverse leers and heated stares fall onto his chest as he continuously adjusted his leather booty shorts so that they weren't so...short. He was fine being a waiter for his undercover job. Hell, he was fine working in what seemed to be basically a gay brothel passing off as a club. What he wasn't fine with was the fact that he was basically stripped! Just like the other waiters in the club, he was dressed in leather booty shorts, long socks, leather shoes, and a collar with a bow tie. He was fortunate that they had granted him a sheer shirt to hide some of his scars, but his nipples were still clearly visible through the dark fabric. He knew that there were going to be perverted stares going on in the club, he just didn't expect them to be pointed at him. If the rest of the division saw him this, he would abandon his name, move to a foreign country, and live his days being an alpaca farmer. He just thanked the heavens that he was still considered too 'new' to be selected for one of the private rooms. Not that he would let it get that far. He'd break the guy's dick first. No more fishies swimming upstream.

"Here, take this to VIP 4. Go in and get out, got it? Boss is having an important meeting there so make it quick." The bartender shot him a warning glare. Westly nodded in compliance, not understanding why the bartender seemed to have a grudge against him and grabbed the tray of colorful alcoholic drinks.

Westly had to admit that despite the humiliation that burned with a passion of a thousand suns, he managed to dig up some information. He already witnessed some strange deals going on in the backrooms of the club among gang members and patrons. He couldn't decipher exactly what the drugs were, but he knew that they were basically date rape drugs, seeing as how some of the patrons liked to twirl them around in some of the staff's drinks. Of course, during those moments Westly would intervene, but he would only be met by either confused or pissed stares as he suddenly swiped the drink from the unknowing victim and the annoyed assailant. His plans were never very thorough, leading to him just holding the drink and not knowing what to do with it. His answer to that? Quickly tossing the thing in whatever direction gravity elected. Fortunately, he was already used to getting yelled at by Cap that he was practically immune when the bartender yelled at him.

"Ya! What are you standing around for!?" The bartender hissed.

"Going!" Westly frantically shouted back as he weaved through the mass of people.


"It seems that you gave one of my boys a bit of roughing up." A waft of smoke emanated from the cigarette of an elderly man dressed in a dark gray suit. The red dress shirt under him buttoned open, flashing his irezumi tattoos. The room was dimly lit with only the color of purple fluorescents filling the room. The couch circled the small round table in front of them, while one side of the couch was pressed up against a small half wall, separating the couch area from the bed. The elderly man leaned back against his plush seat pressed against the half wall, eyeing the young head of Ouroboros that was across from him. Jian was simply sitting back, barely acknowledging the elder's presence as he fiddled with the cuffs of his suit. One would mistaken who the real boss of this meeting was. The elderly yakuza boss couldn't help but let out a 'tch' at the young head's arrogance.

"That tends to happen when others overstep their place." Jian stared intensely into the eyes of the head of the Yamdadachi-gumi. Though Jian's expression appeared calm and nonchalant, the head of one of the oldest yakuza group was no fool. There was venom in those words. The head leaned forward, putting out his cigarette, before resting his chin on his fist and flashed a grin at the other.

"I apologize for my men's incompetence. They will be properly restrained, of course," The head leaned back in his seat, relaxing as he carefully analyzed the young boss's movements and motives. "So it looks like the rumors were wrong that Ouroboros was trying to clean themselves up. Your brother gave us a run for our money, trying to cut ties with the drug trade and ending illegal activities. But then he goes off and sells drugs to the cops, looks like he was all bark and no bite." A smirk couldn't help but grow on the head's face when he noticed the falter in Jian's calm expression. A tinge of burning anger boiling within the younger man.

"New leader, new regime." Jian simply put with a false smile on his face, clenching his hands tightly together. His nails digging into his skin.

"Well said!" The head let out a hearty and amused laugh at Jian's continued act. He knew the younger was fuming on the inside yet couldn't do a thing. It made the head feel good to remind the youngin of his place. "Now you have to understand, young boss, lil Marion isn't easy to come by." The head pulled out the small plastic bag of the same pastel purple pills Jian had confiscated from the Yamadadachi's drug dealer. "If I were to simply give it to you then how would my own business survive hm?" Jian waited silently, knowing that this old man was going to continue his spiel whether Jian liked it or not. "It's nothing personal, young boss, but I got a business to run. So how about this," The head gestured with his two fingers for one of his underlings, who came over with a pen and a slip of paper. "Come back here in a few days. I'm getting a new shipment in. Make the higher bid and we can start thinking about-what would you call it- a partnership." The head scribbled something on the slip of paper before handing it to Jian. Jian took the scrap and gave it a glance before handing it to Yuelong who stood quietly behind him.

"In a few days then." Jian sipped on his water in agreement with the other's terms.

"Great, great!" The head chuckled at the prospect of achieving another high-paying customer, plus gaining ties with the Ouroboros group was going to work in his favor. "Let's celebrate our new possible business deal, no?" The door to the VIP room clicked open. "Perfect timing!"

Yuelong bit back a bark of laughter as Jian nearly choked on his water. Wide eyes stared at Jian in disbelief, the thought of embarrassment replaced with that of utter shock. Westly quickly looked away, refusing to make eye contact with Jian- the floor had suddenly become highly entertaining -as he went through the automatic motions of distributing drinks. Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind. First, where was the nearest hole where he could crawl in and die? Second, why was Jian here of all places? The one time the detective didn't want to meet the mob boss. Jian let out soft coughs to recollect his composure that seemed to have been thrown out the window somewhere. It wasn't helping that Yuelong was basically trembling with laughter behind him. If Jian could, he would have elbowed the latter in the gut.

"Here, here drink!" The head heartily cheered as he handed a drink to Jian. The yakuza boss then turned his attention to Westly and eyed him up and down to Westly's dismay. "I haven't seen you around before. I would have definitely noticed someone like you. Not many fit, athletic types," The head leered at Westly and the detective wanted to punch the creep in the face. "Why don't you stick around, eh?" The head gave Westly's butt a violent grope, making the detective jump at the sudden assault. Westly held the girlish scream down in his throat, rubbing his bum before attempting to flee, only to have the head suddenly pull him into the couch. "Why don't we invite some of our boys here? What do you say, young boss?" He grabbed Westly's face and Westly had to hold back the urge to headbutt the bastard. "We have some of the finest merchandise you can get. I am sure we can find someone to your liking."

Westly quickly glanced at Jian, only to see the cold stare of the other. But it wasn't pointing at the yakuza head. Instead, it was pointing directly at Westly. For a moment, Westly had forgotten that his chastity was in danger and boldly stared back at the young boss, his eyes screaming back 'What are you being pissy at me for!?' Jian couldn't help but let a small amused snort at the pup that was baring his teeth even though it was about to be eaten.

"I'm sure you can," Jian let out a slight huff, a half-smile on his face. "But unfortunately, I have other business to attend to tonight as well."

"Ah, the young always so busy," The head finally released Westly, who decided to bolt out of there lest he be molested again. "Then we'll just have a toast to our future cooperation then?" The head lifted up his glass of poison, Jian mimicking the motion, but his eyes were fixated on the man scurrying out of the room.


"I swear I'm filing worker's comp," Westly grumbled, rubbing his bum once more. He swore if there were bruises... He shook his head to remove the distraction from his mind. Rather than his bruised bum, his thoughts should be focused on a certain man's presence. Why was Jian here? Was he making a deal with the Yamadachi group? Was he trying to get a shipment of drugs? Perhaps he was just using the Yamadachi group and planned to double-cross them later? So many possibilities and hypotheses swirled through his mind as he mindlessly mumbled to himself. So into his thoughts that he didn't notice the sudden appearance of a certain man. "Holy Sh-" Westly attempted to yelp when a sudden hand covered his lips and he was suddenly kabedonned against the hallway of the VIP area.

"I knew you were a stalker, but I didn't think you were desperate." Jian's low velvety voice echoed in his ear as piercing cognac eyes met his soft honey ones.

"Pfft, D-don't flatter yourself. I'm not here because of you." Westly swiped Jian's hand away, rolling his eyes to hide the nerves bubbling in his stomach. He would usually have no problem confronting the mob boss. After all, this was Westly. But seeing that he was in a bit of a vulnerable state, he felt like he was a rotisserie chicken under the heated stare of Jian's eyes. It wasn't helpful that Jian was unfortunately undoubtedly attractive. He stood nearly half a head taller and his eyes were sharp like a panther. His jet black hair quaffed up, accentuating his chiseled jaw and cheekbones. His body was toned from all the training and fighting he had to endure as a mob boss and the suit he was wearing was hugging him in all the right places. Westly bit his tongue, refusing to swallow in a gulp, feeling that if he did he would have admitted defeat.

"So then," Jian leaned in closer, slightly amused at how tense and rigid the other had become. "This is simply your hobby." Jian teasingly pulled at Westly's sheer shirt, a smug grin on his face. Jian wouldn't lie and say that the officer wasn't looking quite tempting. Westly's doe honey eyes staring up at him with conviction and resolve, with a mixture of embarrassed anxiety. His soft, dark chocolate textured cropped fringe fitting for Westly's personality. The officer's lean yet tone body on display through the sheer fabric and booty shorts. With the state the usually upright gungho officer was in, it would be a crime not to tease him a bit.

"Y-yah!" Westly instinctively covered his nipples with his hands. "I'll arrest you for sexual harassment!" Westly retorted, fiercely glaring at the other, but with the pout of disapproval on his face and his flushed red cheeks, he was hardly intimidating. "Why are you so curious anyway, hmmm? The more important question is, why are you here?"

Jian automatically retracted himself at Westly's questionings. The playful demeanor immediately flushed away and the stoic expression returning. "It's none of your concern." Jian stood up straight, adjusting the end of his suit jacket.

"Excuse me," Westly stood up straighter, with all the nervousness and embarrassment he had felt, quickly forgotten. "I'm a cop, it is my concern if you're doing something illegal." Westly huffed, slightly shoving the tray in his hands against Jian's firm chest.

"Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours." Jian's tone was short and domineering, his words sounding more like commands than statements. Jian turned on his heel to leave the cop to his own devices.

"Does your business have anything to do with two years ago?" Westly grabbed Jian's wrist, impeding the other from leaving. He could feel Jian's entire body stiffen and turn rigid. "Jian, let me help you. I want to know the truth about what happened as much as you-"

"The truth?" Jian scoffed before fiercely turning around and pinning the hand Westly had grabbed him against the wall. "The truth I know is that my brother is dead and your so-called defender of justice put the bullet in him. If he hadn't shot himself like the coward he was, I would have killed him myself." His voice low and on the borderline of a growl. Despite the anger and hatred emanating from Jian, Westly could also see the hurt and pain in Jian's eyes. The feeling of desperation and loss. He was all too familiar with that look.

"I know Detective Carter, and he would have never bought drugs from your brother or murdered him!" Westly retorted. Though he understood Jian's pain and sympathized with him, Westly was blinded with anger at the accusations towards Scotty.

Jian's eyes pierced into Westly. "His bullet was in my brother's chest and his tox screen showed he was doped up, so tell me, officer, what other evidence do I need?" Jian growled, his voice predatory and his patience running thin. Westly could feel a lump in his throat at Jian's words. He couldn't retort them because they were true. Evidence as plain as day. But he knew it wasn't as simple as black and white. There had to be more. He had to believe that. For his own sanity.

"There's more to it!" The desperation in Westly's voice could be heard. He didn't know if he was convincing Jian or himself at this point. "Your brother was trying to break Ouroboros from the underworld, maybe he was just trying redeem-"

"Don't talk as if you understand my brother." Jian sneered, his boiling anger blinding him from his constricting grip on the officer's wrist. His fingers were digging into the other's skin as if he was searching for blood.

"I understand that he was at least trying to be a good person!" Westly roared back, ignoring the pain he felt in his wrist, the doubt he felt in his heart. "And I know you're a good person too...or else why would you have saved me…" The last part was a mere murmur on Westly's lips. Words meant more for him than anyone else.

"You think I saved you that night because I was a good person?" Jian almost wanted to burst into laughter at Westly's stupidity. Jian leaned in closer, their faces mere inches from each other. Rage filled cognac staring into stubbornly naive honey. "The only reason I saved you that night instead of putting a bullet in your head was because you were the only witness to what happened to my brother. If I had known you'd get damned amnesia then I wouldn't have wasted my time." Jian's words were pointed, cold, like claws dragging down across fresh kill. Westly for once had no words to retort, no argument to bite back. The weight of the atmosphere seemed to have ripped out his larynx.

"Young Boss!" Jian and Westly tore their eyes from each other to see the head of the Yamadachi group walking towards them along with his men and Yuelong. "If you were interested in the new boy, you should have told me. I'm not opposed to sharing." The head chuckled. Westly eyes shifted away at the uncomfortable remark. Yuelong raised a brow at Jian who nonchalantly released his grip on Westly.

"He's not my type," Jian stood up straight once more and walked past Westly who still pressed himself up against the wall. "Barks too much." Jian passively tossed the comment as he walked past the head. Westly's cheeks burned a furious red at the insinuation of that remark. Jian made a quick gesture towards Yuelong to head out, not wanting to stay in this STD infested club for another second.